similar to: histograms

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "histograms"

2011 Jul 14
Add a density line to a cumulative histogram - second try
Hi list, this is my second try for first post on this list (I tried to post via email and nothing appeared in my email-inbox, so now I try to use the nabble-web-interface) - I hope that you will only have to read one post in your inbox! Okay, my question ... I was able to plot a histogram and add the density()-line to this plot. I was able to plot a cumulative form of this histogram. Yet, I was
2010 Aug 13
Lattice: Superimposing histograms with different colors and transparency effects
Dear users, I would like to plot several histograms superimposed on the same panel with different colors, with superimposed polygons appearing with transparency effects. I also want estimated densities to appear on the same plot. For several reasons, including that I like it, I want to use the lattice package. I have several questions regarding the use of the 'histogram' function with a
2007 Aug 30
Need help putting histograms on the diagonal of a splom plot
Hello, I am in need of help in putting histograms on the diagonal of a plot produced with splom(). The plot matrix I am trying to produce is to have standard scatterplots in the upper-left triangle, contour plots in the lower-right triangle, and histograms on the diagonal. I have a function that does the first two, but the histograms on the diagonal has been beyond my ability. Here is my
2005 Feb 02
Combining two histograms
I have data like: a <- rnorm(20000) b <- rep(FALSE,20000) b[sample(1:20000,15000)] <- TRUE Using Lattice graphics, I can produce two side-by-side histograms quite easily by: histogram(a | b) However, I would like to produce a "single" histogram with two bars within each bin, one for each group, as the groups are in reality very slightly different from each other. The
2007 Aug 15
Possible to "import" histograms in R?
Hi, I have a large amount of data that I would like to create a histogram of and plot and do things with in R. It is pretty much impossible to read the data into R, so I have written a program to bin the data and now have a list of counts in each bin. Is it possible to somehow import this into R and use hist(), so I can, for instance, plot the probability density? I have looked at the help page
2006 Jun 08
Re-binning histogram data
Hi, Short Version: Is there a function to re-bin a histogram to new, broader bins? Long version: I'm trying to create a histogram, however my input-data is itself in the form of a fine-grained histogram, i.e. numbers of counts in regular one-second bins. I want to produce a histogram of, say, 10-minute bins (though possibly irregular bins also). I suppose I could re-create a data set as
2006 Jun 28
superimposing histograms con't
Earlier, I posted the following question: I want to superimpose histograms from three populations onto the same graph, changing the shading of the bars for each population. After consulting the help files and the archives I cannot find out how to do this (seemly) simple graph. To be clear, I want - a single x axis (from -3 to 18) - three groups of bars forming the histograms of each population
2010 May 07
smooth line overlap with histogram
Hi r-users,   I would like to overlap a smooth line on the histogram.  I tried using spline but it does not work. sq     <- seq(0,900,by=50) sq.50  <- as.character(sq) datobs <- sum_pos ## first, plot histogram histo <- hist(datobs,breaks=sq,freq=F) ## extract counts from histogram and calculate the probability in ## each specified interval. Also check the length of the interval is
2003 Oct 28
stacking histograms
Hi, I have a set of observations which are divided into two sets A and B. I have some code that bins the dataset into 10 bins based on the max and min of the observed values. I would like to make a histogram of A & B using my calculated bins but plot the distribution of B on top of A (like a stacked barplot). This is possible since both sets A & B are binned using the same bin ranges.
2007 Mar 08
Using logarithmic y-axis (density) in a histogram
Hi, I am searching for a possibility to display a logarithimic y-axis in a histogram. With plot that's easy (e.g. plot(1:10, log="y") but for histograms this does not work the same way: I tried hist(rnorm(1000), freq=FALSE, seq(-4, 4, .5), ylim=c(0.001, 0.5), log="y") Which gives the expected histogram but also warnings for my log="y" command
2009 Jan 14
Histograms: Lines and boxes
Hi folks! I'm trying to get a histogram legend to give me a filled box and a line. The problem is I keep getting both filled boxes and a line. How can I get rid of the second box from the code below? x<-rnorm(1000,mean=0,sd=1) hist(x, breaks = 50, main="Histogram of x",freq=FALSE, xlab=" x", ylab="Density",col="lightblue",
2005 Nov 29
Superimpose Histograms
Hi all, I have data which is represented as a histogram and want to add more data / another histogram to this plot using another color. That is I need to superimpose multiple histograms. But have no idea how to do this. Can anybody please give me a hint? Thanks, Andreas -- Andreas Wilm Institut fuer Physikalische Biologie Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf
2010 Nov 10
plotting histograms/density plots in a triangular layout?
Hi! I have a set of 49 pairwise comparisons that I have done. From this I would like to plot either histograms or the density plots of the values I get. Now, I can plot one histogram per comparison, but I have problems getting the output I want. When plotting like I normally would do: histogram(~percid | orgA_orgB, data = alldata) I get the histograms next to eachother in a boxlike shape.
2002 May 13
Histograms rotated, side-by-side
Hi there, I am wanting to create 8 side-by-side histograms which have been rotated 90 degrees clockwise from how they usually sit.. all with the same scales. Is someone able to help me out? Thanks so much, Rachel Cunliffe -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send
2006 Sep 01
I am interested in plotting histograms for the following data Isoform Tumor_65_198 Tumor_50_192 Tumor_80_167 Tumor_80_204 Tumor_95_197 Tumor_70_189 Tumor_90_202 Tumor_40_177 Tumor_60_21 Tumor_70_174 Tumor_70_147 Tumor_50_5 ABCC4-2007 1 1 1 6 1 9 10 1 2 0 10 1 ABCC4-2008 5 8 7 5 3 10 5 5 7 3 10 3 ABCC4-2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ABCC4-2010
2007 Apr 13
stacked histograms
I want to produce stacked histograms where the total bar is divided up according to the n levels of the grouping variable given in the group argument. I am using the lattice histogram function and its "group"-argument, but it is not recognised. The "auto.key" argument, however, is, because it gives me the correct group levels and when setting groups = NULL, auto.key = TRUE
2000 Oct 20
How to plot log histograms?
Q: Is there an easy way to plot log histograms? The command "hist" draws a standard histogram with observed frequency on the y-axis. I would like to be able to draw the log frequency on the y-axis, but I can't see whether I can use "hist" for this. The purpose of such a plot is to see whether data are normal or Laplace or something else. - and the same question for
2002 Jun 04
how to draw two histograms in one figure
How do you draw two histograms in one figure? Two separate uses of the "hist" function always produce two separate figures... Thanks, Roman -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the
2009 Jan 14
Histograms: Boxes and lines
Hi folks! I'm trying to get a histogram legend to give me a filled box and a line. The problem is I keep getting both filled boxes and a line. How can I get rid of the second box from the code below? x<-rnorm(1000,mean=0,sd=1) hist(x, breaks = 50, main="Histogram of x",freq=FALSE, xlab=" x", ylab="Density",col="lightblue",
2007 Sep 10
overlay lattice histograms with goodness-of-fit pdfs
Hello, I am new to R exploratory data analysis and plotting. Is anyone aware of a way to overlay a set of conditional histograms with conditional PDFs? Below, I generate a lattice plot of precipitation histograms based on different months and stations, given a subset of the dataset: histogram(~ data | month * station, data = sta.stack[sta.stack[,"type"]=="precip" &