similar to: Automating the job?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Automating the job?"

2010 Jan 11
K-means recluster data with given cluster centers
K-means recluster data with given cluster centers Dear R user, I have several large data sets. Over time additional new data sets will be created. I want to cluster all the data in a similar/ identical way with the k-means algorithm. With the first data set I will find my cluster centers and save the cluster centers to a file [1]. This first data set is huge, it is guarantied that cluster
2002 Feb 27
Bug in (PR#1331)
G'day all, I had a look at the GLM code of R (1.4.1) and I believe that there are problems with the function "" that may bite in rare circumstances. Note, I have no data set with which I ran into trouble. This report is solely based on having a look at the code. Below I append a listing of the function as produced by my system. I have added line numbers so that I
2011 Feb 17
cv.glmnet errors
Hi, I am trying to do multinomial regression using the glmnet package, but the following gives me an error (for no reason apparent to me): library(glmnet) cv.glmnet(x=matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6), nrow=6),y=as.factor(c(1,2,1,2,3,3)),family='multinomial',alpha=0.5, nfolds=2) The error i get is: Error in if (outlist$msg != "Unknown error") return(outlist) : argument is of
2007 May 18
partial correlation significance
Hi, among the many (5) methods that I found in the list to do partial correlation in the following two that I had a look I am getting different t-values. Does anyone have any clues on why is that? The source code is below. Thanks. pcor3 <- function (x, test = T, p = 0.05) { nvar <- ncol(x) ndata <- nrow(x) conc <- solve(cor(x)) <- 1/sqrt(diag(conc)) pcc <-
2012 Jan 25
formula error inside function
I want use survfit() and basehaz() inside a function, but it doesn't work. Could you take a look at this problem. Thanks for your help. Following is my codes: library(survival) n <- 50 # total sample size nclust <- 5 # number of clusters clusters <- rep(1:nclust,each=n/nclust) beta0 <- c(1,2) set.seed(13) #generate phmm data set Z <- cbind(Z1=sample(0:1,n,replace=TRUE),
2008 May 23
Shared Library Error
Can anyone help me resolve this? A part of the R function looks like this: print(is.loaded('merge_xtabs_patterns_file')) print(is.loaded('merge_xtabs_patterns_file_')) .Fortran('merge_xtabs_patterns_file_',ydim[1],ydim[2],x=as.integer(as.matrix(y)),na=as.integer(c), maxD=as.integer(maxD),lrowmem=length(rowmem),rowmem=as.integer(rowmem),
2006 Jan 08
I have found some "issues" (bugs?) with nls confidence intervals ... some with the relatively new "port" algorithm, others more general (but possibly in the "well, don't do that" category). I have corresponded some with Prof. Ripley about them, but I thought I would just report how far I've gotten in case anyone else has thoughts. (I'm finding the code
2013 Jan 26
confidence / prediction ellipse
Hi, I'm using the R library(car) to draw confidence/prediction ellipses in a scatterplot. >From what i understood the ellipse() function return an ellipse based parameters: shape, center, radius . If i read dataEllipse() function i can see how these parameters are calculated for a confidence ellipse. ibrary(car) a=c(12,12,4,5,63,63,23) b=c(13,15,7,10,73,83,43) v <-
2010 Oct 11
I need to find the area under a trapezoid for a research-related project. I was able to find the area under the trapezoid in MATLAB using the code: function [int] = myquadrature(f,a,b) % user-defined quadrature function % integrate data f from x=a to x=b assuming f is equally spaced over the interval % use type % determine number of data points npts = prod(size(f)); nint = npts -1; %number of
2011 Oct 27
Question about .Fortran in glmnet package
Hi, My apologies for asking this question, but could not find the answer elsewhere. I understand the glmnet package uses Fortran code. For example, the lognet.R file includes the lines of code shown below. But how can I see the Fortran code that is being referenced in the code below? Is that provided somewhere in the package source code? .Fortran("lognet",
2005 Jan 12
Finding seasonal peaks in a time series....
I have a seasonal time series. I want to calculate the annual mean value of the time series at its peak (say the mean of the three values before the peak, the peak, and the three values after the peak). The peak of the time series might change cycle slightly from year to year. # E.g., nPts <- 254 foo <- sin((2 * pi * 1/24) * 1:nPts) foo <- foo + rnorm(nPts, 0, 0.05) bar <- ts(foo,
2003 Mar 31
Convert char vector to numeric table
I'm a great fan of read.table(), but this time the data had a lot of cruft. So I used readLines() and editted the char vector to eventually get something like this: " 23.4 1.5 4.2" " 19.1 2.2 4.1" and so on. To get that into a 3 col numeric table, I first just used: writeLines(data,"tempfile")
2005 Jun 25
optimization problem in R ... can this be done?
Im trying to ascertain whether or not the facilities of R are sufficient for solving an optimization problem I've come accross. Because of my limited experience with R, I would greatly appreciate some feedback from more frequent users. The problem can be delineated as such: A utility function, we shall call g is a function of x, n ... g(x,n). g has the properties: n > 0, x lies on the
2010 Jul 26
[RFC/PATCH] New chainloading functionality
This patch introduces extra functionality to chain.c, mainly with reference to BPB adjustments, but not only that. It expects 3 small patches I sent earlier (they are included for easy reference, patches 1-3/4). The changes introduced are: 1) file and boot sector use separate options to control load address and jump address (if applicable). Options are as described below: *
2013 Feb 22
Help xyplot
Hi Mackay and anybody (a) Is it possible to select randomly (let say five grids) and plot? (b) Is it possible to plot five nearest grid in one figure? The original question and improved codes: #I am ploting gridded time series data. I would like the actual lat #and lon value appear on the graph-if possible inside the graph as #numbers. If there is also more elegant ways to plot the graphs I
2006 Oct 05
unexpected behavior of boxplot(x, notch=TRUE, log="y")
A function I've been using for a while returned a surprising [to me, given the data] error recently: Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) : Logarithmic axis must have positive limits After some digging I realized what was going on: x <- c(10460.97, 10808.67, 29499.98, 1, 35818.62, 48535.59, 1, 1, 42512.1, 1627.39, 1, 7571.06, 21479.69, 25, 1, 16143.85, 12736.96,
2006 Jan 23
too-large notches in boxplot (PR #7690)
PR #7690 points out that if the confidence intervals (+/-1.58 IQR/sqrt(n)) in a boxplot with notch=TRUE are larger than the hinges -- which is most likely to happen for small n and asymmetric distributions -- the resulting plot is ugly, e.g.: set.seed(1001) npts <- 5 X <- rnorm(2*npts,rep(3:4,each=npts),sd=1) f <- factor(rep(1:2,each=npts)) boxplot(X~f) boxplot(X~f,notch=TRUE) I can
2013 Feb 20
xyplot help
I am ploting gridded time series data. I would like the actual lat and lon value appear on the graph-if possible inside the graph as numbers. If there is also more elegant ways to plot the graphs I will appreciate more suggestions. ################################# library(ggplot2) library(lattice) month <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May",
2006 Jan 19
nls profiling with algorithm="port" may violate bounds (PR#8508)
[posted to R-devel, no discussion: resubmitting it as a bug, just so it gets logged appropriately] Sorry to report further difficulties with nls and profiling and constraints ... the problem this time (which I didn't check for in my last round of testing) is that the nls profiler doesn't seem to respect constraints that have been set when using the port algorithm. See test code
2010 Oct 08
Trapezoid Rule
Dear R Users, I've never used R before and my professor has asked us to do some pretty intense programming (or it's intense to me at least). Here is the question: Modify the function myquadrature inside the script so that it returns the quadrature of descrete data using the trapezoidal rule. Modify the call to the function at the bottom of the script so that is uses your modifies