Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "TR: Scripting capabilities for R"
2002 Apr 17
rbind() very slow
I have 16 tables of 39 variables with around 1500 to 3500 cases in each
table. These 16 tables are in 16 different data frames. I want to merge them
in a single large data frame, so:
All <- rbind(T1, T2, ...)
The problem: it is VERY slow, and takes a lot of memory (> 500 Mb) on my
Athlon XP1800+, 1.75 Go memory, Win 2000 Pro SP1, R 1.4.1. Any suggestion to
improve speed, and/or memory
2002 Jan 27
cran@ci.tuwien.ac.at is not responding?
I have submitted a package to CRAN in
ftp://ftp.tuwien.ac.at/incoming/pastecs_1.0.tar.gz. The R extension manual
advises to send a mail to cran at ci.tuwien.ac.at about it, but it fails. I
have also tried WWWadmin at ci.tuwien.ac.at. Are these email adresses still
Philippe Grosjean
) ) ) )
2001 Oct 18
General Matrix Inverse
Generalised Inverse:
The Moore-Penrose Generalisied Inverse is probably better defined as a
pseudo-Inverse that arises in solving least squares problems.
Another well known pseudo-Inverse is the so-called Drazin pseudo-Inverse.
If memory serves (and it's been 10-12 years!) it can be obtained via a
Anyway, I dare say Prof. Ripley (among others) probably has "all the
2001 Sep 13
maintainer of strucchange unreachable?
It's two days I try to answer to a mail of Achim Zeileis, the maintainer of
strucchange package, using the mail address: zeileis at ci.tuwien.ac.at.
I got the following error:
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
<zeileis at ci.tuwien.ac.at>
(reason: 550 5.7.1 <zeileis at ci.tuwien.ac.at>... Access denied)
Can anyone tell me how to reach him?
2001 Nov 30
identify() problem for graphs copied in Word (yet another Word bug to avoid with R?!)
identify(...., plot=FALSE)
allows identifying points in a graph without printing the corresponding
label in the graph. This works fine in R for Windows.
However, when I copy the graph as metafile into Word, the corresponding
label appears in black font in the copied picture. Obviously, identify()
prints the label anyway, in "invisible" font or so, in the graph, and this
2001 Apr 29
Self-starting nls functions
I am doing several self-starting growth functions for using with nls(). When
I list the self-starting functions included in nls library, for instance,
SSlogis, there is:
> SSlogis
function (input, Asym, xmid, scal)
<environment: 03476D20>
[1] "selfStart"
What is this <environment: 03476D20> instruction?
By using deriv() and then
2001 Aug 07
multiple persp plots
I would like to plot two superposed surfaces (original data, and smoothed
models). Basically, I would like to create a usual persp plot with box, and
then superpose a second surface (without box and axes) on the top plane of
the box defined by the first graph. I don't know if it is clear :-(
Is it possible to draw such a second surface in an existing persp plot in R?
Another (related)
2001 Oct 09
list of functions flagged with debug() or trace()
Hello all,
Since I got no answer to my first mail, I suspect I did not formulate my
question adequately, so I try again.
In R, one can debug or trace a function 'foo' with debug(foo) or trace(foo),
respectively. This leads to a special treatment of the function 'foo' until
one enter undebug(foo) or untrace(foo). I would like to know if there is a
convenient way to know at any
2001 Aug 08
"Transparent" background in graphics exported as metafiles
Under Windows, I am exporting graphs from R (in metafile -emf- format), and
want to combine them using a graphic package. It happens that the background
of the graph is represented by a filled rectangle (with the color given by
bg=...). This is to be expected. However, I find no options to disable this
and produce a graph with transparent background. Does such an option exist?
If not, then
2001 Apr 27
Benchmarking R, why sort() is so slow?
Hello everybody,
I am making a modified version of "Stephan Steinhaus' benchmark test for
number crunching, v. 2, (see
http://www.scinetificweb.com/ncrunch/ncrunch.pdf for the original version),
comparing several functions of some math/stat software. R is not performing
bad at all... except for the sorting of a 1,100,000 random vector (test #3)
which is the worst of all (see cell F3 in
2001 Apr 27
Benchmarking R, why sort() is so slow?
Hello everybody,
I am making a modified version of "Stephan Steinhaus' benchmark test for
number crunching, v. 2, (see
http://www.scinetificweb.com/ncrunch/ncrunch.pdf for the original version),
comparing several functions of some math/stat software. R is not performing
bad at all... except for the sorting of a 1,100,000 random vector (test #3)
which is the worst of all (see cell F3 in
2001 Oct 18
AW: General Matrix Inverse
Thorsten is right. There is a direct formula for computing the Moore-Penrose
using the singular value composition of a matrix. This is incorporated in
the following:
mpinv <- function(A, eps = 1e-13) {
s <- svd(A)
e <- s$d
e[e > eps] <- 1/e[e > eps]
return(s$v %*% diag(e) %*% t(s$u))
Hope it helps.
2001 May 01
SSfpl self-start sometimes fails... workaround proposed
nls library provides 6 self-starting models, among them: SSfp, a four
parameters logistic function. Its self-starting procedure involves several
steps. One of these steps is:
pars <- as.vector(coef(nls(y ~ cbind(1, 1/(1 + exp((xmid - x)/exp(lscal)))),
data = xydata, start = list(lscal = 0), algorithm = "plinear")))
which assumes an initial value of lscal equal to 0. If lscal
2003 Jul 26
R benchmark, moble Pentium III, 1.13 GHs
Hi Jason,
I suppose you installed the Matrix library, and it is working on your computer? If yes, may be det.Matrix() was removed, or renamed in the Matrix library you have (I cannot check this for the latest version, because I am away of the office until August 1st), but I will do that next week.
In the meantime, you can replace 'det.Matrix' by 'det.default', and it should run.
2002 Mar 01
Building hdf5 on Windows
Hi all,
I try to use the hdf5 package. I downloaded the Windows binary version, and
it claims it requires hdf5dll.dll library, so I download the whole hdf5
1.4.3 package from NCSA. Unfortunatelly, it crashes R. I suspect it is
because the package was probably compiled against version 1.2 of hdf5 (as
evoked in the help file?) or any other previous version, so I downloaded the
source of the package
2001 Feb 16
Sub_scribe and a question
Dear all,
I am trying to get an estimate of the intercept for a linear model. In
this case, I know the slope of the model, can anyone tell me how to
constrain the formula in lm() so that it only estimates the intercept
not the slope? Many thanks in advance,
Liqing Zhang
Dept. of Eco. Evol. Biol.
Univ. of CA, Irvine
email: lzhang at uci.edu
>From VM Mon Apr 30 08:18:45 2001
2007 Mar 27
Error when calling residual.plots() on an ANOVA object
Dear *,
I have to perform an ANOVA analysis to study the effects on the
performance of some algorithmic components in the design of my
I have done a full factorial design for the following 5 factors (my
response variable is "best"):
$ model :'data.frame': 3360 obs. of 6 variables:
..$ best : num [1:3360] 0.108 0.573 0.625 1.057 0.451 ...
2001 May 29
Scripting capabilities for R
I'm in the final week of teaching a course to beginners using R and
S-Plus. Since I forbade the students from using the "point-and-click"
interface in S-Plus, they've become reasonably proficient at using the
command line in both programs.
Students really like the speed and ease-of-use of R for the vast majority
of their projects. I think they'd switch to R completely
2009 Jun 03
SSOAP failing
Dear list,
I am trying to use the SSOAP package to access a very simple SOAP
service, included as a demonstrator in the axis2 Apache package:
"Version" (takes no input parameters and should return a string with the
version number). The web service itself seems to be working as I could
access it using an other client (eclipse Web Server tester).
You will find the service wsdl here:
2009 Jun 18
SSOAP access to a j2EE-ws service
I am currently trying to access a SOAP web service (hosted on a JBoss5
server and defined as a J2EE-ws service) via the SSOAP R-package. But
all I can get is a NULL answer. The web service seems to work as it can
be accessed using a general web-service tester.
The web service wsdl is here: http://smg8.ulb.ac.be:8080/web2?wsdl.
This is how I try to call the web service from R: