similar to: horsekicks

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "horsekicks"

2012 Aug 21
Entering a table
I'm trying to enter a frequency table manually so that I can run a goodness of fit test (I only have the frequencies, I don't have the raw data). So for example, let's say I want to re-create the HorseKicks table: library(vcd) data(HorseKicks) str(HorseKicks) 'table' int [1:5(1d)] 109 65 22 3 1 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1 ..$ nDeaths: chr [1:5]
2009 Jul 23
goodfit() in vcd package: computation of chi-squared
I have troubles understanding how goodfit() function in the vcd package computes the Pearson coefficient. Can anybody provide more information on the computation? In particular, for HorseKicks data in vcd package, goodfit() yields > oo <- goodfit(HorseKicks,type="poisson",method="MinChisq") > summary(oo) Goodness-of-fit test for poisson distribution
2010 May 26
sequential treatment of a vector for formula
Please pardon the simplicity of this question of biological nature. I'm trying to calculate a statistic, px, the proportion of a cohort that survives through the interval x:x+1. I have the vector from which the calc is to be made but I can't figure out how to tell R to take the current value and divide it by the next value. The formula is P0=L1/LO The following is an example of the
2006 Feb 27
Different deviance residuals in a (similar?!?) glm example
Dear R-users, I would like to show you a simple example that gives an overview of one of my current issue. Although my working setting implies a different parametric model (which cannot be framed in the glm), I guess that what I'll get from the following example it would help for the next steps. Anyway here it is. Firstly I simulated from a series of exposures, a series of deaths (given a
2011 Jul 09
Basic vector logic not working
I am interning in a computer science lab and I'm very new to R. The language basics are clear, but this particular problem isn't: I have a very large dataframe called "data" which holds data from Halo matches. I'm trying to analyze a certain window such that data$deaths>20 and data$deaths<=27. When I enter the line kills = data$kills[data$deaths>20] or any single
2009 Sep 01
Basic population dynamics
Hello, For insect mortality data I'm trying to get an R script that will take the data from the raw form and convert it to Lx (% survival) for a number of treatments. The raw data has the number of days lived for each individual for the respective treatment. Thus, for example, when R selects the data for a single treatment I end up with the following vectors: >day=seq(from=0,to=6)
2004 Jan 01
Barplot errors in MASS script
Reading "Modern Applied Statististics with S" and trying the corresponding examples both in the book and in ../lib/R/library/MASS/script, I'm now trying chapter 4 plotting bars with the following code on a linux box with R 1.8.1: ---------------------- library(MASS) library(lattice) options(echo=T, width=65, digits=5) lung.deaths <- aggregate(ts.union(mdeaths, fdeaths), 1)
2007 May 01
Levels attribute in integer columns created by model.frame()
The following is evidence of what is surely an undesirable feature. The issue is the handling, in calls to model.frame(), of an explanatory variable that has been derived as an unclassed factor. (Ross Darnell drew this to my attention.) ## Data are slightly modified from p.191 of MASS > worms <- data.frame(sex=gl(2,6), Dose=factor(rep(2^(0:5),2)), +
2003 Mar 10
Problem with example(medpolish) in R-devel
Today's R-devel has a problem in `example(medpolish)'. It appears that the `plot.medpolish' method is not available. Here is the output and traceback() after starting `R --vanilla': > library(eda) > example(medpolish) mdplsh> deaths <- rbind(c(14, 15, 14), c(7, 4, 7), c(8, 2, 10), c(15, 9, 10), c(0, 2, 0)) mdplsh> dimnames(deaths) <-
2011 Jul 24
Histogram of a dataframe subset failing
Like most help forum users, I'm very new to R. I've been having this problem: I started with a dataframe called fullData. With the subset command, I split it into two separate dataframes, soloData and teamData. The hist() function works when I use... hist( subset(fullData, fullData$playlist_id==4 )$deaths) ...the exact call to subset() that I used to create each dataframe. However,
2009 Nov 14
formatting dates in axis labels (ggplot2)
I'm having trouble figuring out how to format Date variables when used as axis labels in graphs. The particular case here is an attempt to re-create Nightingale's coxcomb graph with ggplot2, where I'd like the months to be labeled as "Mar 1885", "Apr 1885", using a date format of "%b %Y" applied to label the dates, or really anything other than
2011 May 26
Survival: pyears and ratetable: expected events
Dear all, I am having a (really) hard time getting pyears to work together with a ratetable to give me the number of expected events (deaths). I have the following data: dos, date of surgery, as.Date dof, date of last follow-up, as.Date dos, date of surgery, as.Date sex, gender, as.factor (female,male) ev, event(death), 0= censored at time point dof, 1=death at time point dof Could someone
2006 Jul 21
Parameterization puzzle
Consider the following example (based on an example in Pat Altham's GLM notes) pyears <- scan() 18793 52407 10673 43248 5710 28612 2585 12663 1462 5317 deaths <- scan() 2 32 12 104 28 206 28 186 31 102 Smoke <- gl(2,1,10,labels=c("No","Yes")) Age <- gl(5,2,10,labels=c("35-44","45-54","55-64","65-74","75-84"),
2008 Mar 31
[LLVMdev] Additional Optimization I'm Missing?
Hello, I'm working on using the LLVM JIT for a little project of mine, amazing work first off! I have a question about optimization passes. I initially have this function I've created, in python it looks like this: OS_end = 50OS_start = 0OS_timestep = 1birth_rate = .3population = 30.0for time in range(OS_start, OS_end, OS_timestep): births = birth_rate * population deaths = 0.1
2009 Oct 09
svy / weighted regression
Dear list, I am trying to set up a propensity-weighted regression using the survey package. Most of my population is sampled with a sampling probability of one (that is, I have the full population). However, for a subset of the data I have only a 50% sample of the full population. In previous work on the data, I analyzed these data using SAS and STATA. In those packages I used a propensity weight
2001 Mar 21
LR-based CIs for GLMs
We are using glm() to models to counts of deaths due to rare causes using a log link and Poisson error distribution, with population as the offset. Approximate confidence intervals for the parameter estimates are easy to calculate using a standard normal deviate, but obviously when the counts of deaths are small (which is why we are using Poisson regression), these intervals are very approximate
2006 Sep 20
Poission distribution
The expected number of bladder cancer over next 20 years a tire industry is 1.8. Poission distribution is assumed to hold and 6 reported deaths are caused by bladder cancer among the employees. Trying to find how unusual this event is. > ppois(q=6, lambda=1.8, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) [1] 0.9974306 not sure if ppois is the right one to use and the parameters... thx much
2004 Nov 10
Additions to the datasets package?
I have posted, at image (.rda) files, and first stabs at .Rd files for various data on deaths in London from 1629 to 1939. (There are of course gaps.) The sources (Guy 1882 & Stocks 1942) are documented in the .Rd files: (1) poxetc: measles, smallpox & total deaths: 1629-1881 [I have deliberately left several inconsistencies that were in
2010 Jun 21
using table and tapply?
Dear R People: Here is a little section of a data frame: > zzz[1:10,] DATE GENDER AGE Co DEATH1 3945 2009-04-16 M 24 Botulinic 23 3851 2009-04-16 M 35 Constitutional 23 8495 2009-04-16 F 49 Constitutional 27 10967 2009-04-16 F 47 Constitutional 28 11164 2009-04-16 F 26 Constitutional 28 15220
2005 Feb 02
(no subject)
can you recommend a good manual for R that starts with a data set and gives demonstrations on what can be done using R? I downloadedR Langauage definition and An introduction to R but haven't found them overly useful. I'd really like to be able to follow some tutorials using a dataset or many datasets. The datasets I have available on R are Data sets in package 'datasets':