similar to: high dimensional convex hull

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "high dimensional convex hull"

2001 Sep 22
Finding a 3D convex hull in R
Dear List Members, I'm presently carrying out morphological analysis of a data set of neuronal structures. These are essentially 3D binary trees. In due course I will be trying to use discriminant analysis or other methods to classify these neurons based on morphological variables such as total tree length, segment number etc. I would like to calculate a 3D convex hull for a set of X,Y,Z
2003 Sep 22
Data frame from list of lists
This seems to be a simple problem, and I feel that there ought to be a simple answer, but I can't seem to find it. I have a function that returns a number of values as a heterogeneous list - always the same length and same names(), but a number of different data types, including character. I want to apply it to many inputs, resulting in a list of lists. I would like to turn this list of
2001 Oct 23
No subject
Dear R contributors, I recently dowloaded the R-1.3.1 on my SGi Origin 200 run by Irix6.5. In order to instal it, I launched the command shown below: env MAKE=gmake ./configure The output was as follow:: R is now configured for mips-sgi-irix6.5 Source directory: . Installation directory: /usr/local C compiler: cc -OPT:IEEE_NaN_inf=ON -g C++ compiler:
2009 Nov 24
convex hull for cluster analysis
Dear R gurus and users, I seem to have problem finding the right tool for plotting convex hulls over 2D plots, after a cluster analysis. In fact I would like to draw a convex hull in 2D for a generic group of points. I found a "convhulln", but this doesn't seem to give me a convex hull. Here is what I do: > library(mvtnorm) > Mean <- c(2,1) > Sigma <-
2007 Mar 24
sampling from the unoform distrubuton over a convex hull
Dear list, Does anyone have a suggestion (or better still) code for sampling from the uniform distribution over the convex hull of a set of points? Many thanks and best wishes, Ranjan
2007 Sep 07
Finding convex hull?
Dear UseRs, I would like to know which function is the most efficient in finding convex hull of points in 3(or 2)-dimensional case? Functions for finding convex hull is the following: convex.hull (tripack), chull (grDevices), in.chull (sgeostat), convhulln (geometry), convexhull.xy (spatstat), calcConvexHull (PBSmapping). I also would like to know if there is a function that can be used
2011 Apr 16
Applying interpolation within a convex hull
Hi there, I have been using the Tps function (within the Fields package) for a while now to interpolate different sedimentary units. Due to the method of formation of the units I know that at some edges the thickness of the unit decreases to zero. I was wondering if there was someway to specify that the interpolation only occurs within the convex hull of the data, outside of which the the values
2014 Oct 12
Is xyz point inside 3d convex hull?
Hi everyone, I wonder if there is a code in r that can generate a 3d convex hull from a data-frame containing 3 columns and then use another database with the same three columns and for each row determine if the xyz point is inside or not the convex hull generated with the first database? The package geometry allows to calculate a hull and it's volume. I was planning to calculate the volume
2007 Mar 26
sampling from the uniform distribution over a convex hull
Ranjan Maitra writes: > Does anyone have a suggestion (or better still) code for sampling > from the uniform distribution over the convex hull of a set of > points? This is implemented in library 'spatstat'. If x and y are vectors of coordinates of your initial set of points, library(spatstat) W <- convexhull.xy(x, y) P <- runifpoint(42, W) will compute
1999 Aug 30
convex hulls
Does anybody know if there are functions to: 1. Define a convex hull on a space with more than 2 dimensions? chull just works for a plane. 2. Numerically select elements within a given complex hull. Thanks! Dr. Agustin Lobo Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC) Lluis Sole Sabaris s/n 08028 Barcelona SPAIN tel 34 93409 5410 fax 34 93411 0012 alobo at
2009 Nov 25
Concave hull
Dear friends, Do you know how to calculate the CONCAVE hull of a set of points (2- dimensional or n-dimensional)? is that possible in R? (With a "smoothing" parameter of course). Best, -- Corrado Topi Global Climate Change & Biodiversity Indicators Area 18,Department of Biology University of York, York, YO10 5YW, UK Phone: + 44 (0) 1904 328645, E-mail: ct529 at
2011 Oct 12
reasonable theory?
Before coding this in C, I wanted to test the idea out in R. But I'm unsure if the theory is well-founded. I have a (user-supplied) black-box function which takes R^n -> R^3 and a defined domain for each of the input reals. I want to send some samples through the box to determine an approximation of the convex hull of the function's range. (I'll use the library from
2001 Dec 06
3D spatial statistics
Dear R Users, This is only partly an R question, but I would be very grateful if anyone could offer some suggestions for approaches or packages I could use in R. I have 11 sets of points in 3D (synapses in a region of a fly's brain for 11 different kinds of neurons as it happens); each set has between 80-250 points distributed in an irregularly shaped cloud. I would like to calculate a) a
2009 Jan 17
Concave Hull
Dear Friends, Here is an algorithm for finding concave hulls: Has anyone implemented such an algorithm in R? RSiteSearch('concave hull') didn't reveal one (I think). _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology Postal Address: P.O.Box 400400, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Express Parcels
2001 Feb 05
SVD of complex matrices
Is there a way to determine the SVD of a complex matrix using R? (I'm using v1.0.1 and svd() won't do the trick). I know LAPACK has a function to do this. Thanks -- Ben Stapley Biomolecular Modelling Lab Imperial Cancer Research -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send
2004 Jun 01
qhull in R?
Hi, does anyone know if there is an implementation of qhull ( in R? anyone is planning on it? "Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections about a point, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. It runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. It implements the Quickhull algorithm
2012 Jul 26
precision warning in delaunayn function
Dear R helpers, I try to use the 'delaunayn' function in the 'geometry' package for Delaunay triangulation in 2 dimensions. For the four following points, I get a warning message : > coord=matrix(ncol=2,byrow=TRUE,c(622633,7073452, + 621228,7073517, + 621879,7071762, +
2008 Apr 22
Seqfault, Address 0, track X11() (PR#11231)
Full_Name: Liqun Xing Version: 2.6.2 OS: Solaris 9 Submission from: (NULL) ( When first time launch X11(), it was fine. However, when closed the X11 windon by clicking the close button, or closed it off by command and launched the X11() again, got segfault, and asking for exiting R and other options.
2006 May 02
Concave Hull?
I am modeling a trend surface using trmat and want to trim the resulting matrix to the area enclosed by my real data (i.e., remove all the extrapolated areas). I was using chull and in.chull to calculate the convex hull and change all the other values created by trmat to NA. However, my real data has portions that are slightly concave so chull would give me slivers that are extrapolations from
2012 May 11
Replacements for stdout and stderr guaranteed to be open in all versions of R
I maintain the geometry package, which integrates the Qhull C library ( into R. The Qhull function I hook into requires an open FILE handle as one of its arguments. I had set this file handle to stdout, but now R check NOTEs the presence of stdout, and the CRAN maintainers asked me to get rid of these NOTEs. Including the following defines means the checks are passed on CRAN: