similar to: Rinst.exe question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Rinst.exe question"

2006 Mar 08
how to use the randomForest and rpart function?
Hi all, I am trying to play around with the randomForest function for classification. I know its performance is great. I am currently using the default options. It has many options. How do I further tweak the options so that I can make its performance even better? What are the options that are mostly used? Thanks a lot! M [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Oct 20
Q about strsplit and regexp
Dear R-help, This one is probably a piece of cake for regexp masters. I'd like to split a character vector (for simplicity, say of length one for now) that contains fields that are delimited by arbitrary number of white spaces (e.g., " a b c "). How do I get the character vector that contain the fields? In the example I gave, I've tried: > strsplit(" a b c
2006 Feb 28
does svm have a CV to obtain the best "cost" parameter?
Hi all, I am using the "svm" command in the e1071 package. Does it have an automatic way of setting the "cost" parameter? I changed a few values for the "cost" parameter but I hope there is a systematic way of obtaining the best "cost" value. I noticed that there is a "cross" (Cross validation) parameter in the "svm" function. But I
2004 Apr 15
all(logical(0)) and any(logical(0))
Dear R-help, I was bitten by the behavior of all() when given logical(0): It is TRUE! (And any(logical(0)) is FALSE.) Wouldn't it be better to return logical(0) in both cases? The problem surfaced because some un-named individual called randomForest(x, y, xtest, ytest,...), and gave y as a two-level factor, but ytest as just numeric vector. I thought I check for that in my code by testing
2003 Jun 23
Lwd ignored when printing on Windows
Dear R-help, Has anyone notice the problem that, on Windows (NT and XP), when printing a graph using the "File -> Print..." menu in the graphics window to print the graph, that line width seemed to be ignored in the printed output? For example, if I make a plot with plot(1:10, type="l", lwd=5), it looks right on screen, but when printed out using the menu, it looks like
2003 Aug 26
R on Linux/Opteron?
Dear R-help: Has anyone tried using R on the the AMD Opteron in either 64- or 32-bit mode? If so, any good/bad experiences, comments, etc? We are considering getting this hardware, and would like to know if R can run smoothly on such a beast. Any comment much appreciated. Best, Andy Andy Liaw, PhD Biometrics Research PO Box 2000, RY33-300 Merck Research Labs Rahway, NJ
2005 Jan 05
(no subject)
Googling for `rw1061.exe' turned up: Andy > From: Qun Shi > > Hi Andy, > > Thanks a lot for your promptly response. I searched the whole > web site, I > found the source code for version 1.6.X. Since I'm not a > computer person, > I don't how to compile it, but what I want is binary file
2005 Feb 07
R on Beowulf cluster?
Dear R-help, Has anyone tried running R on a Beowulf-type cluster? I can get R to run in batch (using R CMD BATCH) on a cluster, but am wondering if it is possible to get an interactive R session on a compute node. Right now, if I run: beorun --nolocal R I just get the R start-up message and back to the shell prompt. If I try bpsh 0 R I can get R started (but the R prompt does not
2006 Oct 03
how do I tell configure where to find Java? [Broadcast]
Before I do that, I would need to remove the gcj stuff that are in /usr/bin. If I know how to remove gcj, I'd gladly do that. However, for the particular version of the OS, the entire GCC seems to be bundled into one rpm, and I could not remove just the gcj component. Neither do I wish to mess with files that are part of some RPMs--- in my experience that's invitation for trouble later.
2004 Mar 25
yet another fast BLAS (from AMD this time)
Dear R-devel, Has anyone played with this?,,30_2252_2282,00.html <,,30_2252_2282,00.html> . I'll probably give it a shot... Best, Andy Andy Liaw, PhD Biometrics Research PO Box 2000, RY33-300 Merck Research Labs Rahway, NJ 07065
2004 Jul 15
adding option in the Windows installer for --internet2
[Not sure if such wishlist item should go to R-help or R-devel...] It would be nice if an option can be added to the R for Windows installer that will add the --internet2 option to the command line in the shortcut that gets created. Also, is it possible to make that an option that can be set at the R prompt, or perhaps even better, as the default no matter how/where R is started? For those of
2004 Jul 15
adding option in the Windows installer for --internet2
[Not sure if such wishlist item should go to R-help or R-devel...] It would be nice if an option can be added to the R for Windows installer that will add the --internet2 option to the command line in the shortcut that gets created. Also, is it possible to make that an option that can be set at the R prompt, or perhaps even better, as the default no matter how/where R is started? For those of
2006 Oct 19
Re : CI
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible Url :
2003 Mar 28
make check still fails with 1.7.0beta (3/27/2003)
Dear R-devel, I grabbed 1.7.0 beta from today. "make check" still fails at base-Ex.R. The last few lines of the output are: > lsf.str()#- how do the functions look like which I am using? Error in exists(nam <- nms[i], envir = envir, mode = mode) : F used instead of FALSE Execution halted Looks like the same problem as before, but at a different place. Mandrake Linux
2004 Jul 06
Code density functions
Hello I would like to see the algorithm that R uses to generate density functions for several distributions (i.e. Normal,Weibull, etc). I tried: >dnorm function (x, mean = 0, sd = 1, log = FALSE) .Internal(dnorm(x, mean, sd, log)) <environment: namespace:stats> How can I see the code used for densities? Thanks!
2003 Aug 15
plot.lm mislabels points with na.exclude (PR#3750)
R 1.7.1 on Windows XP The "normal Q-Q plot" produced by plot.lm() mislabels points when the model is fitted using na.action=na.exclude. Example: x <- 1:50 y <- x + rnorm(50) y[c(5,10,15)] <- NA # insert some NA's y[40] <- 50 # add an outlier plot(lm(y ~ x, na.action=na.omit)) # outlier correctly labeled in all # four plots
2004 May 10
strange behavior of names<-
Dear R-help, I've encounter what seems to me a strange problem with "names<-". Suppose I define the function: fun <- function(x, f) { m <- tapply(x, f, mean) ans <- x - m[match(f, unique(f))] names(ans) <- names(x) ans } which subtract out the means of `x' grouped by `f' (which is the same as, e.g., resid(lm(x~f)) if `f' is a factor).
2004 Jul 16
rpart and TREE, can be the same?
Hi, all, I am wondering if it is possible to set parameters of 'rpart' and 'tree' such that they will produce the exact same tree? Thanks. Auston Wei Statistical Analyst Department of Biostatistics and Applied Mathematics The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Tel: 713-563-4281 Email: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Apr 07
R-beta 2004-04-07 build failed on AIX
I thought I'd give this another shot before the official release. I tried building R-beta_2004-04-07 on the AIX system that I have access to, and it seemed to failed at lazy-loading survival. I'd very much appreciate any pointer on what to try or look for next. 1. I set OBJECT_MODE to 64 for building 64-bit binary. 2. I edited with the following: CC="xlc_r"
2003 May 09
Re: R-help Digest, Vol 2, Issue 26
With the same system configuration (WinNT4 SP6 and 1.7.0), I get such a Dr Watson crash each time I try to use the Change dir... command in the File menu of Rgui.exe. I doesn't seems to happen if I do this immediately after starting R but well if I already did some computation. I don't have any problem by using directly setwd(). At 12:10 23/04/03, you wrote: >Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003