Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "manova"
1999 Sep 03
pictex device driver
I can't get LaTeX to recognize the output from the pictex device
driver. Are these commands for some special latex package which I
don't know about?
* I.White *
* ICAPB, University of Edinburgh *
* Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road *
* Edinburgh EH9 3JT
2000 Sep 04
bug in spline()? (PR#653)
Version R-1.0.1, system i486,linux
If the spline(x,y,method="natural") function is given values outside the
range of the data, it does not give a warning. Moreover, the extrapolated
value reported is not the ordinate of the natural spline defined by (x,y).
Example. Let x <- c(2,5,8,10) and y <- c(1.2266,-1.7606,-0.5051,1.0390).
Then interpolate/extrapolate with
2003 May 23
I'm using R 1.7.0 on linux. With this version of R the package modreg is
automatically loaded at start of session. However attempting to use
predict.smooth.spline() produces Error: couldn't find function
The function smooth.spline() is OK. What am I missing?
ICAPB, University of Edinburgh
Ashworth Laboratories, West
2006 Nov 09
Repeated Measures MANOVA in R
Can R do a repeated measures MANOVA and tell what dimensionality the statistical variance occupies?
I have been using MATLAB and SPSS to do my statistics. MATLAB can do ANOVAs and MANOVAs. When it performs a MANOVA, it returns a
parameter d that estimates the dimensionality in which the means lie. It also returns a vector of p-values, where each p_n tests
the null hypothesis that the mean
2002 Aug 22
aov bug? (PR#1930)
R : Copyright 2001, The R Development Core Team
Version 1.4.0 (2001-12-19)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type `license()' or `licence()' for distribution details.
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type `contributors()' for more information.
Type `demo()' for some demos,
2004 Oct 27
After a one-way anova, se.contrast computes the standard error of a
contrast, but not the value of the contrast itself. Wouldn't this be
useful? Am I missing something?
ICAPB, University of Edinburgh
Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JT
Fax: 0131 650 6564 Tel: 0131 650 5490
E-mail: iwhite at staffmail.ed.ac.uk
2003 Sep 07
bug in crossprod? (PR#4092)
# Your mailer is set to "none" (default on Windows),
# hence we cannot send the bug report directly from R.
# Please copy the bug report (after finishing it) to
# your favorite email program and send it to
# r-bugs@r-project.org
# The last line of following code produces a segmentation fault:
x <- 1:10
f <- gl(5,2)
2003 May 08
natural splines
Apologies if this is this too obscure for R-help.
In package splines, ns(x,,knots,intercept=TRUE) produces an n by K+2
matrix N, the values of K+2 basis functions for the natural splines with K
(internal) knots, evaluated at x. It does this by first generating an
n by K+4 matrix B of unconstrained splines, then postmultiplying B by
H, a K+4 by K+2 representation of the nullspace of C (2 by K+4),
2008 Aug 13
summary.manova rank deficiency error + data
Dear R-users;
Previously I posted a question about the problem of rank deficiency in
summary.manova. As somebody suggested, I'm attaching a small part of
the data set.
"test" <-
structure(.Data = list(structure(.Data = c(rep(1,3),rep(2,18),rep(3,10)),
levels = c("1", "2", "3"),
class =
2006 Oct 09
split-plot analysis with lme()
Dear R-help,
Why can't lme cope with an incomplete whole plot when analysing a split-plot
experiment? For example:
R : Copyright 2006, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
> library(nlme)
> attach(Oats)
> nitro <- ordered(nitro)
> fit <- lme(yield ~ Variety*nitro, random=~1|Block/Variety)
> anova(fit)
numDF denDF F-value
2008 Apr 03
summary(object, test=c("Roy", "Wilks", "Pillai", ....) AND ellipse(object, center=....)
Dear All,
I would be very appreciative of your help with the following
1). I am running multivariate multiple regression through the manova() function (kindly suggested by Professor Venables) and getting two different answers for test=c("Wilks","Roy","Pillai") and tests=c("Wilks","Roy",'"Pillai") as shown below. In the
2005 Feb 10
Failure of update.packages()
Can anyone explain why with latest version of R (2.0.1) on FC3, installed
from R-2.0.1-0.fdr.2.fc3.i386.rpm, update.packages() produces the message
/usr/lib/R/bin/Rcmd exec: INSTALL: not found.
Indeed /usr/lib/R/bin seems to lack various shell scripts (INSTALL,
REMOVE, etc).
University of Edinburgh
Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road
2007 May 21
comparing fit of cubic spline
I want to compare the fit of a quadratic model to continuous data, with that
of a cubic spline fit. Is there a way of computing AIC from for e.g. a GAM
with a smoothing spine, and comparing this to AIC from a quadratic model?
Tom Reed
PhD Student
Institute of Evolutionary Biology
102 Ashworth Laboratories
Kings Buildings
University of
2006 Oct 27
(no subject)
I have generated a profile likelihood for a parameter (x) and am
trying to get 95% confidence limits by calculating the two points
where the log likelihood (LogL) is 2 units less than the maximum
LogL. I would like to do this by linear interpolation and so I have
been trying to use the function approxfun which allows me to get a
function to calculate LogL for any value of x within
2004 May 24
Manova and specifying the model
I would like to conduct a MANOVA. I know that there 's the manova() funciton and the summary.manova() function to get the appropriate summary of test statistics.
I just don't manage to specify my model in the manova() call. How to specify a model with multiple responses and one explanatory factor?
If I type:
2007 Feb 22
MANOVA usage
I had a couple questions about manova modeling in R.
I have calculated a manova model, and generated a summary.manova output
using both the Wilks test and Pillai test.
The output is essentially the same, except that the Wilks lambda = 1 -
Pillai. Is this normal? (The output from both is appended below.)
My other question is about the use of MANOVA. If I have one variable which
has a
2010 Jan 04
Piecewise regression in lmer
Dear all,
I'm attempting to use a piecewise regression to model the trajectory
of reproductive traits with age in a longitudinal data set using a
mixed model framework. The aim is to find three slopes and two points-
the slope from low performance in early age to a point of high
performance in middle age, the slope (may be 0) of the plateau from
the start of high performance to the
2004 Feb 15
manova() with a data frame
I'm trying to learn to use manova(), and don't understand why none of
the following work:
> data(iris)
> fit <- manova(~ Species, data=iris)
Error in lm.fit(x, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) :
incompatible dimensions
> fit <- manova(iris[,1:4] ~ Species, data=iris)
Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras,
2011 Apr 13
ordinal predictor in anova
I have a dataset with a continuous response variable and, among
other predictors, an ordinal variable.
Here is what it could look like
treatment <- factor(rep(c("AA", "AC", "AD","AE", "AB"), each = 10))
length <- c(75, 67, 70, 75, 65, 71, 67, 67, 76, 68,
57, 58, 60, 59, 62, 60, 60, 57, 59, 61,
2006 Feb 16
MANOVA: how do I read off within and between Sum-of-Squares info from the manova result?
Hi all,
I am experimenting the function "manova" in R.
I tried it on a few data sets, but I did not understand the result:
I used "summary(manova_result)"
and "summary(manova_result, test='Wilks')"
and they gave a bunch of numbers...
But I need the Sum-of-Squares of BETWEEN and WITHIN matrices...
How do I read off from the R's manova results?