similar to: Subscript out of bounds- (my) problem with expansion of expression?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Subscript out of bounds- (my) problem with expansion of expression?"

2005 Jul 14
Coxph with factors
Hello, I am fitting a coxph model with factors. I am running into problems when using 'survfit'. I am unsure how R is treating the factors when I fit, say: > DATA<-data.frame(time.sec,done,f.pom=factor(f.pom),po,vo) > final<-coxph(Surv(time.sec,done)~f.pom*vo+po,data=DATA) > final.surv<-survfit((final), individual=T,conf.type="log-log")
2013 Mar 14
error: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
Hi all, when i run this script: >read.table("Angelika.txt",header=T,sep="\t") >mytable=read.table("Angelika.txt",header=T,sep="\t") >for ( dye in c("A","B","C","F","G","K","L","M")) + { + for (cond in 1:8) + { + measurement =
2001 Nov 01
Erratic behaviour of sammon()
I'm not sure this list is the right place for this thing. I noticed some erratic behaviour in sammon(). Running sammon on two nearly identical sets of data results in very different results. Below is an example. I create an initial configuration with cmdscale() and store it into 'vec1'. I write this to file, and read it back in again to 'vec2'. According to cor() on the three
2010 Feb 02
Build a matrix from another matrix by specifying the indexes
Hello R specialists, I have a base vector called vBase with 102 elements. I have another vector vec1 which elements are only part of vBase but is shorter. I transform vec1 so I get a vector with the same size as vBase and with each common element on the same indexed row. If a value is missing in vec1 then I put a Na like this: vec1 vBase Amsterdam Amsterdam Na
2007 Aug 23
indexing and regression testing
Dear all, It was a pleasure to meet you at Iowa State University. Two days ago I submitted two experimental packages to CRAN (hope it will be there soon): rindex: quick indexing of large objects (currently only character, see ?index) regtest: some first support for automated regression testing (heavily used in \dontshow{} section of ?index) With rindex you can for example i <-
2015 Oct 22
C_LogLin (stats/loglin)
Kai, Apologies for the double message, it didn't go to the list last time. On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Kai Nitschke < kai.nitschke at> wrote: > > ?.Call? calls the C/C++ function ?C_LogLin?. But when I am running it line > by line I get > the following error on line 23/24: > Error: object 'C_LogLin' not found > > Hence, my
2015 Oct 22
C_LogLin (stats/loglin)
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding a C function of the "stats" package in R. I tried to understand the ?loglin? basic function of the ?stats? package implemented in R. The implemented function itself runs without any problem (perhaps see sample). When I ran it line by line it stopped at the lines 23-24 of the loglin-function; (the following line): z <- .Call(C_LogLin,
2006 Feb 13
?bug? strange factors produced by chron
Hallo all Please help me. I am lost and do not know what is the problem. I have a factor called kvartaly. > attributes(kvartaly) $levels [1] "1Q.04" "2Q.04" "3Q.04" "4Q.04" "1Q.05" "2Q.05" "3Q.05" "4Q.05" $class [1] "factor" > mode(kvartaly) [1] "numeric" > str(kvartaly) Factor w/ 8
2004 May 25
cor and missing values. Bug?
There seems to be an issue in computing rank correlations with missing values present. I think this comes from the way rank() function works but I am not sure how to go about this. Rank function places missing values at the end by default thus skewing the rank relationship between two vectors: Example: R : Copyright 2003, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Version 1.8.1 (2003-11-21),
2009 Jul 27
how to use together with cbind and get inside a function
Dear R-helpers: I have a question related to using to call cbind and get. #the following works vec1 <- c(1,2) vec2 <- c(3,4) ColNameVec <- c('vec1','vec2') mat <-"cbind",lapply(ColNameVec,get)) mat #put code above into a function then it does not work #before doing so, first remove vec1 and vec2 from global environment rm(vec1,vec2) test
2008 Dec 30
[LLVMdev] Folding vector instructions
Hello. Sorry I am not sure this question should go to llvm or mesa3d-dev mailing list, so I post it to both. I am writing a llvm backend for a modern graphics processor which has a ISA very similar to that of Direct 3D. I am reading the code in Gallium-3D driver in a mesa3d branch, which converts the shader programs (TGSI tokens) to LLVM IR. For the shader instruction also found in LLVM IR,
2011 Jun 03
Arules: R Crashes when running eclat with tidLists=TRUE
Hello, I'm using the eclat function of the arules package (1.0-6) for the identification of frequent itemsets. I need the tidLists, but if I set in the function tidLists=TRUE R crashes (Windows XP Professional SP3, 32 bit, R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16), reproducible on two different computers) with two different error messages or non at all. Minimum examples are: library(arules)
2024 Jun 16
slowness when I use a list comprehension
This can be vectorized. Try ix <- seq_along(vec2) S_diff2 <- sapply(seq_len(N1-(N2-1)*ratio_sampling), \(j) sum((vec1[(ix-1)*ratio_sampling+j] - vec2[ix])**2)) On Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 11:27?AM Laurent Rhelp <laurentRHelp at> wrote: > > Dear RHelp-list, > > I try to use the package comprehenr to replace a for loop by a list > comprehension. > > I
2009 Jun 04
ROracle: cannot insert several columns
Hi all, I've been playing with ROracle (0.5-9) for a few days and I can't wrap my mind around this one. Here's a sample of my R (2.4.0) session. my.df<-data.frame(prd_id=c(123,456),vol_factor=c(.123,.456)) > my.df prd_id vol_factor 1 123 0.123 2 456 0.456 > library(ROracle) Loading required package: DBI >
2006 Nov 08
Fw: data frames re-ordering and naming columns
Thank you for help with the first part. The second part I do not understand. All I get is "3" "3". Presumably this is the factor that you refer to. Is there no simple way of extracting the text alone ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Peter Alspach <> To: Jabez Wilson <> Sent: Tuesday, 7 November, 2006 7:46:02 PM
2009 Oct 16
Frequencies, proportions & cumulative proportions
Dear R-Helpers, I've looked high and low for a function that provides frequencies, proportions and cumulative proportions side-by-side. Below is the table I need. Is there a function that already does it? Thanks, Bob > # Generate some test scores > myValues <- c(70:95) > Score <- ( sample( myValues, size=1000, replace=TRUE) ) > head(Score) [1] 77 71 81 88 83 93 > >
2008 May 12
lexicographic comparison of two vectors
Is there any built-in way to lexicographically compare two vectors of the same length in R? The textbook algorithm could be coded as follows: lex.cmp <- function (vec1,vec2) { for (j in 1:length(vec1)) { if (vec1[j] < vec2[j]) { return(-1) } if (vec1[j] > vec2[j]) { return(1) } } return(0) } Thanks, Gabriel
2024 Jun 16
slowness when I use a list comprehension
I would be more strong on this advice: learn to think in R, rather than thinking in Python, when programming in R. R has atomic vectors... Python does not (until you import a package that implements them). I find that while it is possible to import R thinking into Python, Python programmers seem to object for stylistic reasons even though such thinking speeds up Python also. A key step in that
2006 Sep 02
Traffic shaper based on UIDs
Hello! I need assistance to solve my problem related to traffic shaping based on the user ids. The problem: each unix user (of the linux host) has to be limited with incoming channel (internet) bandwidth. I need this to implement internet access solution based on ltsp ( As far as I know the best way to shape traffic in linux is CBQ. But there is no filter based on unix
2011 Apr 14
nesting multiple for loops
Hi everyone. I am quite frustrated that this doesn't work, as all the functions within work fine by themselves. I'd also like any pointers to how to avoid 'for' loops in my code. I understand it's less than desirable, but I'm still quite new and use them a lot. I have a few wide datasets (90 to 120) with long column names, each name contains a number of different