Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "AR models"
2000 Sep 23
I used the AR modelling written for R (S) on blood pressure and heart rate
signals. I used 60 one second samples and a model order of 20. I used the
"ar" finction in the "ts" package.
Given that blood pressure is measured in mmHg would the spectral density (on
the graph displayed be [mmHg]sq/Hz ?
And the heart rate is measured in Beats Per Minute (bpm) - so would the
1999 Oct 22
on-line documentation (was AR models)
Spoetry is a book on S+ by Patrick Burns available on the net at
Its about 439 pages with 16 chapters. You can read all about it at
Michael Lapsley
1999 Oct 20
Help. I inadvertantly sent a private email to the list. Can someone stop
the message?
Michael Hart
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe"
(in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at
1999 Sep 21
regressions (simple question)
I have a list of measurements taken at 1 second samples in a vector (y).
All I want to do is generate a regression through them, and obtain the
residuals in another vector. I am currently using the 'line' function from
the eda package to do this (ie :
z <- line(time,y)
rsd <- residuals(z)
but this method does not handle NA values in the data. I would like to try
to use the lm
2007 Nov 24
Bug in package stats function ar() (PR#10459)
Full_Name: Steven McKinney
Version: 2.6.0
Submission from: (NULL) (
Function ar() in package "stats" is showing
a quirky bug. Some calls to ar() run to
completion, others throw an error.
The bug is reproducible by several people on different
machines, however, the ar() function itself ends
up throwing the error sporadically. Several calls to
ar() may be
2005 Jan 28
chan_iax2.c problem?
I was messing around with FireFly last night and got asterisk to crash
hard. It looks like the bug is a division by zero in chan_iax2.c.
I reproduced it and here are some infos I got from gdb:
[Switching to Thread 245775 (LWP 23251)]
0x41154918 in calc_timestamp (p=0x816b710, ts=0, f=0x424eef24) at
2896 int diff = ms % (f->samples /
1999 Aug 30
HTML help problems with windows R-0.65.0
at the first invocation of rgui for R-0.65.0 under win95 the following
Version 0.65.0 (August 27, 1999)
> link.html.help()
> options(htmlhelp=T)
> help.start()
If nothing happens, you have to open ` F:\RW0650\doc\html\index.html '
/* browser open with index as aprropriate */
> help(plot)
Error: 3 arguments passed to "show.help.item"
1999 Aug 10
Problems with the ts library
Well, I upgraded to a later release and have been having good luck (R vers.
0.65.0) I haven't upgraded my Red-Hat linux from 5.2 so I had to compile from
source , ... so far so good. My problem is with the time series functions
[library(ts)]. I'm trying to use the autocorrelation function-acf() and am
having problems with it. mainly an error ERROR -Couldn't find function
2001 Jan 14
can some body help me to get
the residuals and the variance of coefficient after an autoregressive
These values are present in the ar function of the package ts.
But I don't know how to makes it work.
thank you.
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
2012 Nov 27
order.max specification problem in the ar.ols function
I am facing a curious problem.I have a time series data with which i want to
fit auto-regressive model of order p, where p runs from 1:9.I am using a
for loop which will fit an AR(p) model for each value of p using the
*ar.ols* function.
I am using the following code
for ( p in 1:9){
a=ar.ols (x=data.ts, order.max=p, demean=T, intercept=T)
Specifying the *order.max* to be p, it gives me a
2007 Nov 27
help in ar function
Dears Sirs
During my computational work I encountered unexpected behaviour when calling "ar" function.
I want to select the order p of the autoregressive approximation by AIC criterion and sometimes an error occurs.
# time series
2008 May 08
Here is my problem:
Autoregressive models are very interesting in forecasting consumptions (eg water, gas etc).
Generally time series of this type have a long history with relatively simple patterns and can be useful to add external regressors for calendar events (holydays, vacations etc).
arima() is a very powerful function but kalman filter is very slow (and I foun difficulties of estimation)
2011 Dec 01
Estimation of AR(1) Model with Markov Switching
Dear R users,
I have been trying to obtain the MLE of the following model
state 0: y_t = 2 + 0.5 * y_{t-1} + e_t
state 1: y_t = 0.5 + 0.9 * y_{t-1} + e_t
where e_t ~ iidN(0,1)
transition probability between states is 0.2
I've generated some fake data and tried to estimate the parameters using the
constrOptim() function but I can't get sensible answers using it. I've tried
2009 Oct 22
simulating AR() using a
good day everyone!
i have a time series (andong.ts) and fitted and AR() model using the
following code
andong.ts <- ts(read.table("D:/.../andong.csv", header = TRUE), start =
c(1966,1), frequency = 1)
ar(x = andong)
1 2 3
0.3117 0.0607 0.0999
Order selected 3 sigma^2 estimated as 0.8443
I am aware that my model is now
2005 Aug 29
Different sings for correlations in OLS and TSA
Dear list,
I am trying to re-analyse something. I do have two time series, one
of which (ts.mar) might help explaining the other (ts.anr). In the
original analysis, no-one seems to have cared about the data being
time-series and they just did OLS. This yielded a strong positive
I want to know if this correlation is still as strong when the
autocorrelations are taken into account.
1999 Oct 08
R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9X
A binary distribution of R-0.64.2 for Windows is available at
<CRAN>/bin/windows/windows-NT (at least at Wien).
Enjoy it.
guido masarotto
Windows News (since R0.64.2)
New function savePlot() to save plots to wmf, gif or ps.
There is now support for help via compiled HTML files (as used by the
latest Microsoft products): set options(chmhelp=TRUE) to
1999 Oct 08
R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9X
A binary distribution of R-0.64.2 for Windows is available at
<CRAN>/bin/windows/windows-NT (at least at Wien).
Enjoy it.
guido masarotto
Windows News (since R0.64.2)
New function savePlot() to save plots to wmf, gif or ps.
There is now support for help via compiled HTML files (as used by the
latest Microsoft products): set options(chmhelp=TRUE) to
1999 Oct 08
R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9X
A binary distribution of R-0.64.2 for Windows is available at
<CRAN>/bin/windows/windows-NT (at least at Wien).
Enjoy it.
guido masarotto
Windows News (since R0.64.2)
New function savePlot() to save plots to wmf, gif or ps.
There is now support for help via compiled HTML files (as used by the
latest Microsoft products): set options(chmhelp=TRUE) to
2004 Mar 04
Lineair regression modelling between time series //correlation analysis
Dear R specialists,
I'm working with time series and want to investigate the relationship
between two time series by correlation analysis or by fitting a gen.
lineair model to the plot of x(timeserie1) and y(timeserie2).
Lin1 <- data.frame(
Nr = c(1:lengte),
NDII = window(ts.mNDII,c(1998,10),c(2003,11)),
InvERC = window(Inv.ERC,c(1998,10),c(2003,11))
1999 Oct 29
No subject
Dear friends. I just downloaded tseries dated 27.10.99 (from Aalborg, Denmark) and it seems it lacked something, library ts was not available ? What to do ?
> library(tseries)
Loading required package: ts
Warning: There is no package called `ts'
Best wishes
Troels Ring, M.D
Department of Nephrology
Aalborg, Denmark
tring at mail1.stofanet.dk