Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "NAs spoil lowess smoothing"
2008 Jun 07
Using lm with a matrix?
I'm trying to do a linear regression between the columns of matrices. In
example below I want to regress column 1 of matrix xdat with column1 of ydat
and do a separate regression between the column 2s of each matrix. But the
output I get seems to give correct slopes but incorrect intercepts and
another set of slopes with value NA. How do I do this correctly? I'm after
the slope and
2000 Apr 01
R with no gui
I have an old IBM Thinkpad 701 that has a 340MB disk and a 486 CPU that's
not good for much anymore, so I thought I'd install R on it and make it a
little useful. I went to *tremendous* pains to upgrade Linux on it without X so
there would be some room to put R. But having done that I find that the binary
is R.X11 and it's looking for (but can't find) libSM.so, which is ordinarily
1999 Mar 02
How to set axis labels?
Sorry to bother everyone with such a basic question again, but I can't seem to
set my axis labels. When I use
"String" just overwrites the variable name, producing a mess. When I try to put
ylab="String" in the plot function, like this:
plot(residuals(mschmod) ~ size94, ylab = "Productivity Adjusted for Context")
I get this message:
1999 Mar 02
How to set axis labels?
Sorry to bother everyone with such a basic question again, but I can't seem to
set my axis labels. When I use
"String" just overwrites the variable name, producing a mess. When I try to put
ylab="String" in the plot function, like this:
plot(residuals(mschmod) ~ size94, ylab = "Productivity Adjusted for Context")
I get this message:
2000 Mar 04
Need Arith.h
I just installed 1.0 (great job, everyone!) and rebuilt all my packages. I have
found an error in making VR_6.1-6.tar.gz:
Installing package `MASS' ...
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include -mieee-fp -fPIC -O2 -m486 -fno-strength-reduce -g
-c MASS.c -o MASS.o
MASS.c:631: Arith.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [MASS.o] Error 1
The file /usr/lib/R/include/Arith.h used to be there (locate
2005 Jan 23
How to use "identify"
I can't get identify to work, using R 2.0.1 under windows xp pro,
service pack 2. Here's what I enter, and the result:
> plot((our.frame2$c1),(our.frame2$c9)) # Produces desired plot
> identify(our.frame2$c1) # Plot comes to forefront, so I select a point
warning: no point with 0.25 inches
Is my call to identify correct? The help page for indentify (from
2000 Jul 28
Language element manipulation
I am very confused about this. I want to convert a string to a name so I can
use it to extract an element of a data frame using `$'. Here is my
(non-working) code:
do.graph <- function (meas)
fn <- paste("a", meas, ".dat", sep='')
themeas <- read.table(fn, header=F)
ameas <- as.name(paste("a", meas, sep=''))
2006 Oct 11
Help on direction of axis in R needed
I'd like to plot things with axes going from the
highest to the lowest value, so that e.g. high values
on the xaxis are plotted to the left and low values to
the right.
Could anyone tell me how this is done? I couldn't find
anything in the documentation.
Thanks a lot!
2009 Feb 13
npindex: specifying manual bandwiths
Dear R-users,
I am very enthusiastic about the capacities offered by the np package and
pretty fond of it.
Nevertheless, trying to estimate Ichimura and Klein and Spady models on my
data, I would like to be able to provide the npindex function with my
guesses for the bandwidth (eventually computed by other means).
The fact that the option 'bandwidth.compute' in the function npindexbw
2003 Mar 27
Na action with Lowess smoothing
Hi there,
I cant seem to find a way for the lowess smoothing function to handle "NA"
Can anyone help??
Dr Wayne R. Jones
Statistician / Research Analyst
KSS Group plc
St James''s Buildings
79 Oxford Street
Manchester M1 6SS
Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084
Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713
A division of Knowledge Support Systems Group plc
Seventh Floor St
2011 Jun 04
nonparametric logistic regression based on locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (lowess)
Dear UseRs:
Recently, I have read an article regarding the association between age and
lymph node metastases.
In statistical analysis, the authors stated "Because a nonlinear
relationship between age and lymph node involvement was expected based on
existing literature, lymph node involvement was also regressed on age using
1999 Apr 16
A couple of questions
I just installed the 0.64 rpm for Linux and noticed that the links to
function.html and packages.html on .../doc/html/index.html don't go anywhere.
In fact, those pages don't seem to exist. Do I have to do something to generate
them? Also, will the rpm's for the contrib packages be updated to 0.64 level,
or just R-base?
1999 Feb 02
Forcing variables into rpart
I would like to force a specific variable to always be the first split criterion
in rpart, somewhat analagous to forcing a variable into a stepwise regression. I
looked in V & R, and in the help files for the rpart package. If it's there,
it's pretty well hidden. Can anyone help me with this?
Stuart Luppescu
1999 Jan 22
How to get nice trees
I would like to make pretty trees such as the one on page 383 of Chambers and
Hastie, or page 346 of Venables and Ripley. I modified the post.rpart function,
adding splits=T to text(), but the split criteria still don't print. Would
anyone have any advice on this? Thanks.
I'm running version 0.63 on Linux (intel).
1999 Mar 07
coplot has me stumped
I'm having trouble with coplot. I have two conditioning variables, and when I
try to specify two sets of given.values, no matter what I do I get the message,
Error: Object "b.levels" not found.
Here is the section of code:
c.ranges <- co.intervals(schses, number=4, overlap=0)
a.ranges <- co.intervals(as.factor(aa94), number=2, overlap=0)
PredAA <- as.factor(aa94)
1999 Mar 02
Can't understand error message :-{
I'm sorry if this is a basic question, but I'm stumped. I'm just trying to plot
the residuals from a linear model against another variable in the data frame.
Here are the lines I'm trying to execute:
size <- read.table(file="/u67/abasl70/surveys/annenberg/mega/smschl.dat",
sizef <- data.frame(size, row.names=size$unit)
mschmod <- lm
2011 Oct 14
Wilcoxon and the use of simulation
Dear forum users,
It's 3:35am and I am swamped with statistics homework lol
I'm terrible with R and this time I have no idea what the prof wants. Here
is the question:
Consider the (two-??sample) Wilcoxon rank statistic T = ?rank(Xi). For
n1=106 and n2=192, determine by simulation the ?=.05 critical point for
testing H0: ?=0, H1:?<0.
We can do this as follows:
For m=10000 (no wimpy
2011 Jul 20
np package, KleinSpady estimator, error when I estimate the bootstrapped standard errors
Dear all,
I am using np package in order to estimate a model with Klein and Spady
estimator. To estimate the model I use
KS <- npindexbw (xdat=X, ydat=Y, bandwidth.compute=TRUE,
method="kleinspady", optim.maxit=10^3, ckertype="epanechnikov", ckerorder=2)
and to estimate beta hats standard errors I use
KSi <- npindex(KS, gradients=T, boot.num=300)
This is
2011 Jul 25
error in optimization when I include constant term in Klein and Spady (np package)
Dear all,
I am trying to use the np package for the estimation of a model with Klein
and Spady's semiparametric estimator. When though, I include a constant term
( a column with 1s in X) then the following message appear:
Multistart 1 of 3...Error in optim(c(beta, h), fn = optim.fn, gr = NULL,
method = optim.method, :
non-finite value supplied by optim
So, how can I include a constant
2011 Jul 18
np package, estimating the standard errors of Klein and Spady's estimator
Dear all,
I would like to estimate the standard errors of Klein and Spady's estimator
for that I am using:
X<-matrix(c(rnorm(N,1,1), rnorm(N,0,1)), ncol=2)
BETA <-matrix(1,2,1)
L<-rlogis(N,location=0, scale=1)
Y <-as.vector(X%*%BETA+L>=0)*1
KS <- npindexbw (xdat=X, ydat=Y, bandwidth.compute=TRUE,