Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Am I an idiot?"
1999 Nov 04
Mathematical niceties
I'd like to make axis titles, chart titles, legends and the like
mathematically nice (e.g., have proper superscripts and subscripts,
variables in italics, and so on). Ideally, one could go into ``math mode"
a la LaTeX, and write something like
plot(blah, xlab="Methane in $\mbox{cm}^3$ / g", blah).
This is just an ideal, but it would be nice. Is some approximation of this
1999 Nov 14
Masked objects
Potentially Stupid Question Department:
I just tried to load a few packages in a row. First I loaded MASS, then
tseries, then nls. A typical error message from the last two looked like
Attaching Package "package:nls":
The following object(s) are masked from package:MASS :
Is this a big deal? Does it mean that I lose any functionality from the
1999 Nov 13
Anonymous cvs access
With Tony Rossini's help we have established anonymous CVS access to a
read-only copy of the main R CVS tree at cvs.r-project.org. This
would be of interest primarily to those who want to track the
development version (and who have access to CVS, of course).
To use anonymous cvs you must log in to the server under the name
"anoncvs" and with the password "anoncvs". You
1999 Nov 13
Anonymous cvs access
With Tony Rossini's help we have established anonymous CVS access to a
read-only copy of the main R CVS tree at cvs.r-project.org. This
would be of interest primarily to those who want to track the
development version (and who have access to CVS, of course).
To use anonymous cvs you must log in to the server under the name
"anoncvs" and with the password "anoncvs". You
2000 Feb 23
Large datasets under R
I recall reading a thread months ago on this mailing list about handling
very datasets under R, but I can't seem to find it. This has become
particularly important recently, because I've been playing with a dataset
containing information about every fatal car accident in the U.S. since
1975; in total, the relevant files are about 120 megs. I'd like to load
all of these into R
1999 Sep 22
Brace highlighting in R for the PC?
Hey everyone,
Might it be possible for future versions of PC-R to highlight the opening
brace in a pair, a la emacs? Programs that do that are infinitely
friendlier than those that don't.
Stephen R. Laniel | "I've got a match:
Carnegie Mellon University | Your embrace and my collapse."
laniel at cmu.edu | --They Might Be
1999 Oct 21
I have sort of an emergency question for the list. One of my professors
for an S-Plus intensive class distributed a function to produce partial
regression plots. I need to run it under R, because I'm doing the
homework on my home computer with a modem; hence I don't have the speed
required to emulate X-Windows and run S Plus off one of the campus
servers. Bottom line: I'm using R.
2000 Apr 30
Help Need with aov()
Hi there,
I'm using R1.0.1 Windows 98.
This file contains some inputs and an aov function code. Can someone
check it for me? Somehow I got completely different answer when typing
them in R and in Splus.
Splus gives me this:
> summary( Turnip.aov )
Error: Blocks
Df Sum of Sq Mean Sq F Value Pr(F)
Residuals 3 163.7367 54.57891
Error: Plots %in% Blocks
2000 May 01
GAMs under R?
At 06:09 AM 5/1/00 +0100, Prof Brian D Ripley wrote:
>On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Stephen R. Laniel wrote:
>> I was just now surprised to note that functions to go generalized additive
>> models don't appear to exist under R 1.000. In particular, the gam() and
>> loess() functions aren't there. Are they hidden somewhere and I just
>> haven't noticed?
2000 Feb 29
No subject
Does anyone know of any comprehensive literature (like a book, collection of
articles, etc.) that walk thorugh example of ARIMA modeling with the ts
package of R? Genarlly if you've just started to learn the R-language and
are all week long with ARIMA, what is a fast-pace source that you would
recommend (to a beginner) ?
Thank you,
2001 Apr 09
predict problem
Windows 98
R : Copyright 2001, The R Development Core Team
Version 1.2.1 (2001-01-15)
Dear friends.
How comes this works and produce a single prediction:
x <- rnorm(15)
y <- x + rnorm(15)
predict(lm(y ~ x))
new <- data.frame(x = seq(-3, 3, 0.5))
predict(lm(y ~ x), new, se.fit = TRUE)
pred.w.plim <- predict(lm(y ~ x), new, interval="confidence")
new1 <- data.frame(x=3)
2011 Mar 14
discrepancy between lm and MASS:rlm
Dear R-devel,
There seems to be a discrepancy in the order in which lm and rlm evaluate their arguments. This causes rlm to sometimes produce an error where lm is just fine.
Here is a little script that illustrate the issue:
> library(MASS)
> ## create data
> n <- 100
> dat <- data.frame(x=rep(c(-1,0,1), n), y=rnorm(3*n))
> ## call lm, works fine
> summary(lm(y ~
2005 Mar 24
Robust multivariate regression with rlm
Dear Group,
I am having trouble with using rlm on multivariate data sets. When I
call rlm I get
Error in lm.wfit(x, y, w, method = "qr") :
incompatible dimensions
lm on the same data sets seem to work well (see code example). Am I
doing something wrong?
I have already browsed through the forums and google but could not find
any related discussions.
I use Windows XP and R
1999 Aug 31
basic help
Sorry to ask this but does anyone knows a good text that helps with the
basic programming side of R. I understand the statistics behind most
of R but i have real difficulty with the data types and how R views
As a part of that could you help me with another problem. I know how
to read data in from a file in terms of read.table but how do i single
a column out or even just download a
2008 Jan 11
Behaviour of standard error estimates in lmRob and the like
I am looking at MM-estimates for some interlab comparison work. The
usual situation in this particular context is a modest number of results
from very expensive methods with abnormally well-characterised
performance, so for once we have good "variance" estimates (which can
differ substantially for good reason) from most labs. But there remains
room for human error or unexpected chemistry
2005 Apr 15
Error Building From Source
I am trying to build R-2.0.1 from source on windows. My path is set to:
Root%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\
Common Files\Adaptec Shared\System;C:\LINGO9\
and Mkrules has been edited and reads
# path (possibly full path) to same version of R on the host
1999 Nov 08
Nested Designs
Dear R list,
What is the proper way to specify a nested model so that
the F values agree with the expected mean square errors?
Specifically, suppose I have a design where "Heads" are
nested within "Machines". I would like to model the
following Y_ijk = Mu + Machine_i +Head_j(i) +Error_k(ij).
Using the commands below,
> summary(aov(Strain~Machine + Head%in%Machine ))
2012 Jul 06
How to do goodness-of-fit diagnosis and model checking for rlm in R?
Hi all,
I am reading the MASS book but it doesn't give examples about the diagnosis
and model checking for rlm...
My data is highly non-Gaussian so I am using rlm instead of lm.
My questions are:
0. Are goodness-of-fit and model-checking using rlm completely the same as
usual regression?
Please give me some pointers about how to do goodness-of-fit and
residual diagnosis for
2004 Jun 11
comparing regression slopes
Dear List,
I used rlm to calculate two regression models for two data sets (rlm
due to two outlying values in one of the data sets). Now I want to
compare the two regression slopes. I came across some R-code of Spencer
Graves in reply to a similar problem:
http://www.mail-archive.com/r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch/msg06666.html
The code was:
> df1 <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=1:10+rnorm(10))
2010 Nov 08
Add values of rlm coefficients to xyplot
I have a simple xyplot with rlm lines.
I would like to add the a and b coefficients (y=ax+b) of the rlm calculation
in each panel.
I know I can do it 'outside' the xyplot command but I would like to do all
at the same time.
I found some posts with the same question, but no answer.
Is it impossible ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ptit Bleu.
xyplot(df1$col2 ~