similar to: semi-parametric (partial linear?) regression

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "semi-parametric (partial linear?) regression"

2002 Feb 17
Little graph questions!
I'm working up a set of small working examples in R to show what various distributions are and the beauty of the central limit theorem. Those example programs are in this directory: You can feel free to use those if you want, or you can send me other small working example code for R. The key here is small, self contained things that
2001 Apr 10
clear R-objects inside a function?
Using RedHat Linux 7.0, R-1.2.2, R-hdf5-1.2 library, I want to load a dataset, do some stuff with it, then erase its objects, get an other, repeat. My friend wrote a function which tried to clear away all the objects. At the end, it uses rm() to remove objects. This is the same way we do it interactively, from the R prompt: testLoadSeveralHDF <- function(numFiles) { for (i in
2000 Aug 09
Trying to make plot of several time series in same graph
Dear Friends in R: On RedHat linux, R-1.1, I've gotten far enough to create the graph that shows on the screen with 3 lines, but I have some trouble. Here is the way I created the three "overlaid" graphs: data<-read.table("DataCulture0",header=T, = TRUE) attach(data) tmp1<-plot(acquaint~T,type='l', ylim=c(0,1),ylab="average
2001 Aug 08
box doesn't surround words in legend in printed output
I have made a plot with a legend and on the screen it looks fine, but when I save as jpg or pdf, or print, the legend box is too small, it cuts through the words on the right side. I put an example here: Is there a work around? -- Paul E. Johnson email: pauljohn at Dept. of Political Science
2000 Aug 06
Trying to "pretty up" output from R job
Running R 1.1 on RedHat Linux 6.2. I need to write a shell script that goes through a bunch of directories of simulation output, creating summary files that have the mean and standard deviation of the variables found in the data files in each directory. I've got the R code doing almost the right thing. It reads in data, then gets the mean and standard deviation for the numeric variables,
2001 Nov 28
Value lables, variable lables
I'm looking for an analogy to SPSS and "variable lable" and "value lable" in R. I have a copy of S+4.0 and can't find any info in their docs, and don't find it in R-intro either. In SPSS, for each variable, there is a name like VAR001 and a variable lable (a longer descriptive string) like Respondent ID and for many of the values of other variables there are
2001 Aug 13
process all files ending in *.dat
On Linux (RH7.1) with R installed from CRAN rpms: I have many files with miscellaneous names *.dat. I would like to successively open each one, run some functions on them, and then write some output numbers to *.summary. I have succeeded in doing this when I type in each file name individually for the data input, but have not found a way to search files in a directory and grab the *.dat. If
2002 Apr 13
trouble getting output from graphs, again
It seems like every time I try to do something a little different, I cannot get output saved just right. This is on RedHat 7.2 with R 1.4.1. The png output looks fine, but the eps output has the problem that the bounding box on the legend cuts the legend in half. I put a copy of a bad one here: When I asked about these
2000 Mar 09
What is XGobi and what is it for?
I've seen XGobi come up in here from time to time, and I wonder what is it, what is it for, do I need it? How about throwing me a bone here! -- Paul E. Johnson email: pauljohn at Dept. of Political Science University of Kansas Office: (785) 864-9086 Lawrence, Kansas 66045 FAX: (785)
2001 Aug 13
Processing all *.dat worked. Thanks
I got great, quick advice here earlier today. One little hitch was that the pattern in list.files wants a regular expression, and *.dat was grabbing all files with .dat in them, not ones ending in .dat. This code creates a *.dat.summary file with the mean and std. deviation. of the numeric variables for every *.dat file in the current directory. myDat<-list.files(pattern="*.dat$")
2003 May 28
? building a database with a the great examples
Dear R help reader, I'm not an expert in R and are lerning a lot by reading the help digest, which is sometimes difficult because the huge amount of data posted. I have posted some questions before, and are impressed how quick I got a solution for my problem. Sometimes with quite different suggestions. I was always wondering if my questions didn't come up before. On the other site,
2002 Feb 12
A couple of little R things I can't figure out (column percents, regression with lagged variables)
Simple usage questions that I ought to be able to figure on my own, but can't. 1.I'm able to produce a cross tabulation table showing counts with either table or xtabs. But I want column percentages for interpretation, and it seems stupid to sit there with a calculator figuring marginals and column percentages. How to make R do it after this: > x <- c(1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,4,4)
2001 Nov 20
Time series count model?
You may want to take a look at a paper by Julia Kelsall and Scott Zeger in JRSS(C) - 1999, pp. 331-344. This paper describes a frequency domain approach to log-linear regression modeling of poisson-distributed count data, accounting for correlation and over-dispersion. There are also some S functions available to implement the methodology. Ravi. -----Original Message----- From: pauljohn at
2000 Aug 31
What happenes with R-gnome?
When I saw "SciGraphica": I wished it could be a GUI frontend for R on Unix. -- Paul E. Johnson email: pauljohn at Dept. of Political Science University of Kansas Office: (785) 864-9086 Lawrence, Kansas 66045 FAX:
2002 Nov 28
Logistic Regression with 9 classes
Hello! I need to classify a data set with 19 variables and 9 classes using Logistic Regression(on R). I know that when we have only 2 classes we can use glm() to estimate the coefficients of the model. But I don?t understand how can I do a classification task with Logistic Regression on a data set with 9 classes! Does anybody know how can I estimate these coefficients (of a model with 9
2002 May 30
Systems of equations in glm?
I have a student that I'm encouraging to use R rather than SAS or Stata and within just 2 weeks he has come up with a question that stumps me. What does a person do about endogeneity in generalized linear models? Suppose Y1 and Y2 are 5 category ordinal dependent variables. I see that MASS has polr for estimation of models like that, as long as they are independent. But what if the
2000 Sep 28
Nothing can be pasted...
> X-Authentication-Warning: gb owned process doing -bs > Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 14:28:31 +0200 (CEST) > From: gb <gb at> > To: r-help at > Subject: [R] Nothing can be pasted... > X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id e8SCSVp01926 > X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by
2001 Jul 20
plotting dendrograms
Hello, Can anyone offer any insight on graphing classification dendrograms with the nodes marked? plot(tree()) produces a nice tree structure but there's no acccompanying text. Thanks, D S. David White sdavidwhite at Columbus, Ohio -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2003 Dec 19
weighted regression
To all I have some simple questions pertaining to weights used in regression. If the variability of the dependent variable (y) is a function of the magnitude of predictor variable (x), can the use of weights give an appropriate answer to the regression parameters and the std errors? Assume that y at x=1 and 6 has a standard deviation of 0.1 and at x=11 it is 0.4 Then according to a web page on
2000 Aug 31
help with data import/export
how can I import/export data from ms excel? also is there a way to import/export data of the hdf format? is there a way to import/export hdf format for ms excel as well? thank you very much in advance. /js ###################################################################### This e-mail message has been scanned and cleared by MailMarshal