Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Type III sums of squares."
2003 Mar 06
type III Sum Sq in ANOVA table - Howto?
as far as I see, R reports type I sums of squares. I'd like to get R to
print out type III sums of squares.
e.g. I have the following model:
to get the type III sum of squares for factor1 I've tried
but that didn't yield the desired result.
Could anyone give me a hint how to proceed?
2007 Apr 05
about systemfit
Hello. I am still a newbie in R. Excuse me if I am asking something obvious. My efforts to get an answer through browsing the mailing archives failed. I want to perform an augmented Dickey-Fuller test and to obtain AIC and BIC and to be able to impose some linear restrictions on the ADF regression so as to decide the correct order of autoregression. However I could find no obvious way to impose
2010 Feb 01
Question about interpretation of paired t-tests
hi there,
i have a few questions about the correct interpretation of a paired t-test.
(i don't think that this matters, but I'm using R 2.10.1 on Windows).
to my questions:
i've been using a lot of time about this minor concerns now and I hope
you can help me...
I use one- and two-sided t-tests. My questons are on one side about how
R uses the hypothesis' and the second one
2006 Feb 03
Problems with ks.test
Hi everybody,
while performing ks.test for a standard exponential distribution on samples
of dimension 2500, generated everytime as new, i had this strange behaviour:
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: data
D = 0.0147, p-value = 0.6549
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
2005 Apr 05
Stats Question: Single data item versus Sample from Norma l Distribution
Here's one possibility, assuming muhat and sigmahat are estimtes of mu and
sigma from N iid draws of N(mu, sigma^2):
tStat <- abs(x - muhat) / sigmahat
pValue <- pt(tStat, df=N, lower=TRUE)
I'm not quite sure what df tStat should have (exercise for math stat), but
given fairly large N, that should make little difference.
> From: Ross Clement
> Hi. I have a
2008 Jun 07
Multivariate LM: calculating F-values after calling linear.hypothesis
Dear R users,
I am analyzing several response variables (all scaled to [0;1]) using a
multivariate linear model.
After fitting the model, I set up a hypothesis matrix to test specific
contrasts for these response variables; for example: "a always increases
significantly more than b when regressed against x".
What I am stuck with now is how to calculate the correct F-values (and
2005 Apr 05
Stats Question: Single data item versus Sample from Normal Distribution
Hi. I have a question that I have asked in other stat forums but do not
yet have an answer for. I would like to know if there is some way in R
or otherwise of performing the following hypothesis test.
I have a single data item x. The null hypothesis is that x was selected
from a normal distribution N(mu,sigma). The alternate hypothesis is that
x does not come from this distribution.
However, I
2009 Aug 16
Printing the null hypothesis
Dear R developers,
Currently many (all?) test functions in R describe the alternative
hypothesis, but not the the null hypothesis being tested. For example,
> require(boot)
> data(mtcars)
> with(mtcars, cor.test(mpg, wt, met="kendall"))
Kendall's rank correlation tau
data: mpg and wt
z = -5.7981, p-value = 0.000000006706
alternative hypothesis: true tau is not
2008 Aug 21
Null and Alternate hypothesis for Significance test
I had a question about specifying the Null hypothesis in a significance
Advance apologies if this has already been asked previously or is a naive
I have two samples A and B, and I want to test whether A and B come from
the same distribution. The default Null hypothesis would be H0: A=B
But since I am trying to prove that A and B indeed come from the same
distribution, I think
2008 Aug 09
how to interpret t.test output
# Hi all:
#I got a vector with fish lengths(mm)
# Can someone help me interpret the output of
# a t.test in plain english?
# Based on the t.test below I can say that
# I reject the null hypothesis because
# the p-value is smaller than the the significance
# level(alpha=0.05). What else can I conclude here?
Ho = 36 mm
Ha <> 36 mm
2012 Oct 09
car::linearHypothesis Sum of Sqaures Error?
I am working with a RCB 2x2x3 ANCOVA, and I have noticed a difference in the calculation of sum of squares in a Type III calculation.
Anova output is a follows:
> Anova(aov(MSOIL~Forest+Burn*Thin*Moisture+ROCK,data=env3l),type=3)
Anova Table (Type III tests)
Response: MSOIL
Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F)
(Intercept) 22.3682 1 53.2141 3.499e-07 ***
2011 Oct 25
alternative option in skewness and kurtosis tests?
I have a question about the D'Agostino skewness test and the Anscombe-Glynn
kurtosis test.
agostino.test(x, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
anscombe.test(x, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
The option "alternative" in those two functions seems to be the null
hypothesis. In the output, the
2013 Oct 02
Interpreting the result of a Wilcoxon (Mann-Whitney U) test
Hello everyone,
I'm having some trouble interpreting the results of a Wilcoxon
(Mann-Whitney U) test. Hope you can help.
This is the R script that I am running:
a <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1)
b <- c(1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2)
wilcox.test(a, b, alternative="t", mu=0, exact=FALSE, paired=FALSE) #1st
2007 Jun 16
linear hypothesis test in gls model
Dear all,
For analysis of a longitudinal data set with fixed measurement in time I built a gls model (nlme). For testing hypotheses in this model I used the linear.hypothesis function from the car package. A check with the results obtained in SAS proc MIXED with a repeated statement revealed an inconsistency in the results. The problem can be that the linear.hypothesis function (1) only gives the
2004 May 01
results from t-test
I'm rather new to R, and only just subscribed to the mailing list.
I have run into a strange result in a t-test. The data represents the
the hypothetical differences obtained for a t-test for dependent samples.
All the numeric output looks OK, but the statement that the alternative
hypothesis is accepted seems rather strange.
> data <- c(-6,6,-4,11,6,-3,-12,7,-1,4)
2007 May 18
Hi There,
Using t.test to test hypothesis about which one is greater, A or B?
where A={10,20,30},B={25,30,15}.
My question is which of the following conclusions is right?
#################hypothesis testing 1
h0: A greater than or equal to B
h1: A less than B
below is splus code
2000 Dec 18
Help: StatXact
Help needed!
Has anyone access to StatXact? I just hacked exact two-sided p-values for
rank tests (for package exactDistr, which will move to CRAN/contrib as
exactRankTests soon ;-) and would like to compare the results of my
implementation to that of StatXact. Could someone please calculate the
exact one-sided (both greater and less) and two-sided p-values?
# Data from the StatXact-4 manual,
2006 Sep 13
an error message with 't.test' with R under Unix
Hi list,Could you please help me to explain the following error messages with 't.test' in R Unix 2.1.1? I don't see it in R under Windows (R 2.3.0) or Unix (R2.3.1). Is it really due to the different R versions?Thanks,...TaoUnix session: (R.2.1.1)========================> R.version _ platform x86_64-unknown-linux-gnuarch x86_64 os
2001 Apr 07
Hypothesis test
Dear colleague:
Actually that is what is done.
When using the z-test between proportions in two different groups, or using
chi-squared to test the null hypothesis of equal proportions of two or more
groups, the null hypothesis is that
H0: p1=p2=p3.....=p
where this p is the pooled proportion, the proportion in the summed groups =
in the z-test between two
2007 Jun 27
how to use chi-square to test correlation question
Hi There,
There are 300 boy students and 100 girl students in a class. One interesting question is whether
boy is smarter than girl or not.
first given the exam with a difficulty level 1, the number of the student who got A is below
31 for boy, 10 for girl.
Then we increase the difficulty level of the exam to level 2, the number of the student who got A is below
32 for boy, 10 for girl.