Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Canonical Correspondence Analysis in R"
2001 Feb 17
Krebs for R (was Re: canonical correspondence analysis)
Anyone wanting to create a Krebs package for R can do so using the
C-source code avalaible at:
Barry J. Cooke Current mailing address:
Ph.D. Candidate 3971 NW 23 Circle
Environmental Biology and Ecology Gainesville, Florida, USA
Department of Biological Sciences 32605
2001 Feb 16
canonical correspondence analysis
Is there an R function that does canonical correspondence analysis. Can
it be done using the VR function corresp()?
If not, how hard it be to write R code to do it? I am a population
biologist with long but patchy programming experience in C, Smalltalk,
Java and other languages.
Patrick Foley
patfoley at csus.edu
2004 Mar 29
calculate length of gradient ?
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Dear r-help list,
my question is about ordination technics:
2009 Feb 08
library vegan - cca - versus CANOCO
Hi R users,
I have two data matrix, one with community data and another with
environmental data. Prior to preform the CCA, I have used PCA to select some
environmental variables and to avoid redundance information. The result is
that I have 4 environmental variables and my community data matrix where,
following bibliography, I have eliminated rare species.
All variables were log-transformed (x+1)
2005 Nov 26
correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis in R
now contains version 1.4 of ca.R
There are already many versions of CA and CCA in various R packages,
but this one has some unique features, so maybe it is useful.
The function ca() can do simple CA, but it also
allows for linear restrictions on the row and column scores (they
can be restricted to be in the span of a number of covariates). Thus
2009 Mar 20
CCA - manual selection
I am trying to obtain f-values for response (independent) variables from a
CCA performed in vegan package, to see which ones of them have
significative influence in my dependent variables (like the manual selection
in canoco), but I can't find any function (or package) that do such a thing.
The dependents variables are species data, and the independents are
ambiental data.
Than you.
2012 Apr 23
Solve an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem in R
This thread reveals that R has some holes in the solution of some of the linear algebra
problems that may arise. It looks like Jim Ramsay used a quick and dirty approach to the
generalized eigenproblem by using B^(-1) %*% A, which is usually not too successful due to
issues with condition of B and making a symmetric/Hermitian problem unsymmetric.
In short, the problem is stated as follows:
2004 May 10
environmental data as vector in PCA plots
I want to include a vector representing the sites - environmental data
correlation in a PCA.
I currently use prcomp (no scaling) to perform the PCA, and envfit to
retrieve the coordinates of the environmental data vector. However, the
vector length is different from the one obtained in CAnoco when performing
a species - environmental biplot (scaling -2). How can I scale the vector
in order to
2010 Nov 17
Total inertia in package Vegan?
Dear all at the R-project help list.
I have run into a problem when it comes to getting values for "total inertia" and "R-squared" for my DCA using "decorana" in the package "vegan". I have tried the "goodness" function, but the reply indicates that it does not work with "decorana" class objects. In Canoco one gets the Total inertia in
2002 Dec 04
Interpreting canonical correlation (cancor) results
from what I understand about the canonical correlation function
'cancor', it looks for correlations in two sets of variables, each
represented in matrix form. Right? Sounds exactly like what I need.
I have tried the following but I am not sure how to interpret the results.
AudioPCs <- c(ArTHarF0PCA$x[,2], ArTHarF1PCA$x[,2], ArTHarF2PCA$x[,2],
2013 Mar 27
Conditional CCA and Monte Carlo - Help!
Hi All,
I am using canonical correspondence analysis to compare a community
composition matrix to a matrix of sample spatial relationships and
environmental variables. In order to parse out how much variance is
explained purely by space (S/E) or the environment (E/S) I am using a
conditional (partial) CCA. I want to test significance via Monte Carlo but
I can not find a way to do this with a
2017 Jul 19
Redundancy canonical analysis plot problem in 3D using VEGAN, RGL, SCATTERPLOT3D and SFSMISC
We need to keep the discussion on the list. When I run your code, there are several problems.
strain.data <- read.xlsx("Dee rhiz.xlsx", sheetName ="strain", header = T, row.names = 1)
str(strain.data) # lists 9 columns at the end with all NAs
strain.data1 <- (strain.data, sqrt.dist = TRUE) # this is not a valid R line. I get
Error: unexpected ',' in
2007 Nov 20
Canonical Correlation Analysis
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is Animesh working on Canonical
Correlation Analysis ( CCA ) and I am using CCA package in R. I have a doubt
and it may be very basic question. Hope someone will get back to me with
answer. I am trying to follow the documentation of CCA but could not make
out some of the stuffs.
1) I simulated some of the data sets and got the result. I want to
2017 Jul 18
Redundancy canonical analysis plot problem in 3D using VEGAN, RGL, SCATTERPLOT3D and SFSMISC
Hello Sir
I am getting problem in plotting in CCA . Could you please help me? I wrote the below command but I don't know why it is taking only first 5 env data rather than all 9.
> strain.data <- read.xlsx("Dee rhiz.xlsx", sheetName="strain", header = T, row.names = 1)
> env.data <- read.xlsx("Dee rhiz.xlsx", sheetName="env", header = T,
2006 Jul 20
Correspondence analysis with R -follow up
Hi all,
thank you for your answers; i've tried both cca from vegan library, and
dudi.coa from ade4 library; one last question: my deal is mainly with
contingency tables, like the one i'm posting here
2013 Dec 17
What is the formula of Pseudo-F statistic in capscale in vegan?
Dear R-help,
We are conducting a distance-based redundancy analysis using capscale and
then testing for statistical significance for six terms in the model for the
constrained ordination using anova.cca in the vegan package. The
significance test is sequential, i.e., testing for significance of a term
only after accounting for all preceding terms. Could someone please provide
us with either the
2016 Sep 05
Tests of all canonical RDA axes
Buenas Tardes,
Estoy teniendo problema para testar la significancia de los ejes del RDA. NO se cual seria el error.
Alguien me podrĂa ayudar? Desde ya muchas gracias.
Saludos, Luis
# Tests of all canonical axes
anova.cca(ssp.rda.hel, by="axis", step=1000)#Para saber la significancia de cada eje
Error in anova.cca(ssp.rda.hel, by = "axis", step = 1000) :
2003 Mar 27
Plot of Canonical Correlation Analysis
Dear all,
I didn't find any graphical solution in the package "mva" to plot the
canonical scores from a CCA (canonical correlation analysis).
Does anybody knows how to plot or has anybody already programmed :
- the map of the canonical scores,
- the graph of the canonical weights,
- the correlation circle i.e. the canonical loadings ?
Thank you for help ...
2010 Jul 18
producing biplot of canonical correlation analysis
Dear List,
I would like to obtain biplot containing arrows and variable labels.
However, after checking the previous message and package CCA and function
my attempt remains an open question.
Please kindly advise code or package I might miss to achieve it.
Thank you.
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2011 Mar 28
ordination in vegan
Hi all,
I have site data with plant species cover and am looking for trends. I'm
kind of new to this, but have done lots of reading and can't find an answer.
I tried decorana (I know it's been replaced by ca.) and see a trend, but I'm
not sure what it means. Is there a way to get the loadings/eigenvectors of
the axes (like in PCA)? Is there a way to do this with rda() too? How