Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "how to install packages"
2000 Sep 04
how to compile R source code under Win NT?
Dear All,
This is an absolutely beginner's question: which compiler should I use to
compile R source code under Win NT platform?
Thanks a lot.
Shige Song
Department of Sociology, UCLA
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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2001 Apr 11
anybody using R with TextPad?
I was wondering whether somebody has developed a set of Textpad macro
that work with R the same way as WinEdt does. I use Textpad for almost
everything (programming, creating LaTex docs, etc.), it will be nice if
I can use it as my R program editor. Or maybe someone can tell me how
that kind of macro works so that I can develop my own macros. Thank you!
Shige Song
Department of Sociology,
2011 Dec 13
Plotting a date variable after GAM
Dear All,
I am fitting a simple GAM model using the "gam" function in the "mgcv"
package. The only independent variable is a continuous variable
representing the time of the event (in year and month) coded so that
"0" represents January 1960, "1" represents February 1960, etc. Now
when I try to plot the results, my x-axis ranges from "-200" to
2010 Nov 02
Question about ggplot2
Dear All,
I am trying to graph a simple scatter plot where the x axis is year
and the y axis is a percentage (percentage of infant death). Instead
of plotting the raw data, I want to plot summary statistics such as
mean and median. Here is the problem: the value range of y is between
0 and 1, but since infant death is a rare event, the mean and median
is very low (something like 5%), which shows
2005 Feb 28
Using mutiply imputed data in NLME
Dear All,
I am doing a growth modeling using NLME. I have three levels in my
data: observation, individual, household. About half of my total
sample have missing values in my household-level covariates. Under
this situation, the best way to go is probably to multiply impute the
data (for, say, 5 times), estimate the same model separately on each
model using LME function, and merge the results. My
2005 Jun 23
Another question about Rcmdr
I downloaded the new R 2.1.1 source, compiled and installed on my suse
9.3 box. Then I installed the package Rcmdr. Surprisingly, I cannot
type anything onto the script window. I uninstalled R and grabbed an
rpm version from CRAN, installed it, and installed Rcmdr, same
Has anyone else had this problem?
2011 Feb 13
Recoding using the memisc package
Dear All,
I am trying to recode a variable using the functions provided by
"memisc" package. Actually I am following the examples on page 9-10 of
the vignette:
d.fig <- within(d.fig,{
sev <- recode(sev,
1 -> 0.9,
2 -> 1.0,
3 -> 1.1,
4 ->
2005 Jun 23
How to save changed options in Rcmdr
Dear All,
I want to change the default options of Rcmdr; it seemed to work when
I made changes and click the "Exit and Restart R Commander". However,
next time I open Rcmdr, it automatically restored to the default
options. Is there a way to change Rcmdr's options permanently? Thanks!
2009 Jul 26
Sweave, cacheSweave, and data frame
Dear All,
I have been using Sweave (mainly via the Sweave.sh script) and really like
it. I am working a paper (using Sweave, of course) which includes several
time-consuming computations, and it gets tedious to re-compile the whoel
thing every time I made changes. Then I discover the "cacheSweave" package,
which seems the right solution to my problem. I only have on problem. Here
2017 Jun 07
Errors running spdplyr example
Dear All,
When I tried to run the following code (taken from the *spdplyr* package
worldcorner <- wrld_simpl %>%
mutate(lon = coordinates(wrld_simpl)[,1], lat =
coordinates(wrld_simpl)[,2]) %>%
filter(lat < -20, lon > 60) %>%
I got the following error messages:
Error in (function (cl,
2001 Apr 13
batch mode?
I was trying to use the batch mode "rcmd" under Windows NT. The online
help says the right command should be "Rcmd BATCH [options] infile [outfile]".
But when I type "rcmd BATCH aaa.r" I got message of "The name specified
is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program
or batch file." What is wrong? I know this is a quite
2010 Nov 13
How to turn the colour off for lattice graph?
Dear All,
I am trying to plot a lattice figure and include it in a LaTeX
document via the TikZDevice package. I think the journal I am
submitting to does not like colour figure, so I need to get rid of all
the colours in the figure. If I directly generate PDF or EPS, the
option "trellis.device(color=FALSE)", but when I do:
2005 Aug 30
How to set starting values for lmer?
Dear All,
Can anyone give me some hints about how to set starting values for a lmer
model? For complicated models like this, good starting values can help the
numerical computation and make the model converge faster. Thanks!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 13
Changes titles in ggplot2 plot
Dear Colleagues,
In the following simple ggplot2 code:
m <- ggplot(d.fig, aes(time, prob))
m + stat_summary(fun.data = "median_hilow", conf.int = .95, geom =
"smooth") + facet_wrap(~ Cohort, nrow=1) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,
Is there a way to replace the y-axis label from "prob" to
2005 Aug 17
How to assess significance of random effect in lme4
Dear All,
With kind help from several friends on the list, I am getting close.
Now here are something interesting I just realized: for random
effects, lmer reports standard deviation instead of standard error! Is
there a hidden option that tells lmer to report standard error of
random effects, like most other multilevel or mixed modeling software,
so that we can say something like "randome
2012 Dec 02
Problem with figures
I am having problem making ggplot2, tikzDevice, and knitr working together.
I used a very simple example:
qplot(displ, hwy, data = mpg, colour = factor(cyl))
2005 Aug 17
two-level poisson, again
I compare results of a simple two-level poisson estimated using lmer
and those estimated using MLwiN and Stata (v.9).
In R, I trype:
m2 <- lmer(.D ~ offset(log(.Y)) + (1|pcid2) + educy + agri, male, poisson)
2010 Dec 29
RGtk2 compilation problem
Dear All,
I am trying to compile&install the package "RGtk2" on my Ubuntu 10.04
box. I did not have problem with earlier versions, but with the new
version, I got the following error message :
* installing *source* package ?RGtk2? ...
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
2010 Dec 29
RGtk2 compilation problem
Dear All,
I am trying to compile&install the package "RGtk2" on my Ubuntu 10.04
box. I did not have problem with earlier versions, but with the new
version, I got the following error message :
* installing *source* package ?RGtk2? ...
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
2000 Aug 15
Installing R
Hi, I need some help installing R - I have Windows - i have downloaded rwinst.exe, a zip file and R-110tgz. Can you advise me what I need to do next.
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