similar to: accessing associated models in a validate method

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "accessing associated models in a validate method"

2006 Mar 10
Validate fields and display errors from two models?
Hi, I have here a problem I''ve been working at for a little while but I can''t seem to get the error messages to appear correctly. My form looks something like this for "ModelA": [errors_for "modelA"] [form for "modelA"] [text "modelA" "fieldname1"] [text "modelB" "fieldname2"] [submit] [/form] The reason
2009 Oct 06
Problems Processing multiple form elements generated by javascript actions
Hi all, After many days of struggling, I have a multi-model form with ajax elements more or less working, but I''m hitting a wall with a few bugs that I can''t figure out. Guidance would be very much appreciated. I''m using the Ryan Bates technique from Advanced Rails recipes to dynamically add and remove elements on a multi-model form.
2006 Jan 23
validates_uniqueness_of :username, :if => !self.new_record?
Hi all I want users to register on my page. To register, they only have to deliver an email and a password. Then a link with an activation token will be sent to them, and after clicking the link the user sees a page where he should fill in further details, means: a username. My model looks like this: class Member < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :username, :if =>
2010 Mar 24
mounting gfs partition hangs
Hi, I have configured two machines for testing gfs filesystems. They are attached to a iscsi device and centos versions are: CentOS release 5.4 (Final) Linux 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:33:56 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux The problem is if I try to mount a gfs partition it hangs. [root at node2 ~]# cman_tool status Version: 6.2.0 Config Version: 29 Cluster Name:
2006 Jan 19
Easy way to handle form input without a model class?
I have a couple forms that I''d like to be able to validate and automatically populate, but it shouldn''t be based on AR. In fact I often have a bunch of small forms that I can''t really justify writing a whole new model class for anyway. I''d like to validate the form input, and then use rails helpers to automatically populate the form if validations fail.
2006 Jun 03
Can I tell if the associated record is new in a belongs_to save?
In a belongs_to association, is there a way to tell if the associated object was newly created? Hopefully this will explain my question: A Firm class declares has_many<>:clients and a client class declares
2006 Mar 18
has_many and validates_associated
By trial and error I seem to arrive to the conclusion that 1. Validation recurses through has_many by default and a root save! call raises an excepcion if some child no matter how nested is fails validation 2. Validation does not recurse through has_one by default and you can change this with validates_associated, in which case exceptions behave like above
2003 May 05
Dear all, I've found a bug report for R when installing it on an AIX5.1 system. There's a followup (number 4) that comments a segmentation fault on R when quitting "q()". I'm using a newer version of R but on the same operating system and I obtain the same error. There was a way to solve this problem? Best regards and thanks, --
2007 May 28
Rails, respond_to? over anonymous module (extend has_many).
Hello List, I''m trying to generate examples for some list-helpers I have coded which use in my projects. Basically, the Playlist class uses one anonymous module in has_many that acts as helper between acts_as_list and my desired API: class Playlist < ActiveRecord::Base # associations go here has_many :playlist_items, :order => :position, :dependent => :destroy has_many
2003 Oct 29
Environment set on PAM module is not visible to user
We're using an internal PAM module (Linux) that sets a few environment variables using pam_putenv (on pam_sm_authenticate). In version 3.6.1p1i such variables are visible to the user (as expected), but since 3.7p1 they are not... Is this the expected behaviour? Thanks in advance, Jose ____________________________________________________________________________ Jose A. Rodriguez
2007 Aug 09
TypeError: $_ value need to be String (nil given)
Hello all, I am trying to run a unit test in a Rails project of mine (Rails 1.2.2, Ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i486-linux]), and am running into the following error: 1) Error: test_pattern_splits(PatternSplitTest): TypeError: $_ value need to be String (nil given) /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.2/lib/active_record/ validations.rb:74:in `split''
2006 Oct 13
Validation errors in has_one/belongs_to relationships.
I have two objects, QuoteInput and Insured. QuoteInput has one Insured and Insured belongs to QuoteInput. I don''t understand what I''m seeing. I assign an Insured to a QuoteInput. The Insured object has invalid data. I call save! on the quote input. QuoteInput has no validations. I expect two things to happen - 1) an exception should be thrown, indicating that there was a
2011 Jun 15
.new_record? and :_destroy
Rails version 2.3.8 I have a ticket model that has many comments the comments have an attribute called "admin" -- is this a comment added by an administrator the ticket has an attribute called "admin_email_address" I want to validate when saving the ticket and say "if I have a new admin comment, make sure I have an admin_email_address" In my ticket model, the
2007 Jun 29
attachment_fu validation error
I have this class: class Logo < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :something has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :db_file, :max_size => 500.kilobytes :thumbnails => {:web => ''150x100'', :pdf => ''150x100''}, :processor =>
2008 Aug 31
assigning collection values and exceptions
hi everyone, I''ve this code in my Report model: has_many :report_reasons, :validate => true has_many :reasons, :through => :report_reasons #, :uniq => true # :accessible => true def reason_attributes=(reason_attributes) reasons.clear reason_attributes.uniq.each do |reason| reasons << Reason.find_or_create_by_content(reason) end end
2007 Nov 14
has_many_polymorphs and acts_as_list ?
First, BRAVO for this wonderful plugin: has_many_polymorphs ! Now my problem: 4 models : Collection, Page, Fragment, Belonging (which is the join table): 1 class Collection < ActiveRecord::Base 2 has_many_polymorphs :elements, 3 :through => :belongings, 4 :from => [:pages, :fragments, :collections], 5 :as => :collector, 6 :parent_order =>
2009 Jul 01
form_for resources with :singular specified
I fully suspect that I''m missing the point here somewhere so I promise I won''t be offended if you tell me I''m being daft. My application rents equipment ... not equipments. So I have the following: map.resources :equipment, :singular => :equipment_instance class Equipment < ActiveRecord::Base class EquipmentController < ApplicationController The
2011 Sep 05
function censReg in panel data setting
Hello all, I have a problem estimating Random Effects model using censReg function. small part of code: UpC <- censReg(Power ~ Windspeed, left = -Inf, right = 2000,data=PData_In,method="BHHH",nGHQ = 4) Error in maxNRCompute(fn = logLikAttr, fnOrig = fn, gradOrig = grad, hessOrig = hess, : NA in the initial gradient ...then I tried to set starting values myself and here is
2008 Jan 31
reby-debug and rspec
How do I use the ruby debugger with a specific test (not the whole spec file)? I want to do something like this. $ rdebug spec/models/user_spec.rb -s "should error if not new_record" ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
2006 Feb 12
habtm doesn''t save old IDs
I''m sure I''m not getting something. I have Users, and I have Groups. Each User has_and_belongs_to_many :groups and each Group has_and_belongs_to_many :users. When I add a user, I want to apply a bunch of groups (like tags) to the user (manually, without acts_as_taggable). Here''s User#create: @user =[:user]) @user.groups =