similar to: help in a separate window under linux

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "help in a separate window under linux"

2003 May 24
help output paged in separate window
Hi folks, I use R in X windows on Linux. Normally, I use 'less' as pager, which is fine for scanning through 'help' (or '?') output in the R window itself; the help session is terminated by typing "q", as usual for 'less', and the R window then reverts to the R command line interface. Often, I would like to have the output from 'help' pop up in
2003 May 24
help output paged in separate window
Hi folks, I use R in X windows on Linux. Normally, I use 'less' as pager, which is fine for scanning through 'help' (or '?') output in the R window itself; the help session is terminated by typing "q", as usual for 'less', and the R window then reverts to the R command line interface. Often, I would like to have the output from 'help' pop up in
2003 Feb 19
Help in separate window under X11
Dear R users, Is there the possibitily in R under X11 to get (after typing help(...) command) separate help window, as it is in Windows version? Best wishes, ================================= Dr. Alexey B. Shipunov Section of Molecular Systematics Jodrell Laboratory Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3DS, U.K. e-mail: a.shipunov at
2002 Jan 08
Finding functions in uninstalled libraries
(Many thanks to David Barron & Jonathan Baron for pointing me to 'recode' in the 'car' package). I think I've been told this before, but how do I search for a function/keyword in libraries I don't yet have installed? (ie. on the CRAN site I tried the search engines with "recode" etc., but didn't pick up the car package this way) Stuart Dr Stuart Leask
2003 Jan 31
minor error in documentation of pmax in base (PR#2513)
The documentation says, "pmax and pmin take several vectors as arguments and return a single vector giving the parallel maxima (or minima) of the vectors." I discovered that, if you use a matrix or array instead of a vector, pmax returns a matrix or array, respectively. This makes pmax and pmin much more useful, and should not be left to people to discover on their own! For example:
2004 Jul 24
I wanted to direct packageInfo to a file, so I could add comments, e.g., in MS Word. The following command stored the desired information in an object: mclustInfo <- help(package="mclust") Then "mclustInfo" displays it on my screen. To direct it to a file, I tried the following: sink("mclust.txt") mclustInfo sink()
2001 Nov 15
help.start() works with Mozilla, but not with ESS
In a recent post, I reported that help.start worked with Mozilla, although it had not worked before. I now have discovered the difference. I'm using RH Linux 7.1 and Mozilla 0.9.5 and R 1.3.1. When I tried it before, I had use ESS to start R. If I run R without ESS, help.start() will start the browser (Mozilla), but help(apply), for example, will produce help in ESS but not in the browser.
2008 Feb 25
How to include the documentation of a function in a Sweave document?
Dear R-help, I would like to include the documentation of an R function in an *.rnw document processed by Sweave. Because I'm sharing my *.rnw files with colleagues under Linux and Windows (I'm on Mac OS X), I would like a pure R solution. The naive approach doesn't work, because Sweaving this *.rnw file: -------- tmp.rnw -------- \documentclass{article} \begin{document}
2012 Jun 22
removing NA from a data frame
Removing rows with NAs, using na.omit(), doesn't seem to be working for me. Dataset: > str ( ex10s ) 'data.frame': 2189576 obs. of 5 variables: $ LOPNR : int 58 58 58 58 64 64 64 64 64 64 ... $ DIAGNOS: Factor w/ 173 levels "F20","F200","F2000",..: 128 128 128 128 105 105 105 160 105 105 ... $ X_DATE : int 20060821 20061207 20080102 20090904
2012 Oct 23
How to pick colums from a ragged array?
I have a large dataset (~1 million rows) of three variables: ID (patient's name), DATE (of appointment) and DIAGNOSIS (given on that date). Patients may have been assigned more than one diagnosis at any one appointment - leading to two rows, same ID and DATE but different DIAGNOSIS. The diagnoses may change between appointments. I want to subset the data in two ways: - define groups
2002 Feb 01
ROC curves using R
I did some serach around. It seems that ROC curve computation is not supported on R. Anyone has some leads? Thanks. Jason ===== Jason G. Liao, Ph.D. Division of Biometrics UMDNJ School of Public Health 335 George Street, Suite 2200 New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2688 phone (732) 235-9748, fax (732) 235-9777 __________________________________________________ Great
2002 Jan 07
ESS with Xemacs? [vs. Emacs, slightly off topic]
I decided to try out Xemacs instead of Emacs in Linux (RH 7.2). After doing lots of configuration of Xemacs, I finally discovered a major problem. With Emacs, when I use R, I start Emacs twice (at least), in different viewports, once as emacs -f R and once as emacs myfile.R Then I try commands in the first one, and, when they work (which isn't very often), I cut the command with C-w,
2002 Jan 18
RE: z-scores for different factor levels
Hi Stuart, I often use this small function standardize <- function(x) ( x - mean(x, na.rm=T) ) / sqrt(var(x, na.rm=T)) to standardize variables. You should be able to use this to do what you want by splitting the data frame into sections based on the factor level, using standardize() to create a new variable in each section, then paste the data frame back together. Something like: #
2003 May 23
Fw: write.table only writes the first 256 variables/columns
Thanks. I was "believing" an Excel import of the file - as you say, a re-import into R still has 333 columns. I shall look elsewhere for the cause of the mysterious truncation. Stuart > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Thomas Lumley" <tlumley at> > To: "Stuart Leask" <stuart.leask at> > Cc:
2001 Dec 03
beginner's questions about lme, fixed and random effects
I'm trying to understand better the differences between fixed and random effects by running very simple examples in the nlme package. My first attempt was to try doing a t-test in lme. This is very similar to the Rail example that comes with nlme, but it has two groups instead of five. So I try a1 <- 1:10 a2 <- 7:16 t.test(a2,a1) getting t(18)=4.43, p=.0003224. Then I try to do it
2003 Mar 11
Goodman / Kruskal gamma
The Goodman/Kruskal gamma is a nice descriptive rank-order correlation statistic, often used in psychology. It is nice because it is easy to understand. It takes all pairs of values of each variable and asks whether they are congruent (S+ is the number in the same order for both variables) or discordant (S-, opposite ranking). The statistic is (S+ - S-)/(S+ + S-). It is like tau except for the
2012 Jul 18
'symbols' not plotting correct circle radii
Hi there. I have been plotting some circles using 'symbols', with radii representing my data, but the radii looked incorrect. It seems to happen with a single circle too: Symbols ( 0, 0, circles = 40, xlim = c(-40, 40), ylim= c(-40, 40)) If I put a ruler up to my monitor (technology!) to compare the radius with the axes, the circle isn't radius 40; it is closer to 15... I
2001 Dec 03
Summary on R script editor
Thanks for the advice, folks! Shravan Vasishth <vasishth at> Try pico. There's no substitute for/comparison with emacs, though, IMHO. but just to be sure: you don't have to have ESS to use (x)emacs for editing R scripts. Sven Garbade <garbade at> ESS can be installed via rpm on Mandrake. baron at (Jonathan
2005 Feb 11
Asterisk-MySQL: Not loading voicemail config from MySQL
Folks, I'm trying to get Asterisk to load my voicemail configuration from MySQL. I've followed the instructions at: I restarted Asterisk, but no luck: the voicemail.conf does not get updated. I started with a sample voicemail.conf that I found on the Wiki. Or was it from Voicepulse? I can't remember. For initial testing, I
2001 Jul 09
transitions in R
Hi, All. I'd have a set of data in an array: process <- c( 5 , 7 , 4 , 1 , 4 , 1 , 4 , 1 , 4 , 4 , 1 , 5 , 4 , ...) and I'd like to know the number of transitions in this data. I calculate transitions as the number of times a number follows another number. thus, something like this would be a 1 deep transition: 1 --> 1 : 10% (and actual number of 1 --> 1 occurrences) 1