Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Variance component estimation"
2006 Oct 19
unique sets of factors
I have a matrix, X, with a LARGE number of rows. Consider the
following three rows of that matrix:
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2
3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
I wish to fit many one-way ANOVAs to some response variable using
each row as a set of factors. For example, for each row above I will
do something like anova(lm(Y~as.factor(X[1,]))). My problem is that
in the above example, I do not want
2003 Jul 24
scatterplot smoothing using gam
I am trying to use gam in a scatterplot smoothing problem.
The data being smoothed have greater 1000 observation and have
multiple "humps". I can smooth the data fine using a function
something like:
out <- ksmooth(x,y,"normal",bandwidth=0.25)
The problem is when I try to fit the same data using gam
out <-
2000 May 02
tick marks on mfrow=c(3,3) plot (with simple example)
I should have reproduced the "problem" with a simple example. I do
this below. I think there is likely a switch I can change using par, but
don't know what it is. The problem is the tick marks for the Y- axis are
only on plots in column #1 and for the X-axis in row # 2. Tony
x <- 1:10
y <- 1:10*5
1999 Oct 08
error using dyn.load
I am trying to use dynamic loading of an outside C routine. I am
attempting 6.12.1 of Phil Spector's book. When I try to load the object
file I get an error I don't understand:
> dyn.load("runa.o")
Error in dyn.load(x) : unable to load shared library
/usr/home/tdlong/run_avg/runa.o: ELF file's phentsize not the expected
2001 Mar 20
Fwd: Re: error starting R 1.2.2 in Redhat 7.0 (GLIB 2.2 not defined...)
>Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 15:45:52 -0800
>To: Prof Brian D Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk>
>From: Tony Long <tdlong at uci.edu>
>Subject: Re: [R] error starting R 1.2.2 in Redhat 7.0 (GLIB 2.2 not
>Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.c
> Thanks!! I figured out how to run "up2date" (that is,
2002 Mar 22
binom.test and small N
running R 1.4.1 on MAC and 1.2.2 on Linux
When I use run binom.test with small N the results are a little
perplexing to me
gives the below plus other stuff
95 percent confidence interval:
0.2305779 0.6847219
[1] 0.02499998 # i.e., lower 2.5% of distribution
[1] 0.9923132
2001 Mar 20
error starting R 1.2.2 in Redhat 7.0 (GLIB 2.2 not defined...)
I just upgraded my system to Redhat 7.0, and installed the
RPM for R 1.2.2. I intall R 1.2.2 using the rpm -U xxxx command.
When R is invoked from some directories it starts and runs fine, from
other directories I get a strange message at startup (and R exits
without starting). Thus far the directory with the problem tends to
contain ".data" files from the previous version
2001 Oct 02
default library locations under Linux
I am attempting to allow multiple users on a linux system use some
common functions. The problem I am having is that for some users
their default library location is
.lib.loc = "/usr/lib/R/library"
whereas for other users it is
.lib.loc = "/usr/local/lib/R/library"
It seems as though the packages (for example cluster) load fine if I
just change .lib.loc to
2002 Jan 25
selecting clusters of points
Are there any functions out there for selecting all the
points in a region of a plot. I envision something like the
identify() function except one could circle a cloud of points (and
perhaps a vector would be returned of the same length as the points
plotted indicating logical membership in the circled cloud). Perhaps
someone has done something with the locator() function that would
2001 Jun 14
3 dimensional matrix??
Perhaps this is obvious...but is there anyway to create a matrix like
object with has more than 2 dimensions. I want to estimate a bunch
of var/cov matrices inside an index loop. It would be more
computationally efficient to do this in C...but R makes many of the
operations inside the loop really easy! Thanks.
Tony Long
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Steinhaus Hall
University of
1999 May 15
vsize and nsize
I am running R version ??? under Redhat 5.2. It seems as though the
--nsize object has no effct on the size of the allocated Ncells as
determined using gc(). Yes, I have that much data....
That is if I envoke R with
R --vsize 100 --nsize 5000000
then type
I get
free total
Ncells 92202 200000
Vcells 12928414 13107200
Tony Long
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
2001 Sep 25
Error in optim(p, fun,...)
I am getting an error code from the optimization function. The code is
Error in optim(p,fun.LLike, lower=low, upper = up, method = "L-BFGS-B", :
non-finite finite-difference value [0]
If I add a trace=6 option to my control list the last message before
this error is:
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
Any ideas on where I should start would be
2002 Apr 21
updating R - old version still runs
I apologize as I think I had this problem before, and
misplaced my notes on the solution.
I just tried to upgrade my version of R on a Redhat Linux
computer. I downloaded and ran the rpm for
Problem is that when I type R from any directory the "old" version
still seems to run. I can only guess this has to do with where the
new and old
2000 May 01
tick marks on mfrow=c(3,3) plot
I am generating an array of similar plots using the par(mfrow=c(3,3))
method. Everything works fine except the plot only puts y-axis tick marks
on cells in column one and x-axis tick marks on cells in row three. I
would like tick marks on both the x and y axix of all 9 plots in my array.
I am generating plots using the following two functions
three.by.three.plot <- function(ss)
2001 Mar 01
How to plot two variables in one histogram?
Dear R members,
Is there a way I can include more than one variable in a histogram? Many
thanks in advance,
Liqing Zhang
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
321 Steinhaus Hall
U.C. Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-2525
Fax: (949)-824-2181
Email: lzhang at uci.edu
2001 Feb 15
R with multiple processors
The laboratory where I work has the possibility to get a Sun machine with 12
processors. My question is: can R be used to implememt parallel algorithms
which take into account the several processors? Is there a way to run *threads*
in R?
If this is possible, would somebody share his/her experiences?
Isabel Cañette Iguá 4225
Centro de Matemática 11400
2009 Jul 25
A Harder Score Test Question
Does anyone know how get the score and information under the null from
coxph? I know that I can get the chi-square value of the score from coxph,
but I need the two components separately. I have a function that computes
the two components when I do not have ties but I would like to leverage the
options(ties and strata components) already available in the coxph function.
The function coxph.detail
2012 Jul 24
temp fix: Simultaneous reads and writes from specific apps to IPoIB volume seem to conflict and kill performance.
The problem described in the subject appears NOT to be the case. It's
not that simultaneous reads and writes dramatically decrease perf, but
that the type of /writes/ being done by this app (bedtools) kills
performance. If this was a self-writ app or an infrequently used one,
I wouldn't bother writing this up, but bedtools is a fairly popular
genomics app and since many installations use
2012 Jun 08
too many redirects at the gluster download page
It may be just me/chrome, but trying to dl the latest gluster results by
clicking on the Download button next to the Ant, leads not to a download
page but to the info page. It invites you to go back to the gluster.org
page from when you just came.
And when you click on the alternative 'Download' links (the button on
the upper right or the larger "Download GlusterFS" icon
2009 Feb 13
uid/gid settings in rsyncd.conf not respected?
Hi All,
I must not understand the uid/gid line in rsyncd.conf. If someone
could briefly point out where I've gone wrong, I'd appreciate it.
I've created a special user to backup a server which has some users
who don't want all their files backed up, so I'm trying to address
their concerns by using the uid= and gid= lines in rsyncd.conf to
have the rsyncd run with