similar to: Novice User Manual

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Novice User Manual"

2007 Apr 17
Extracting approximate Wald test (Chisq) from coxph(..frailty)
Dear List, How do I extract the approximate Wald test for the frailty (in the following example 17.89 value)? What about the P-values, other Chisq, DF, se(coef) and se2? How can they be extracted? ######################################################> kfitm1 Call: coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + disease + frailty(id, dist = "gauss"), data = kidney)
2004 May 06
Orthogonal Polynomial Regression Parameter Estimation
Dear all, Can any one tell me how can i perform Orthogonal Polynomial Regression parameter estimation in R? -------------------------------------------- Here is an "Orthogonal Polynomial" Regression problem collected from Draper, Smith(1981), page 269. Note that only value of alpha0 (intercept term) and signs of each estimate match with the result obtained from coef( What
2001 Nov 29
ForTran Compiler & use of it in R / S+
Dear [R] members, Can you provide me with the exact URL where can i find ForTran Compilers [ free / commercial / trial / shareware / evaluation copy ] for WINDOWS [ Preferable ] or DOS ; and some source codes of different kind of Statistical calculation making programs made / coded in ForTran ? And how can i use a program (coded in ForTran) in R console ? Can i do it in S+
2003 Nov 17
S Programming
Dear all, I am thinking of writing my own functions in s-plus (or in R). I just know how to work with S-plus / R built-in functions. Therefore, I'm a beginner in S programming. I am looking for some on-line documentation that is well written about "Programming in S language" where control stuctures / loops / vectorization and necessery sequences of S programming are
2004 Apr 05
Selecting Best Regression Equation
Dear all, Does R or S-plus or any of their packages provide any command to form any of the following procedures to find Best Regression Equation - 1. 'All Possible Regressions Procedures' (is there any automated command to perform 2^p regressions and ordering according to criteria R2(adj), mallows Cp, s2- by not setting all the regression models manually), 2. 'Backward
2004 Apr 14
Non-Linear Regression Problem
Dear all, I was wondering if there is any way i could do a "Grid Search" on a parameter space using R (as SAS 6.12 and higher can do it) to start the Newton-Gauss Linearization least squares method when i have NO prior information about the parameter. W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley (2002) "Modern Applied Statistics with S", 4 th ed., page 216-7 has a topic
2007 May 03
Single Title for the Multiple plot page
Dear List, In R we can plot multiple graphs in same page using par(mfrow = c(*,*)). In each plot we can set title using main and sub commands. However, is there any way that we can place an universal title above the set of plots placed in the same page (not individual plot titles, all i need is a title of the whole graph page) as well as sib-titles? Do I need any package to do so? Thank you
2004 Apr 16
Non-Linear Regression (Cobb-Douglas and C.E.S)
Dear all, For estimating Cobb-Douglad production Function [ Y = ALPHA * (L^(BETA1)) * (K^(BETA2)) ], i want to use nls function (without linearizing it). But how can i get initial values? ------------------------------------ > options(prompt=" R> " ) R> Y <- c(59.6, 63.9, 73.5, 75.6, 77.3, 82.8, 83.6, 84.9, 90.3, 80.5, 73.5, 60.3, 58.2, 64.4, 75.4, 85, 92.7, 85.4,
2008 Jul 17
Histogram with two colors depending on condition
Dear List, Say, we generate data like this- dat<-rnorm(1000,1,2) hist(dat) How do i make the histogram, say, red (col = 2) before X = dat = 0, and rest say, green (col = 3) beyond X = dat = 0 in R? The resulting histogram could be like this (edited) Thanks in advance. Ehsan
2005 Mar 11
Calculating lengths of runs of 0 or 1 sequences in meteorological data
Dear List Members, I need some help about programming in S language. My problem is as follows: I have meteorological data (about rainfall measurement each day from 1989-2002), say like or in a sequence of 0(denoting dry day)'s and 1(denoting wet day)'s. I want to construct a frequency
2007 Apr 23
Extracing "Interval of Time" in seconds in R
Dear List, I want to let R calculate the time (run-time) it requires to run a self-written simulation function. I tried as follows: it enables me to see the starting and finishing time points. ############################# "sim.result" <- function(nsim, ...){ Starting <- date() ... # calculations # final.result <- ... # Output for display # cat("# of Iterations used
2005 Mar 03
Re : Calling card platform
We are using a platform from AmarFone Inc. It great full featured , everything you want to run a calling card and does not cost your a lot of money. Their support is awesome. You can contact them at Ehsanul Karim
2007 Apr 24
exclude the unfit data from the iteration
Dear List, Trying to explain my situation as simply as possible for me: I am running a series of iteration on coxph model on simulated data (newly generated data on each iteration to run under coxph; in my example below- is the generated data). However, sometimes i get warning messages like "Ran out of iterations and did not converge" or "Error in var(x, na.rm = na.rm) :
2005 Mar 20
"Graphics (for goodness of fit)" Question
Dear List, Suppose, I have some observed and expected frequencies, such as following. I need to draw a graph where plots of observed and expected frequencies are merged into one. ------------------------------------------------ m <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,17) k <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19) ExpWW <- c(0.309330628803245, 0.213645190887434, 0.147558189649435,
2003 Dec 26
OC curve in "Quality Control"
Dear all, Can anyone please help me about any of the following questions: -------------------------------------------- 1. How can i find "factorial" of any number in R? I tried > prod(170:1) # to find factorial of 170 or 170! Is it the only procedure - or R has any better process / operational character to calculate factorial? Also, is it possible to calculate factorial of 500? Or
2005 Jun 26
chisq.test using amalgamation automatically (possible ?!?)
Dear List, If any of observed and/or expected data has less than 5 frequencies, then chisq.test (Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data from package:stats) gives warning messages. For example, x<-c(10, 14, 10, 11, 11, 7, 8, 4, 1, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) y<-c(9.13112391745095, 13.1626482033341, 12.6623267638188, 11.0130706413029, 9.16415925139016,
2003 Jan 29
Scoping rule problem -- solved
Thanks to some comments from Brian D. Ripley, I found my error: I should not have given a data argument to lm() after creating a formula-object. This obviously confused things... Thanks again, I've really learnt again a bit more on R-programming... Cheers, Winfried --------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: Winfried Theis <theis at
2007 Apr 20
Hiding "Warning messages" in coxme output
Dear list, I have been trying to use coxme in R 2.3.1. When I use coxme in the following data sim.fr1, i get "Warning messages: using 'as.environment(NULL)' is deprecated" Why does it occur? How can I hide such warning message, especially when coxme is under a loop? Mohammad Ehsanul Karim (Institute of Statistical Research and Training, University of Dhaka) >
2004 Mar 25
subsetting based on vector
Dear R users; I am trying to write a small program which reads in a data set, and selects observations from certain years before the analysis. I have a problem including the selection criteria in the header of the program. Here is the problem; dataFIT<-function(MODEL, MARGINS, yearConsidered){ library(foreign CovPaper<-read.spss("C:/Data/data.sav") NewData <-
2001 May 02
rcode and latex
I have discovered the listings package for including code in your latex documents. The default languages do not include R or Splus, but the definition is pretty simple, this is what I did for R: \lst at definelanguage{R}% {morekeywords={TRUE,FALSE,T,F,NA,NULL,Inf,NaN,library,% attach,detach,source,while,for,in,% repeat,switch,break,next,return,stop,function,% if,else,warning,error},%