Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Folding ?"
1999 Nov 03
bug in Rdconvlib.pl converting to latex (PR#311)
If .../<pkg>/man/ contains a filename beginning with [, such as
[.datetimes, Rdconvlib.pl cannot convert that help file into latex at
INSTALL time. [Using --no-latex is a workaround.]
The error given is:
# R INSTALL ssCatalogues
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package `ssCatalogues'
Formats: text html latex example
/^[.datetimes$/: unmatched [] in regexp at
2003 Oct 09
An artifact of base being namespace
Function in the base library of R 1.8.0 seems to use a search path with
base coming before the local environment. I think this is intentional
and is related to base being a namespace.
> log <- function(x, base) 200
> log(1)
[1] 200
> log10
function (x)
log(x, 10)
<environment: namespace:base>
> log10(1)
[1] 0
This is most problematic when you are creating a
2011 Dec 12
Detecting typo in function argument
With some chagrin after spending a couple of hours trying to debug a script, I realized I
had typed in something like
ans<-optimx(start, myfn, mygr, lower<-lo, upper=up)
that is, the "<-" rather than "=". The outcome on my machine was a non-obvious error
several layers deep in the call stack. For info, optim() seems to stop much more quickly.
The error is
2004 Jul 03
counting the occurrences of vectors
I have two matrices, A and B, where A is n x k, and B is m x k, where n >> m >> k. Is there a computationally fast way to count the number of times each row (a k-vector) of B occurs in A? Thanks for any suggestions.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Dec 15
Applying function to a TABLE and also "apply, tapply, sapply etc"
Dear R-help forum members,
Suppose I have a data-frame having two variables and single data for each of them, as described below.
variable_1 variable_2
10 20
I have written a function, say, 'fun' which uses input 10 and 20 and gives me desired result.
fun = function(X, Y)
X + Y #( I am just giving an example of
2000 Feb 02
Large data sets and aggregation
I've noticed quite a few messages relating to large data sets bedeviling
R users, and having just had to program my way through one that actually
caused a "Bus error" when I tried to read it in, I'd like to ask two
1) Are there any facilities for aggregation of data in R?
( I admit that this will not do much for the large data set problem
2) Is there any
2012 Aug 04
Head or Tails game
Reading about a "Heads and Tails" game in
Introduction to Probability (Example 1.4, pp. 5-8).
You toss a coin 40 times. If heads, Peter wins $1, tails, he loses $1. I
think I can do that ok with:
winnings <- sum(sample(c(-1,1), 40, replace=TRUE))
But I have to do it 10,000 times
2012 Nov 22
BibTeX entries in CITATION file
Dear List,
While trying to define a customised CITATION file for a package,
following R-exts, I realised that if I use only one 'citEntry' I got
both a text description and a BibTex entry for the package, as for the
'nlme' package:
To cite package 'nlme' in publications use:
Jose Pinheiro, Douglas Bates, Saikat
2008 Apr 04
How can we creat conditional data frame
R experts. I am a new user of R and trying to learn this program.
I have a problem. Here is the code.
2010 Jun 29
Performance enhancement for ave
grp1<-sample(1:750, n, replace=T)
grp2<-sample(1:750, n, replace=T)
d<-data.frame(x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n), grp1=grp1, grp2=grp2)
d$avx1 <- ave(d$x, list(d$grp1, d$grp2))
d$avy1 <- ave(d$y, list(d$grp1, d$grp2))
# user system elapsed
# 39.300 0.279 40.809
d$avx2 <- ave(d$x, interaction(d$grp1, d$grp2, drop =
2002 May 08
Questions about S4 style methods and generics
I have some questions about S4 style methods and generics.
First of all, is there any way of using default values for arguments
in the generics/methods? My own experiments show that such arguments
are always ignored. The green book seems to be silent on this
The second question is about using a non-trivial function body for
generics. Page 351 of the green book gives an example of this
2008 Nov 22
Need some help in R programming code
Dear R guru,
I am Saikat Sarkar working as a researcher of Economics in Tampere
University, Finland. I am trying to estimate some Garch related tests with
Bayesian analysis by R programme.
I am not good in R but trying to survive.
Anyway I have the coding but not working properly. I have tried to find the
problem but failed. I am writing to all R gurus to help me out.
Could you please look at
2004 Jul 01
list structure question
I have a list in which element is a vector (all of the same length and
all numeric). I want to find the mean of the first elements of the
vectors, the mean of the second elements of the vectors and so on.
Currently I convert the list to a data.frame and apply rowMeans(). But
is there a way to to do this directly on the list? I seem to recall a
post in which there was such a function (or
2001 Mar 21
Is there any help for "Cannot allocate vector size of xxx KB"
Forgive me if this isn't relevant, but: are you stripping off the output you
need (e.g., parameter estimates) and throwing away what you don't (e.g.,
Reid Huntsinger
-----Original Message-----
From: Saikat DebRoy [mailto:saikat at stat.wisc.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 12:15 PM
To: Han Lai
Cc: R-help
Subject: Re: [R] Is there any help for "Cannot allocate vector
2008 Aug 27
Integrate a 1-variable function with 1 parameter (Jose L. Romero)
Hey fellas:
I would like to integrate the following function:
integrand <- function (x,t) {
with respect to the t variable, from 0 to 10.
The variable x here works as a parameter: I would like to integrate the said function for each value of x in 0,1,..,44.
I have tried Vectorize to no avail.
Thanks in advance,
jose romero
2008 Jan 03
confidence interval too small in nlme?
I am interested in using nlme to model repeated measurements, but I don't seem
to get good CIs.
With the code below I tried to generate data sets according to the model given
by equations (1.4) and (1.5) on pages 7 and 8 of Pinheiro and Bates 2000 (having
chosen values for beta, sigma.b and sigma similar to those estimated in the
For each data set I used lme() to fit a model,
2008 Apr 06
how to manupute data frame with conditions fill cell with previous value if next cell is zero
Dear R Experts,
This is the 2nd time in the chat room. Its a great place to get help from R
I have a data frame problem, it contains thousands of data.
part of it, I am giving for explaining the problem
date day x y z
82 1989-04-28 Fri 2118.0 2418.80 33713
83 1989-05-01 Mon 0.0 2414.96 33793
84 1989-05-02 Tue 2103.1 2402.86 33955
2008 Nov 24
FW: read.ssd
Did not seem to reach Saikat DebRoy, this might be the forum.
-----Original Message-----
From: BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
Sent: 24. november 2008 15:00
To: 'saikat at stat.wisc.edu'; 'stvjc at channing.harvard.edu'
Subject: read.ssd
It's always annoyed me that that read.ssd crashed on datasets with long variable names, but the other day a collegue of mine pointed out to
2005 Mar 17
"RMySQL for R 2.0.1"
Dear List,
RMySQL is old and wouldn't install on R 2.0.1.
How should the source be rewritten to be accepted by R 2.0.1.
With thanks
Fredrik Lundgren
2004 Dec 16
counting numbers without replicates in a vector
I am just wondering if there is an easy way to count
in a numeric vector how many numbers don't have
For example,
a=c(1,1,2,2,3,4,5), how can I know there are three
numbers (3, 4 and 5) without replicates?
Thank you!