Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Using Gauss with R"
2001 Apr 07
Ox (was: Using Gauss with R)
I'll be even more tangent. Those interested in Ox, see
Cheers, Francisco.
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 09:34:19 +0100 (BST)
From: Bill Simpson <wsi at gcal.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: [R] Using Gauss with R
This is a tangent to your question.
The economist Jurgen Doornik has written a language called Ox:
2003 Nov 10
ts package function filter: mismatch between function action and help (PR#5017)
Dear people,
I'm running
RedHat 9.0
R : Version 1.7.1 (2003-06-16)
from the help file
# Usage:
# filter(x, filter, method = c("convolution", "recursive"),
# sides = 2, circular = FALSE, init)
# init: for recursive filters only. Specifies the initial values of
# the time series just prior to the start value, in reverse
# time
2008 Sep 27
Double integration - Gauss Quadrature
I would like to solve a double integral of the form
\int_0^1 \int_0^1 x*y dx dy
using Gauss Quadrature.
I know that I can use R's integrate function to calculate it:
integrate(function(y) {
sapply(y, function(y) {
integrate(function(x) x*y, 0, 1)$value
}, 0, 1)
but I would like to use Gauss Quadrature to do it.
I have written the following code (using R's statmod package)
2004 May 28
The search at www.r-project.org mentioned a function
"gauss.hermite{rmutil}". However, 'install.packages("rmutil")'
produced, 'No package "rmutil" on CRAN.' How can I find the current
status of "gauss.hermite" and "rmutil"?
Spencer Graves
2009 Aug 07
Gauss-Laguerre using statmod
I believe this may be more related to analysis than it is to R, per se.
Suppose I have the following function that I wish to integrate:
ff <- function(x) pnorm((x - m)/sigma) * dnorm(x, observed, sigma)
Then, given the parameters:
mu <- 300
sigma <- 50
m <- 250
target <- 200
sigma_i <- 50
I can use the function integrate as:
> integrate(ff, lower= -Inf, upper=target)
2006 Apr 28
I've written a series of functions that evaluates an integral from -inf to a or b to +inf using equally spaced quadrature points along a normal distribution from -10 to +10 moving in increments of .01. These functions are working and give very good approximations, but I think they are computationally wasteful as I am evaluating the function at *many* points.
Instead, I would prefer to use
2004 Jun 10
Dear All,
I've used the X-12-ARIMA or its earlier versions from S+ and R under both Unix
and Windows platforms for many years using the klugey approach of calling an
executable using in R the system function. I've found this serviceable for the
following reasons.
1) Paul Gilbert's hunch is correct that many of the subroutines have extensive
IO calls (especially the X-11 engine)
2003 Sep 04
Looking for R Equivalent of Gauss Statements
I am translating some Gauss code to R. Gauss has an interesting way of
handling constraints. Observe the following code snipplet:
e1 = x[.,23] .eq 0; @ remove obs with Regular Hours = 0 @
e2 = x[.,12] .gt 1; @ remove obs with non-regular work status @
e3 = x[.,4] .lt 15; @ remove obs with agricultural and mining
industry code (< 15)@
esum = e1 + e2 + e3;
e = esum .gt 0; @
2006 Feb 27
gauss.hermite function
I am trying to find a function that returns simply the weights and
points of an n point gauss hermite integeration, so that I can use them
to fit a non-standard likelihood.
I have found some documentation for the function 'gauss.hermite' written
by jim lindley, but can't find the actual binary on CRAN
I'm aware there are lots of functions like glmm, glmmML etc to fit mixed
2007 Apr 20
Approaches of Frailty estimation: coxme vs coxph(...frailty(id, dist='gauss'))
Dear List,
In documents (Therneau, 2003 : On mixed-effect cox
models, ...), as far as I came to know, coxme penalize
the partial likelihood (Ripatti, Palmgren, 2000) where
as frailtyPenal (in frailtypack package) uses the
penalized the full likelihood approach (Rondeau et al,
How, then, coxme and coxph(...frailty(id,
dist='gauss')) differs? Just the coding algorithm, or
2005 Apr 14
LOCFIT: What's it doing?
Dear R-users,
One of the main reasons I moved from GAUSS to R (as an econometrician) was because of the existence of the library LOCFIT for local polynomial regression. While doing some checking between my former `GAUSS code' and my new `R code', I came to realize LOCFIT is not quite doing what I want. I wrote the following example script:
2010 Nov 14
Integrate to 1? (gauss.quad)
Does anyone see why my code does not integrate to 1?
mu <- 0
s <- 1
Q <- 5
qq <- gauss.quad(Q, kind='hermite')
sum((1/(s*sqrt(2*pi))) * exp(-((qq$nodes-mu)^2/(2*s^2))) * qq$weights)
### This does what's it is supposed to
myNorm <- function(theta) (1/(s*sqrt(2*pi))) * exp(-((theta-mu)^2/(2*s^2)))
integrate(myNorm, -Inf, Inf)
2006 Feb 01
Gauss-Krüger coordinates system
Dear All,
I need to convert some Northing-Easting coordinates from the Gauss-Krüger system into latitude-longitude.
Any suggestions on how to do it?
Marco Giannitrapani
Statistical Consultant
Tel: +44151373 5945
Internet: http://www.shell.com
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2009 Jun 17
how to verify gauss-markov hypothesis for linear model validity?
Hello list:
(This is probably a stupid question). Is there a "quick and easy" way to confirm the gauss-markov conditions of a linear multiple regression model? That the mean of the residuals is 0 can easily be tested for. The normality of the residuals as well (shapiro-wilk?). But what about homoscedasticity? And independence of residuals with respect to the model variables?
2012 May 09
problem with Gauss Hermite ( x and w )
Hi all,
I am using the 'gaussHermite' function from the 'pracma' library
############ CODES ###########
############ CODES ###########
as far so good. However, it does NOT work for any NON integer values, say
############ CODES ###########
############ CODES ###########
But just think about it
2006 Sep 04
how to fit gauss beam?
I am having a hard time fitting a gauss beam using R. In
gnutplot I did something like
$ w(z) = w0 * sqrt(1+(z/z0)**2)
$ fit w(z) 'before_eom.txt' using 1:2 via w0, z0
to obtain w0 and z0. Now I want to do the same in R. I tried
a linear model like this (r = radius, z = distance):
beam <- function(z) {
sum(sqrt(1 + z**2))
lm(r ~ I(beam(z)), data = before_eom)
2006 May 24
general Gauss-Newton or support for NSUR: contemporaneously correlated non-linear models
Dear r-Help readers,
1) Is there support for NSUR in some R package yet?
2) Is there a general function of applying the Gauss-Newton or Marquard
method, in which the function of calculating the partial derivatives can
be specified by the user?
Contemporaneously correlated non-linear models (NSUR) is a method to fit
a system of non-linear equations.
I want to use to fit several non-linear
2007 Nov 20
How is the Gauss-Newton method compared to Levenberg-Marquardt for curve-fitting?
It seems to me that the most suitable method in R for curve-fitting is the use of nls, which uses a Gauss-Newton (GN) algorithm, while the use of the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm does not seem to be very stressed in R. According to this [1] by Ripley, 'Levenberg-Marquardt is hardly competitive these days' which could imply the low emphasize on LM in R.
The position of LM is, to
2006 May 05
Spline integration & Gaussian quadrature (was: gauss.quad.prob)
Thanks for your thoughts on this. I did a bit of work and did end up
with a method (more a trick), but it did work. I am certain there are
better ways to do this, but here is how I resolved the issue.
The integral I need to evaluate is
\frac{\int_c^{\infty} p(x|\theta)f(\theta)d\theta}
{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p(x|\theta)f(\theta)d\theta}
2005 Jun 21
nls(): Levenberg-Marquardt, Gauss-Newton, plinear - PI curve fitting
i have a problem with the function nls().
This are my data in "k":
V1 V2
[1,] 0 0.367
[2,] 85 0.296
[3,] 122 0.260
[4,] 192 0.244
[5,] 275 0.175
[6,] 421 0.140
[7,] 603 0.093
[8,] 831 0.068
[9,] 1140 0.043
With the nls()-function i want to fit following formula whereas a,b, and c
are variables: y~1/(a*x^2+b*x+c)
With the standardalgorithm