Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "[R) Bland Altman plot (was: paste ?)"
2008 Jul 05
Bland-Altman method to measure agreement with repeated measures
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2013 Jul 18
Bland Altman summary stats for all column combinations
I have the following data.frame
structure(list(Study = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L,
8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 1L,
2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L,
16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L,
11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L,
5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L,
2000 Apr 24
paste ?
Dear friends. I've made a very simple procedure to make Bland-Altman plots
and it works OK except for the inability to take a variate as argument in
annotation. I'm sure it is a very simple error, so if you have 5 seconds
please tell me.
Best wishes
bland <- function (x) #accepts two columns
mn <- 0.5*(x[,1]+x[,2])
diff <- x[,1]-x[,2]
2000 Apr 26
Bland Altman plot (was: paste ?)
Dear all,
sorry for this perhaps stupid question, but it concerns my recent
problem as well as the current thread on B-A plot.
I would like to plot something like x+y vs. x-y or mean(x,y) vs
difference (x,y), but my "variables" x,y are actually pairs of
replicates (two observed values of a growth rate by 60 clones). So
the order x,y does not matter and each x,y pair can be arranged
2004 May 18
Isotopic notation in plots
I really like to use R for all my graphs, and as I work with stable
isotopes I want to have a proper chemical notation in my plots
I have looked at ?plotmath, but didn't find the answer and also searched
the R website.
plot(1:10,xlab=expression(^{14}*C)) # I want to have a superscript with
nothing in front, but it
2011 Jan 18
ggplot2, geom_hline and facet_grid
I have a long data set on which I want to do Bland-Altman style plots for each rhythm type
Using ggplot2, when I use geom_hline with facet_grid I get an extra set of empty panels.
I can't get it to do it with the "Diamonds" data supplied with the package so here is a (much abbreviated) example:
> lvexs
cvd_basestudy ecd_rhythm fixed_time variable_time
1 CBP05J02
2011 Feb 24
accuracy of measurements
Dear R people
Could you please help with following
Trying to compare accuracy of tumor size evaluation by different
methods. So data looks like
id true metod1 method2 ...
1 2 2 2.5
2 1.5 2 2
3 2 2 2
Could you please give a hint how to deal with that.
Seems like {merror} does not suite to me because I am trying to compare
accuracy of measurements with their true known values not just
2005 Jan 24
mcnemar.test odds ratios, CI, etc.
Does anyone know of another version of the Mcnemar test that provides:
1. Odds Ratios
2. 95% Confidence intervals of the Odds Ratios
3. Sample probability
4. 95% Confidence intervals of the sample probability
Obviously the Odds Ratios and Sample probabilities are easy to calculate
from the contingency table, but I would appreciate any help on how to
calculate the confidence
2007 Apr 13
Embedding Fonts in eps Files - Required by Publisher
The publisher requires embedded fonts and the eps files that R produces
don't pass its tests. How can I force the fonts (just default fonts) to
be embedded. embedFonts seems to only embed unusual fonts, not the
default ones that are used in a simple eps generated by using
I've tried:
ps2pdf14 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress bland-altman_v2.eps bland-altman_v2.pdf
2001 Jul 10
Using R for Data Analysis & Graphics: update
There is now an updated version of
"Using R for Data Analysis & Graphics" on CRAN,
under Documentation | Contributed.
Data sets and scripts are available from my web page,
to which there is a link on the relevant CRAN page.
John Maindonald email: john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
phone : (6125)3473 fax : (6125)5549
Statistical Consulting Unit, Room 1194,
2013 Feb 24
BA.plot with logarithmic axes (MethComp)
Dear R-helpers,
I am trying to plot a Bland-Altman-Plot using the BA.plot function from the
package MethComp. While there is a function to transform the values for
analysis as shown in the snippet below, I would like to have logarithmic axes
for display as well. The usual log = 'xy' does not work because of the
properties of the y-asxis (positive and negative values). I am sure that
2006 Jan 23
proposed pbirthday fix
Recent news articles concerning an article from The Lancet with fabricated
data indicate
that in the sample containing some 900 or so patients, more than 200 had
the same
birthday. I was curious and tried out the p and q birthday functions but
could not handle 250 coincidences with n = 1000. The calculation of upper
to using uniroot produces NaN,
2011 Mar 23
Comparing non nested models with correlation coefficients (inspired from Lorch and Myers )
I would like to compare two models in R with the same dependant variable but
different predictors (two different types of frequency and reaction times as
An editor told me to have a look at Lorch and Myers 1990.
Lorch and Myers use the following technique:
1) they perform regressions on individual subjects' data
2) they extract the beta weights
3) they run t-test on these beta
2006 Mar 24
[PATCH] qemu pcnet emulation fixes
The attached patch to the qemu emulation of the pcnet hardware fixes
several problems. It will now only read and write a transmit or receive
descriptor once. It will correctly handle transmitting frames with more
than two fragments. It will discard oversize frames instead of
corrupting memory. I have tested all the changes I have made and even
seen an improvement in receive performance from
2007 Jun 05
New Package on Lancet Surveys of Iraq Mortality
I have placed a package on CRAN about two surveys of mortality in Iraq
that were published in the Lancet.
> install.packages("lancet.iraqmortality")
> library(lancet.iraqmortality)
Loading required package: foreign
> ?lancet.iraqmortality
> vignette("mortality")
This is
2007 Jun 05
New Package on Lancet Surveys of Iraq Mortality
I have placed a package on CRAN about two surveys of mortality in Iraq
that were published in the Lancet.
> install.packages("lancet.iraqmortality")
> library(lancet.iraqmortality)
Loading required package: foreign
> ?lancet.iraqmortality
> vignette("mortality")
This is
2011 Sep 20
help in interpreting paired t-test
Dear all;
A very basic question. I have the following data:
A <- 1/1000*c(347,328,129,122,18,57,105,188,57,257,53,108,336,163,
2003 Oct 22
adjacency matrix
Dear R experts,
I am new to the list and R software. I need to convert arcview file to Winbugs having R has middle package. Got from friends that it is possible following the steps:
1. Converting arcview shapefile to "cgm clear text file"
2. Downloading "convert.r" to into R
2.1 use source("convert.r")
2.2 convert("filename_cgm") without the
2011 Mar 23
Estimating correlation in multiple measures data
Dear R-helpers,
This may sound simple to you, but I'm a beginner in this, so please be
I have a following problem: two analytes were measured in patient's
blood on 4 occasions: ProteinA and ProteinB. How to correctly evaluate
correlation between ProteinA and ProteinB?
I tried:
x <- data.frame(Patient.ID=rep(1:10, each=4), Visit=rep(c(1:4),10),
2003 Aug 15
help with Tukey Mean-Difference Plot
Dear R users,
I would appreciate for some advise how to generate a Tukey
Mean-Difference Plot with the tmd function part of the lattice
library. I have two test results (log transformed) which showing a
correlation on a scatterplot. However the correlation line is
parallel displaced depending on a clinical condition. I thought to a
Tukey Mean Difference Plot would show me the difference