similar to: Newbie Question: Shifted Power Fit?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Newbie Question: Shifted Power Fit?"

2004 Aug 16
using nls to fit a four parameter logistic model
Shalini Raghavan 3M Pharmaceuticals Research Building 270-03-A-10, 3M Center St. Paul, MN 55144 E-mail: sraghavan at Tel: 651-736-2575 Fax: 651-733-5096 ----- Forwarded by Shalini Raghavan/US-Corporate/3M/US on 08/16/2004 11:25 AM ----- Shalini
2013 Jul 09
fitting log function: errors using nls and nlxb
Hi- I am trying to fit a log function to my data, with the ultimate goal of finding the second derivative of the function. However, I am stalled on the first step of fitting a curve. When I use the following code: FG2.model<-(nls((CO2~log(a*Time)+b), start=setNames(coef(lm(CO2 ~ log(Time), data=FG2)), c("a", "b")),data=FG2)) I get the following error: Error in
2012 Jan 31
problem in fitting model in NLS function
Dear R users, I am struggling to fit expo-linear equation to my data using "nls" function. I am always getting error message as i highlighted below in yellow color:  Theexpo-linear equation which i am interested to fit my data:       response_variable =  (c/r)*log(1+exp(r*(Day-tt))), where "Day" is time-variable my response variable rl <-
2003 Jun 27
nls question
I'm running into problems trying to use the nls function to fit the some data. I'm invoking nls using nls(s~k/(a+r)^b, start=list(k=1, a=13, b=0.59)) but I get errors indicating that the step has been reduced below the minimum step size or an inifinity is generated in numericDeriv. I've tried to use a variety of starting values for a, b, k but get similar errors. Is there
2012 Jan 30
Problem in Fitting model equation in "nls" function
Dear R users,   I am struggling to fit expo-linear equation to my data using "nls" function. I am always getting error message as i highlighted below in yellow color:     ### Theexpo-linear equation which i am interested to fit my data:       response_variable =  (c/r)*log(1+exp(r*(Day-tt))), where "Day" is time-variable   ## my response variable   rl <-
2007 Feb 13
nls: "missing value or an infinity" (Error in numericDeriv) and "singular gradient matrix"Error in nlsModel
Hi, I am a non-expert user of R. I am essaying the fit of two different functions to my data, but I receive two different error messages. I suppose I have two different problems here... But, of which nature? In the first instance I did try with some different starting values for the parameters, but without success. If anyone could suggest a sensible way to proceed to solve these I would be
2009 Aug 25
Covariates in NLS (Multiple nonlinear regression)
Dear R-users, I am trying to create a model using the NLS function, such that: Y = f(X) + q + e Where f is a nonlinear (Weibull: a*(1-exp(-b*X^c)) function of X and q is a covariate (continous variable) and e is an error term. I know that you can create multiple nonlinear regressions where x is polynomial for example, but is it possible to do this kind of thing when x is a function with unknown
2003 Mar 26
Hi, df <- read.table("data.txt", header=T); library(nls); fm <- nls(y ~ a*(x+d)^(-b), df, start=list(a=max(df->y,na.rm=T)/2,b=1,d=0)); I was using the following routine which was giving Singular Gradient, Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) : Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating the model errors. I also tried the
2009 Sep 21
How to use nls when [selfStart] function returns NA or Inf??
Hi Everyone, I posted this a couple of weeks ago with no responses. My interface (via gmane) seemed a bit flakey at the time, so I'm venturing to repost with some additional information. I'm trying to write selfStart non-linear models for use with nls. In these models some combinations of parameter values are illegal; the function value is undefined. That's OK when calling the
2010 Jan 13
Problem fitting a non-linear regression model with nls
Hi, I'm trying to make a regression of the form : formula <- y ~ Asym_inf + Asym_sup * ( (1 / (1 + (n1 * (exp( (tmid1-x) / scal1) )^(1/n1) ) ) ) - (1 / (1 + (n2 * (exp( (tmid2-x) / scal2) )^(1/n2) ) ) ) ) which is a sum of the generalized logistic model proposed by richards. with data such as these: x <- c(88,113,128,143,157,172,184,198,210,226,240,249,263,284,302,340) y <-
2011 Jun 17
Non-linear Regression best-fit line
I am trying to fit a curve to a cumulative mortality curve (logistic) where y is the cumulative proportion of mortalities, and t is the time in hours (see below). Asym. at 0 and 1 > y [1] 0.00000000 0.04853859 0.08303777 0.15201970 0.40995074 0.46444992 0.62862069 0.95885057 1.00000000 [10] 1.00000000 1.00000000 > t [1] 0 13 20 24 37 42 48 61 72 86 90 I tried to find starting values for
2010 Oct 13
Using NLS with a Kappa function
Hi Everyone, I am trying to use NLS to fit a dataset using a Kappa function, but I am having problems. Depending on the start values that I provide, I get either: Error in numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env) : Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model Or Error in nls(FldFatRate ~ funct3(MeanDepth_m, h, k, z, a), data = data1, : singular gradient I think these
2008 Jan 23
formula for nls
Hi! How to write in model's formula of type: nls(y~k/(x^n), data=data, start=list(k=1,n=1)) i.e the problem is on x^n, I(x^n) generate error thanks Jarek
2008 May 06
NLS plinear question
Hi All. I've run into a problem with the plinear algorithm in nls that is confusing me. Assume the following reaction time data over 15 trials for a single unit. Trials are coded from 0-14 so that the intercept represents reaction time in the first trial. trl RT 0 1132.0 1 630.5 2 1371.5 3 704.0 4 488.5 5 575.5 6 613.0 7 824.5 8 509.0 9
2006 Aug 15
Is there anyway to change any y[i] value (i=2,...6) to make following NLS workable? x <- c(0,5,10,15,20,25,30) y <- c(1.00000,0.82000,0.68000,0.64000,0.66667,0.68667,0.64000) lm(1/y ~~ x) nls(1/y ~~ a+b*x^c, start=list(a=1.16122,b=0.01565,c=1), trace=TRUE) #0.0920573 : 1.16122 0.01565 1.00000 #Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) : # Missing value or
2004 Jul 18
bootstrap and nls
Hi, I am trying to bootstrap the difference between each parameters among two non linear regression (distributed loss model) as following: # data.frame > Raies[1:10,] Tps SolA Solb 1 0 32.97 35.92 2 0 32.01 31.35 3 1 21.73 22.03 4 1 23.73 18.53 5 2 19.68 18.28 6 2 18.56 16.79 7 3 18.79 15.61 8 3 17.60 13.43 9 4 14.83 12.76 10 4 17.33 14.91 etc... # non
2012 Nov 03
Parámetros iniciales para ajustes no lineales
Hola a todos estoy aplicando la función polinómica de Hossfeld [1], y algunos otros modelos no lineales para tratar de ajustarlos a un grupo de datos forestales,   [1] Y= b*t*exp(c)/(t*exp(c)+a) Al colocar la función en R con parámetros estimados, me devuelve los siguiente: ## model1 <- nls(ho ~ (b*edad*exp(c)/(edad*exp(c)+a)), data=nigra,     start=list(a=0.005,b=0.08,c=-0.00006),
2011 Aug 05
problemsn in using nls
Dear all, I tried to use nls, but I got the following error Error in numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env) : Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model Any suggestion? Thanks, Paola. The code I wrote is Data_pp2_mrna <- data.frame( p1 = protein_1, p6 = protein_6, pp2_mrna
2004 Feb 19
controlling nls errors
Hello. I am using the nonlinear least squares function (nls). The function that I am trying to fit seems to be very sensitive to the starting values and, if these are not chosen properly, the nls function stops and gives an error message: Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) : Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating the model In addition: Warning
2012 Sep 04
Comparing Von Bertalanffy Growth Curves
I am trying to compare Vbert growth curves from several years of fish data. I am following the code provided by: Specifically the section on VBGM Comparisons between groups. ? This code is pretty cut and dry. I am able to run it perfectly with the "fake" data that is provided. But when I run it with my own