similar to: Which version to install?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Which version to install?"

2006 Oct 25
i cant install acts_as_ferret
This is what happens when i try to get acts_as_ferret ...."nothing much".... Please help me and excuse me if its really dumb, i''m new to this! thanks C:\rails\app>gem install ferret Attempting local installation of ''ferret'' Local gem file not found: ferret*.gem Attempting remote installation of ''ferret'' Updating Gem source index for:
2006 Oct 19
not able to install acts_as_ferret
I have an older version installed and want to try the latest ferret/aaf to see if it solves some perf problems, but haven''t been able to get aaf on multiple tries on multiple days now. script/plugin install svn:// svn: Can''t connect to host '''': Operation timed out Has
2007 Jan 11
stop words in query
Hello all, Quick question, I''m using AAF and the following custom analyzer: class StemmedAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer include Ferret::Analysis def initialize(stop_words = ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, str), @stop_words)) end However when
2006 Nov 01
aaf and stop words; query parser
I''ve been trying to implement acts_as_ferret in my latest project and ran into a snag. If I do a search for ''auditor state'' then the search works perfectly. If I include a stop word, as in ''auditor of state'', then I get no results. I''d prefer not to set stop words to nil and index everything. The solution, that I have yet to attempt, is to use
2006 May 22
how to index the result of any instance method
Hi, One of the AAF features is to be able to index results of methods, but I haven''t seen anywhere how to do this. I have a method that returns the full text of a file and I''d like for this to be indexed. Can anyone out there help me out on this one? Tom -- Posted via
2006 Aug 08
acts_as_ferret to search partial phrases and fuzzy
Hi All, I was wondering if anyone had experience of extending AAF plugin for Rails to implement a broader query ? The documentation and the demo provided on the wiki seems to only match full text queries, or partial when using a * wildcard. Ideally, I am trying to acheive something similar to the following (pseudo code): def search @query
2007 Jan 21
[ActsAsFerret] OpenSolaris (TextDrive) indexing issues
Gents, I successfully installed AAF on my TextDrive OpenSolaris Container, but I''m having some issues with indexing. I have a model called Blogs which has AAF enabled. The first time I tried to find_by_contents for a ''word'' I know was on the Database I got now results. Apparently the index was not ready yet. Then I waited a few hours and checked that the /index
2006 Sep 20
acts_as_ferret limit on multi_search not working?
I''m using acts_as_ferret to do a query like this: Model1.multi_search("my query",[Model2,Model3], :limit => 2) No matter what number i set limit to I get 10 items in the resultset. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks/David -- Posted via
2006 Nov 28
how to update index from a script
Hello all, I''m using AAF right now to index my ~3million db records. However, any additions to these records are added to the database through an external script so the aaf activerecord hooks will not catch any updates. Since new records are only added rarely, I figured I could just add the new records manually in ferret from some type of script. I''ve been looking at the
2006 Aug 19
acts_as_ferret causing strange behaviour
I posted this issue as a bug on the acts_as_ferret trac ( but need to get this working asap. so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. To try and sum this up in better terms than I used in the original bug report, the problem I am experiencing seems to be related to the fact I am using inheritance in my controllers. I
2006 Nov 17
[Tweaking-Typo-4.0.3] acts_as_ferret `method_missing''
Hey Folks, after following the instructions for tweaking Typo to use rather ferret than DB queries to search article I got a strange NoMethod error when starting the console or the server scripts. /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/base.rb:1129:in `method_missing'':NoMethodError: undefined method `acts_as_ferret'' for Content:Class As you can
2007 Feb 04
[AAF] remote indexing via DRb with acts_as_ferret
Hi! Aaf trunk has undergone several major refactorings the last days, with the result that you can now transparently switch your app from local to remote indexing and back :-) If you plan to scale your app to more than one physical machine, or if you have problems with corrupted indexes and the like under high load, you really should give this a try. I wrote some documentation to get you
2006 Sep 09
acts_as_ferret 0.3.0
Hi, just wanted to officially announce the release of acts_as_Ferret 0.3.0. As you see, I''m trying to catch up with Ferret''s version numbers ;-) svn:// or svn:// This release is now tagged stable, so in case anybody has used the old stable release via an svn external, please
2006 Apr 13
Typo and acts_as_ferret rebuild_index errror
Hi, I''m running the edge Typo and the latest acts_as_ferret plugin and ferret gems (as of 11 April). In my Content model I put acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title, :body] In the console, I call Content.rebuild_index to index all of my existing content. All the directories get created etc, but I get the following error back: Loading development environment. >>
2006 Aug 30
AAF Sorting by date - what am I doing wrong?
I''m trying to sort my search results by Date, in descending order. I''ve done quite a bit of reading through the forums here, and I''ve tried two different suggestions. This just returns results in the same order as a search without a sort: sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<"ferret_created_at",:reverse => :true)
2006 Aug 25
disabling automatic indexing in acts_as_ferret
I''d like to be able to enable/disable the automatic indexing of documents acts_as_ferret does. Something like MyModel.disable_indexing MyModel.enable_indexing would be perfect. I need this because I do some indexing that requires visiting the parents of the model objects and my import method imports the children first, so the information isn''t there yet. I''d like to
2006 Aug 24
acts_as_ferret for Ferret 0.10
Hi all, the current acts_as_ferret trunk is now ported to Ferret 0.10. Get it while it''s hot at svn:// Nearly everything works, besides this: - all queries are ORed (no way to tell the QueryParser to build AND queries by default) - more_like_this is broken I''m working with Dave to fix these things soon. The last Ferret 0.9.x
2006 Aug 29
uninitialized constant UNTOKENIZED
I''m getting "uninitialized constant UNTOKENIZED" when I try to do something like the following: class Url < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields => {''name'' => {}, ''description'' => {}, ''url'' => {:index => Ferret::Document::Field::Index::UNTOKENIZED},
2006 Oct 09
hello, acts_as_ferret questions, any help greatly appreciate
hi, ive been reading up on ferret, acts_as_ferret, and other search plugins for rails. after reading about ferret, i found out about the acts_as_ferrt plugin. my first question about acts_as_ferret: 1. from reading about ferret, do i still need to manually save the IDX and add a IDX column field to my model table for acts_as_ferret to work? they say that acts_as_ferret handles everything,
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a