Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "tcltk: testing for widgets?"
2001 Feb 14
help with tcltk
Can anyone explain to me how to add a vert. scrollbar to a listbox using tcltk please?
Frank Gerrit Zoellner
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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(in the "body", not the subject
2001 Feb 03
tk non-widget commands (esp. update and winfo)
I've been playing with the tcltk package. It's very nice to have
access to buttons, menus etc. now. Thank you!
Alas, I also have questions: In Tcl everything is a string [*]. This
is not the case in R, of course. So why are return values of tk
commands still strings? (Is there any other reason than speed or
"package is work in progress"?)
> tt <-
2004 Mar 15
norm of complex number
I want o calc the norm of a complex number ( |c| where c is complex). Does the function abs() this ?
Frank G. Zoellner
AG Angewandte Informatik
Technische Fakult"at
Universit"at Bielefeld
phone: +49(0)521-106-2951
fax: +49(0)521-106-2992
email: fzoellne at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
2004 Mar 11
fft question
I am using the fft() function the base package to transform some 1d signal.
If I use this standar fucntion I get a very huge first fourier coeficient.
I think this dues to the handling of the borders of the signal.
Usually in fft especially in image processing the signal is simulated to be continuous by adding the signal several times periodically. My question is, is there some function
2001 Feb 22
Problem with tcltk listbox
I've got two problems with listboxes and selection:
I created a listbox, no problem. Then I bind the Button-1 of the mouse to the listbox to start some things by pressing the mousebutton. The proiblem is that as I click a item of the listbox this error occured:
Error in .Tcl(.Tcl.args(...)) : [tcl] bad listbox index "": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number.
2004 Mar 09
SVM unbalanced classes
I am using R 1.8.1 and the svm of the e1071 package for classification.
The problem is that I have unbalanced classes e.g. the first one is much bigger than the second one and therfore the svm is biased to the first class.
If I manually adjust the class size the bias disappears.
The question is then how to include this unequal class distribution to the svm (e.g. via wheights or costs)?
2005 Feb 28
Getting width of Tk text widget via tcltk
Dear list members,
Is it possible via a suitable tcltk command to get the *current* width, in
characters, of a Tk text widget that has been resized with the mouse? In the
following code, the reported width of the text widget doesn't change, even
though it has been resized. I can, however, get the current width in pixels:
> library(tcltk)
> top <- tktoplevel()
> textWindow <-
2004 Mar 11
Receiver Operator Characteristic curve
Dear R-helpers:
I want to calculate area under a Receiver Operator Characteristic curve. Where can I find related functions?
Thank you in advance
2002 Jul 30
Problem with legend
I have a problem using the legend command.
I typed as follows:
plot(foo bar...)
legend(0.6,10, c("True Positiv", "False Positive", "False Negative","True Negative"), col = c("black",2,3,4),lty=c(1,1,1,1),pch=c(0,0,0,0), merge = TRUE, bg='gray90')
The plot and its legend is displayed ok. The I apply a dev.cop2eps on it to save the
2001 Nov 22
Editing R graphics
One of the few things that I miss from Splus is
the ability of interactively add text and symbols to graphics
that have been created by functions. I understand that the best
solution in R is to create a graphic file and use external
software for editing the graphic. I know what to use in the
Win environment, but could anyone suggest what tools would
be appropriate under Linux?
2009 Oct 19
Problem with geometry manager in TclTK
Hello, everyone.
I have the following problem with TclTk: I create some windows and want to
change their position with geometry manage (sometimes they will be centered,
sometimes not).
If the toplevel is created and its dimensions are gathered via 'tkwinfo', I
get (usually) correct values. However, if this window is created by a
function (in the following example, by 'ask.format')
2001 Feb 12
RODBC and connection parameters
I'm using the RODBC packages for connecting R and a mysql database.
To do this, i use the function odbcConnect(dsn,uid,pwd).
Is it possible to read the connection paramters from the odbc.ini file within R?
+Especially I'm interested in uid/pwd parameters because of security reasons.
Frank Gerrit Zoellner
2001 Mar 07
help with dev.copy2eps
I'm using the function dev.copy2eps to store a plot into a file.
How can I change the default name of the file and the path where the file
should be created ?
Frank Gerrit Zoellner
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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2008 Oct 30
using yscrollcommand in tkcanvas crashes R (PR#13231)
Full_Name: Sundar Dorai-Raj
Version: 2.8.0
OS: Windows
Submission from: (NULL) (
The following code crashes R:
tt <- tktoplevel()
tc <- tkcanvas(tt, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(ts, ...))
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
2001 Mar 26
Plotting with more than one y axis
I want to combine two plots. On the one hand i've got a histogram and on the other hand a line plot. The y axis of the plot are different and i want both axis (one on the right side the other on the left side) in the plot. How can I do this in R ?
Frank Gerrit Zoellner
r-help mailing list -- Read
2001 May 23
reading PID
How can I read the process id of my actual R session?
Frank Gerrit Zoellner
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe"
(in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at
2001 May 31
substitute values in a vector,dataframe
I've got a dataframe with -Inf values inside and i want to substitute them with 0. The dataframe is only one column. How can I do this in R?
Frank Gerrit Zoellner
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or
2013 Apr 20
One tiny Windows Unicode patch
I have been doing some heavy testing with the new FLAC version, and I
found that CreateFile function in grabbag had been left out of UTF-8
treatment at some point. This causes re-encoding an existing flac to the
same name to break the file if it contains non-ascii characters.
Attached patch fixes this.
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/include/share/win_utf8_io.h
2005 Aug 02
Read from data frame, and not from global environment
Dear members,
assume given a function of type
test<-function(formula, data , w){
glm1<-glm(formula, family=poisson, data=data, weights=w)
and a simple example data frame as
Let us now execute
test(y ~ x, test.frame, a )
My question is: What do I have to insert at the first occurance of .....
in the test
2006 Feb 10
tk mouse cursor icon widget tkwinfo tkfocus questions
1. I want to change the mouse cursor over my window into a wait/watch
icon while R computes. Can this be done directly?
Some ancient tcltk mailing lists said change the cursor over every
widget in the window:
foreach widget [winfo children $window] {
$widget config -cursor watch
To do this I'll need a list of