Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Solved: Help plotting some data"
2009 Mar 01
Modifying a built-in R function
Something incredible (at least for me) has happen. Yesterday night I
downloaded biplot.R to edit this function and add new features I wished.
Namely I wanted to plot points belonging to different groups using different
colors and symbols. I identified which part of the original code I had to
modify. Then, I rename biplot by biplotes and executing biplotes(x), being x
a princomp class
2006 Sep 06
biplot label size
Which is the parameter that is used to decrease the size of ylabs
plotted in biplot? I tried playing with cex and cex.lab I am not getting
it right
pc <- princomp(USArrests)
biplot(pc, xlabs = rep("", nrow(USArrests)),ylabs=(colnames(USArrests)))
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 17
PCA analysis
I have a problem with making PCA plots that are readable.
I would like to set different sympols instead of the numbers of my samples or their names, that I get plotted (xlabs).
How is this possible? With points, i donĀ“t seem to get the right data plotted onto the PCA plot, as I do not quite understand from where it is taken. I dont know how to
plot the correct columns of the prcomp
2011 Sep 26
horizontal labels for a dendrogram
Dear R-help list,
I'd like to create visualize the clustering of a dataset with a
dendrogram. I'm using the following script:
data = read.table("data.csv", header=T, sep=";")
res = as.dendrogram(agnes(data))
chlab <- function(n) {
if(is.leaf(n)) {
att <- attributes(n)
labx <- data$category1[att$label]
lab_color <- ifelse(labx ==
2010 Apr 27
Symbols in biplot
Hello all,
I just started in on R today. I am at the point where I am trying
to distinguish different groups of data (hydrochemical data) in
biplot. I search and found a post about converting the sample number
in biplot to a symbol like x or +
"> temp <- matrix(runif(50), nrow=10)
> temp.pca <- princomp(temp)
> biplot(temp.pca, xlabs=c("A", "A",
2005 Jul 06
plotting on a reverse log scale
I'd like to do some plots of historical event data on a reverse log
scale, started, say at the year 2000 and going
backwards in time, with tick marks spaced according to log(2000-year).
For example, see:
As an example, I'd like to create a density plot of such data with the
horizontal axis reverse-logged,
2003 Apr 04
Dear list,
I want to perform a biplot, using customized titels for the x and y axis.
Setting xlab="" and ylab="" resulted in an error, e.g.:
> data(USArrests)
> biplot(princomp(USArrests),xlab="",ylab="")
Error in biplot.default(t(t(scores[, choices])/lam), t(t(x$loadings[, :
length of dimnames[1] not equal to array extent
How do I
2004 Jul 22
biplot & identify
Is there a way to get biplot and identify to work togheter.
Having the output of prcomp I would like to draw a biplot that.
Instead of plotting the sample (row-names) names plots some "pch" symbols. (thats easy with xlabs)
But now I would like to add using identify the names to only some of the points. I have noticed that both biplot.prcomp and biplot.default does a lot of
2009 Feb 12
Different labels for subsets of points in a PCA or RDA biplot
I've tried a few things both with prcomp(), and rda() and its friends
in vegan (including biplot.rda and ordiplot), but can't find a
solution. I'd like to associate subsets of the points in a resulting
biplot ("sites" in the rda object) with different plotting colors/text
styles to emphasize certain sets of points. I can't figure out how to
keep the arrows (for
2009 Feb 24
biplot.princomp - changing score labels
Dear R helpers,
When producing a PCA biplot, vectors of environmental variables (as red
arrows with labels) and scores of the observations (black labels
(observation names)) are plotted by default. How can I change the
graphical output? Let's say I would like that the scores are plottet
only as symbols and not text. The only solution I found was this post in
the help archive
2012 Aug 15
color-coding of biplot points for varimax rotated factors (from PCA)
I'm using R for PCA and? factor analysis. I want to create biplots of
varimax rotated factors that color-code points by their
classification. My research is on streams that are urban and rural.
So, I want to color code them by this classification. If you just do a
biplot from prcomp or princomp, you cannot add this color. So, I have
used some code developed by a graduate student in our
2002 May 02
biplot labels
I am trying to draw the biplot of a PCA, but I would like to use another variable of my initial data frame than my "row.names" to assign
labels to the points.
A part of my R file follows ; "m" is my initial data frame, which has the variable "code" as row.names, and another variable "name" that I'd
like to use as labels for the points.
2008 Sep 18
propensity score adjustment using R
Hi all,
i am looking to built a simple example of a very basic propensity
score adjustment, just using the estimated propensity scores as
inverse probability weights (respectively 1-estimated weights for the
non-treated). As far as i understood, MLE predictions of a logit model
can directly be used as to estimates of the propensity score.
I already considered the twang package and the
2004 Jan 04
termplot; failure to subset non-dataframe carriers (PR#6327)
termplot() does not carry subsetting over to carriers that
are in the environment but not in the data frame. This
generates a "subscript out of bounds" error.
> data(ToothGrowth)
> logdose <- log(ToothGrowth$dose)
> tooth.lm <- lm(len ~ logdose, data=ToothGrowth)
> termplot(tooth.lm) ## Works fine
> toothVC2.lm <- lm(len ~ poly(dose,2),
2002 Jul 21
change margins or regions?!
Dear guRus,
after solving serveral other probs with boxplots, my ylabs do not appear
They area cut off.
I guess I have to change the letf and right margins, but I do not know
Here is an example:
Thats the code i tried to use:
oldpar <- par()
# changing the margins
par(mar=c(4.1,5.1,4.1,5.1) +0.1)
P <- boxplot(bs.s ~
2009 Aug 19
scale or not to scale that is the question - prcomp
Dear all
here is my data called "rglp"
structure(list(vzorek = structure(1:17, .Label = c("179/1/1",
"179/2/1", "180/1", "181/1", "182/1", "183/1", "184/1", "185/1",
"186/1", "187/1", "188/1", "189/1", "190/1", "191/1", "192/1",
2008 Aug 30
Unable to send color palette through plot.Design to method="image"
I have been trying to specify a different color palette to the image
method in plot.Design. My model has crossed two rcs() arguments and
one two-level gender argument. The goal which appears to have been
mostly achieved is to produce separate bivariate plots for men and women
The call to plot does produce a level plot but it appears only with
the default color palette despite various
2013 Feb 11
Clean up biplot resulting from princomp()
Dear R-helpers,
The vectors in my biplot are completely obscured by the ~1400 labels R is
printing on my biplot. I don't really care about the labels. How can I make
the biplot without the annoying labels?
See attached, if that helps you see my problem.
Many thanks,
Mark Na
2006 Jun 14
positioning of separate y-axis labels in xyplot
I like the functionality provided by outer=TRUE, but when it comes time
to place separate xlabs or ylabs, I always end up 'eyeballing' it on a
case-by-case basis. For example,
##begin example
cars.lo <- loess(dist ~ speed, cars)
2012 Sep 09
PCA legend outside of PCA plot
Hi All,
I have been trying to get to plot my PCA legend outside of the PCA plot,
but success still alludes me.
Can you guys please advise how I can achieve this. I used locater() to
obtain coordinates for below the Comp.1 axis. Using these coordinates the
legend disappears.
Below is the code for the PCA and legend.
Thanks in advance for the help.
r.cols <-