Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "No subject"
1999 Nov 20
Thank you to Peter Dalgaard, who provided help for some of this solution.
It is still not ideal since the dots which are equidistant in the x-direction ideally should respect the reciprocal scale in the y-direction.
op <- par("cex"= 0.7)
plot(x,y,xlim=c(0,10),ylim=1/c(2000,70), axes=F)
2009 Mar 29
a loop for boxplot graphs
Dear Colleagues
I have the following code that generates a boxplot for one specific labtest:
boxplot.n(LBSTRESN~COHORT, main="Boxplot of laboratory data for XLXXX-XXX test=Creatinine",
subset = LBTEST=="Creatinine",
xlab = "Cohort Number",
ylab = "Units = umol/L",
I would like to know if there is a way to loop through the dataset and
2009 Mar 03
I am running the sm.density.compare function amd I am getting the following error:
my code is > sm.density.compare(LBSTRESN,COHORT,xlab="Units = umol/L"subset = LBTEST=="Creatinine")
Error in if (from == to) rep.int(from, length.out) else as.vector(c(from, :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I do not understand the error and I have had no help when searching
2010 Feb 04
xyplot 3 panels 3 different Y variables
Often, when exploring a dataset, I'd like to plot several very different Y variables against the same X variable, in panels stacked one over the other. Is there an easy way to do this?
I'd like to achieve an elegant look similar to the look achieved by lattice in conditioned plots--for instance no space between panels. But unlike in straightforward conditioned plot, each panel may be on a
2012 May 21
fda modeling
Dear friends - We have 25 rats, 14 of these subjected to partial removal
of kidney tissue, 11 to sham operation, and then followed for 6 weeks.
So far we have data on 26 urine metabolites measured by NMR 7 times
during the observation. I have smoothed the measurements by b.splines in
fda including a roughness penalty, and inspecting the mean curves for
nephrectomized and sham animals indicate
2018 May 23
MICE passive imputation formula
Hi all,
I have a question about multiple imputation within the MICE package. I want to use passive imputation for my variable called X, because it is calculated out of multiple variables, namely Y, Z. Let's give an example with BMI. I know, that if I want to use passive imputation for BMI, I can use the following command:
meth["BMI"] <- "~I(weight/(height/100)^2)"
2000 Sep 23
logsitic prediction
Dear friends.
I have a paper (details below) examining the risk of renal failure after an
operation. A logistic regression was done, and the coefficients to two
regressors (age and creatinine) plus intercept with standard errors are
given. These coefficients must be dependent in estimation, and when no
details are given, I thought how I could most informatively get an
impression as to how
2018 May 23
CKD-Epi formula
Hi all,
I have a question and I do not know If I am at the right place to ask this question. But is there someone that has the formula of CKD-Epi in code in R?
I have tried a lot of loops, but none of the approaches give me the right answer. Is there someone who has this formula coded?
Thank you!
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2012 May 07
How can I brake a label in two lines when using expression()?
I making an xyplot and the y label is too long and needs to be in two rows, but when I brake it there is a huge gap between the last text string and the expression, and I can't get rid of it. Any ideas?
structure(list(Temp = c(8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 12L, 12L, 12L,
12L, 12L, 12L), CO2 = c(380L, 380L, 380L, 750L, 750L, 750L, 380L,
380L, 380L, 750L, 750L, 750L), Treat = structure(c(3L,
2010 Dec 17
newbie question on str output
Here is some output from an str command:
> str(CO2)
Classes ‘nfnGroupedData’, ‘nfGroupedData’, ‘groupedData’ and
'data.frame': 84 obs. of 5 variables:
$ Plant : Ord.factor w/ 12 levels "Qn1"<"Qn2"<"Qn3"<..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
2 2 ...
$ Type : Factor w/ 2 levels "Quebec","Mississippi": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2012 May 03
braking a label in two lines when using expression()
I making an xyplot and the y label is too long and needs to be in two rows, but when I brake it there is a huge gap between the last text string and the expression, and I can't get rid of it. Any ideas?
structure(list(Temp = c(8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 12L, 12L, 12L,
12L, 12L, 12L), CO2 = c(380L, 380L, 380L, 750L, 750L, 750L, 380L,
380L, 380L, 750L, 750L, 750L), Treat = structure(c(3L,
2012 Nov 12
Using "apply" instead of "for" loop / multithreading
Hello ,
I'm new to R and don't really understand how to use the function "apply"
instead of a "for loop", particularly for a function with multiple entries.
I have a big data file and would like to apply a function in multi thread to
accelerate the processus.
I have a data frame containing values of* CO2 in ppm (resp[i,6])* that I
want to convert in umol of CO2
2010 Dec 07
coxph failure
You found a data set that kills coxph. I'll have to think about what
to do since on the one hand it's your own fault for trying to fit a very
bad model, and on the other I'd like the routine to give a nice error
message before it dies.
In the data set you sent me the predictor variable is very skewed:
> quantile(anomaly1$CREAT, c(0, .5, .9, .999, 1))
0% 50%
1999 Jun 27
paste and path ?
Dear friends. I have trobpe with path.
Below I have tried to paste a path and file name but it will not work
> path <- "D:/rw0641/own/own/procedures/GFR_TIME"
> path
[1] "D:/rw0641/own/own/procedures/GFR_TIME"
> path1 <- paste(path,"gfr.txt",sep="/")
> path1
[1] "D:/rw0641/own/own/procedures/GFR_TIME/gfr.txt"
-- this is good
2009 Aug 25
Help with nls and error messages singular gradient
Hi All,
I'm trying to run nls on the data from the study by Marske (Biochemical
Oxygen Demand Interpretation Using Sum of Squares Surface. M.S. thesis,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1967) and was reported in Bates and Watts
Data is as follows, (stored as mydata)
time bod
1 1 0.47
2 2 0.74
3 3 1.17
4 4 1.42
5 5 1.60
6 7 1.84
7 9 2.19
8 11 2.17
I then
2012 Dec 05
nlme starting values are not the correct length
Dear R community,
I am trying to fit an nlme model where I want to estimate the fixed effects of two treatments on the parameters on the following equation Photo~(a*(1-exp(-c*PARi/a)))-b
I was able to fit a simple model without covariates following the method described in Mixed-Effects Methods and Classes for S and S-PLUS, version 3.0, but when I add the covariates, I get the error "
2009 Apr 09
Multiple Hexbinplots in 2 columns with a Single Categorical Variable
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have a fairly large database (N=13,000) and a single main categorical
discriminator between the groups.
I want to look at the time course of a number of continuous biochemical
variables over chronologic age.
Therefore I believe I need to prepare hexbinplots in two columns with simple
regression lines in them (with useOuterStrips (in library(latticeExtra) if
2003 Dec 01
wilcoxon-pratt signed rank test in R - drug-effiacy
I'm going to introduce the R-package for a group of medical doctors later
this week and is a little confused about there use of a test named
"willcoxon-pratt" for testing if the clinical and biochemical markers has
decreased significantly after the use of some drugs for a group of patients.
Looking into the R-functions I would in R recommand using a matched-pairs
2015 Jun 19
Sobre data.table
Mª Luz,
si el comando de Carlos te devuelve 0 es que no hay NA's.
Da igual que tus columnas sean caracteres o número.
Lo que intuyo es que tienes celdas con la frase "NA" que interpretas como NA.
Mandanos el summary de tu data.table y lo vemos...
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "MªLuz Morales" <mlzmrls en gmail.com>
Para: "Carlos J. Gil Bellosta"
2007 Jul 13
how to create matrix in a loop
Hi all,
How does one create a matrix of values in a loop. For example, I have 46*70
matrix with columns giving the values for some blood tests performed upon
the 46 patients(rows). I want to perform a simple test of normality
(shapiro-wilk test) upon each of the biochemical tests for the 46
patients. Can somebody suggest the syntax for such a loop. For the data x, I
wrote the following loop which