similar to: changing the magnification of axis annotation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "changing the magnification of axis annotation"

2007 Mar 16
Can I scale the labels in a 'persp' graph?
Hi all: I'm using 'persp' for 3D graphics. I need the axis's labels smaller than by defect. I see in 'help()', the information about 'par()'. I have wrote: >par(.....,cex.axis=0.5,cex.lab=0.5) perspc(.................) and the result don't change. The question is: Can I change the size of labels in the perps graph?? Thank you in advance: /salva
2007 Mar 16
Can I scale the labels in a 'persp' graph?
Hi all: I'm using 'persp' for 3D graphics. I need the axis's labels smaller than by defect. I see in 'help()', the information about 'par()'. I have wrote: >par(.....,cex.axis=0.5,cex.lab=0.5) perspc(.................) and the result don't change. The question is: Can I change the size of labels in the perps graph?? Thank you in advance: /salva
2010 Jul 07
Boxplots over a Scatterplot
Hello- I'm new to R, coding and stats. (Oh no.) Anyway, I have about 12000 data points in a data.frame (dealing with dimensions and geological stage information for fossil protists) and have plotted them in a basic scatter plot. I also added a boxplot to overlay these points. Each worked fine independently, but when I attempt to superimpose them with add=true, I get a different scale for
2002 May 29
Why is.integer() doesn't work with single values?
Hi all, I don't understand the behavior of is.integer(): > x <- integer() > is.integer(x) [1] TRUE > x <- 10 > is.integer(x) [1] FALSE > x <- 1:10 > is.integer(x) [1] TRUE Why is.interger() returns FALSE if x has only one element? And how can someone check if x is an integer but contains only one value? (R 1.5.0 on Linux i386) Thanks, Sven
2003 Jan 14
How to change the label position in axis() ?
Dear R People, I'm working on a plot function to produce the graph shown below. One of the features my supervisor does not like is that the labels in the Y- axix are shown vertically. Is there a way to change that to horizontally ? This is the axix() function I used : axis(2,at=seq(nstrat),labels=snames) The labels (snames) are: SEV1:HU:C, SEV1:MU:C, SEV1:MU:L, SEV1:RT:C and SEV1:RT:L,
2001 Jul 26
replacing values in a vector
Hi all, there is a vector v with several NAs. I want to create a new vector n of the same length as v and the same NAs as in v and tried this: n <- vector(length=length(v), mode="numeric") replace(n, which(, NA) but this does't work, all values in n are 0. What went wrong? Thanks, Sven -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
2002 Mar 13
Hello! I use the version 1.4.0 for Windows. I have made boxplots but only half of the symbols (three letters each) show up on the X-axis? How t can one change their size or orientation so that all show up? I attach the pdf file to illustrate better the problem. Regards Martin Martin Lascoux Department of Conservation Biology and Genetics Evolutionary Biology Center Norbyv?gen 18D 75236
2003 Aug 27
How to test a model with two unkown constants
Hi all, suppose I've got a vector y with some data (from a repeated measure design) observed given the conditions in f1 and f2. I've got a model with two unknown fix constants a and b which tries to predict y with respect to the values in f1 and f2. Here is an exsample # "data" y <- c(runif(10, -1,0), runif(10,0,1)) # f1 f1 <- rep(c(-1.4, 1.4), rep(10,2)) # f2 f2 <-
2001 Jun 13
Maybe OT: large fonts in eps-figures
Hi there, if I copy an x11() graphics device to an eps-file (with dev.copy2eps()) the font in the legend is very large and doesn't fit to the legend box in the eps-file (same with a postscript file). I'm not sure if this is a R problem rather than a ghostscript one. But is there a way to solve this problem in R or depends this on my ghostscript installation? System: R Version 1.2.3 on
2002 Sep 18
comparing elements in a vector
How about -- d is a vector as you described it, then define d1 <- d[1:(length(d)-1)] d2 <- d[2:length(d)] d3 <- d1!=0 & d2!=0 & (d1-d2)!=0 I think d3 is the final vector you wanted. I didn't test it, so I'm not sure my logic is right, but I think this is definitely a path you can take... -----Original Message----- From: owner-r-help at
2001 Jul 09
Error plotting time series
Hi there, when plotting a time series I got this error message: Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : x and y lengths differ In addition: Warning messages: 1: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length in: vx.1[] + (-1) * vx.2[int.rl] vx.1[int.rl] and vx.2[int.rl] have the same length. Does anybody know what the warning message means? Thanks, Sven
2002 Mar 21
Wilks Lamba
Hi all, I can't figure out how to compute Wilks Lambda in a one way repeated measure design. My matrix looks like: > t2.m Blank ECR ENC UEA UED 1 -0.15 0.14 0.16 0.09 0.14 2 0.30 0.08 0.14 0.14 0.14 [...] where each row is a case and the columns are levels of one factor (named trial): > <- manova(t2.m ~ 1) > summary(, intercept=T,
2010 Apr 09
computation of dispersion parameter in quasi-poisson glm
Hi list, can anybody point me to the trick how glm is computing the dispersion parameter in quasi-poisson regression, eg. glm(...,family="quasipoisson")? Thanks &regards, Sven
2000 Apr 10
Newbie: how to calculate group averagege?
Dear R-List, I?m new in R, so I hope my question is not to primitive, but I haven?t found a solution in the R-help. I?ve got a datatframe with 3 factors, called xf (9 levels), yf (9 levels), zf (3 levels) and one variable (rt): > xf yf zf rt > 1 1 1 67 > 1 1 1 56 > 1 1 1 60 [...] > 1 1 2 58 > 1 1 2 61 [...] > 9 1
2000 Apr 13
how convert an array to a matrix?
Dear R-list, is it possible to convert a threedimensional array to a matrix? The array has the form , , -4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -80 1588 NA 1171 NA 1121 NA 852 NA 1580 0 1497 NA 1311 NA 762 NA 1185 NA 1466 80 1960 NA 1257 NA 941 NA 1435 NA 1636 [...] I need a matrix like -80 -4 -4 1588 -80 -3 -4 NA -80 -2 -4 1171 etc. I?ve tried write.table() with no succes:
2001 Jun 01
Read to the end of a stream (package Rstreams)
Hi there, I want to read all data from a binary file (with package Rstreams). I tried the following function (small piece of code): readdata <- function (file) { # open file s <- openstream(file, "read") # read int values while (s$position <= s$size) { readint(s, 1, 2) -> type [...] } return() } and got the following error: > Error in
2002 Oct 09
Large F-value and small P-value
Hi all, I computed a Wilks Lambda Test with manova: > <- manova(df.mul ~ 1, na.rm=TRUE) > summary(, intercep=T, test="Wilks") Df Wilks approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F) (Intercept) 1 0.0002824 393.3 9 1 0.03911 * Residuals 9 --- Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*'
2007 Aug 07
Interaction factor and numeric variable versus separate regressions
Dear list members, I have problems to interpret the coefficients from a lm model involving the interaction of a numeric and factor variable compared to separate lm models for each level of the factor variable. ## data: y1 <- rnorm(20) + 6.8 y2 <- rnorm(20) + (1:20*1.7 + 1) y3 <- rnorm(20) + (1:20*6.7 + 3.7) y <- c(y1,y2,y3) x <- rep(1:20,3) f <- gl(3,20,
2001 May 23
multidimensional list
Hi all, is it possible to create a multidemensional list? Haven't found anything in the list() help page. Thanks, Sven -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !)
2006 May 03
Inverse X'WX matrix from weighted linear regression
Dear list, how can I compute the inverse of the X'WX matrix ("inverse of the weighted sum of squares and crossproducts matrix") from an object of class "lm" from a weigthed linear regression? Thanks, Sven