Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Inherit names ..."
2010 Jan 09
aov function syntax
I have a simple question about using the aov function syntax (ie. * + or :)
for the interaction of 2 factors. I have read the help files, and researched
other sites, and have included my source files. My goal is to measure the
signifigance of the interaction between population and condition (aka.
population:condition). I can't seem to figure it out.
1. In the first example the
2012 May 25
Multiple cbind according to filename
Hi all,
I'm just a beginner with R but I have not been able to search for any
relevant answer to my problem. I apologize if it has in fact been asked
Recently I've realized that I need to combine hundreds of pairs of data
frames. The filenames of the frames I need to combine have unique strings.
This is my best guess as to the approach to take:
2011 Apr 30
using tapply with multiple variables
HI All,
I have a long data file generated from a minimal pair test that I gave to
learners of Arabic before and after a phonetic training regime. For each of
thirty some subjects there are 800 rows of data, from each of 400 items at
pre and posttest. For each item the subject got correct, there is a 'C' in
the column 'Correct'. The line:
2010 Sep 13
How to tell R that "ABC" is the name of a dataset not a variable value
For example, I have a dataset named "ABC" loaded into R
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 4 7
[2,] 2 5 8
[3,] 3 6 9
and I also have a variable datasetname
> datasetname
[1] "ABC"
and I want to add this "ABC" dataset to an existing list "alldata"
> alldata <-NULL
> alldata <- as.list(alldata)
since I will
2008 Jul 09
Strptime/ date time classes
Dear all,
I've come across a problem using strptime, can anyone explain what's
going on? I'm using version 2.7.0 on Windows XP.
Thank you
First read in a data file using read.table
alldata = read.table(file, header=F, skip=4, colClasses =
[1] 223960 2
# inefficient, safe way of sorting out missing or dodgy
2009 Jun 12
Automate a data load and merge
Hi R list,
I would like to automate, or speed up the process from which I take
several separate datasets, stored in .csv formate, import and merge
them by a common variable. So far I have greatly sped up the loading
process but cannot think of a way to automate the merger of all
datasets into a common data.frame.
My apologies if this has been covered, any R search suggestions are
2009 Apr 10
Subset a data frame for plotting
I have a question regarding how to subset/select parts of a data
frame (matrix) in order to plot data associated only with this subset.
Specifically I have a large data frame in which one column contains ID
values (dates), and other columns contain data I would like to plot
(temperature, light, etc.). I would like to break up this large matrix
so as to plot data associated
2012 May 18
Sort across multiple csv
Dear R help list,
I am very new to R and I apologize in advance if this has been answered
before. I have done my best to google/R search what I need but no luck.
Here is what I am attempting:
I have hundreds of .csv files that I need to sort based on a single column
of alphanumeric data. All of the files contain matrices that have
identical dimensions and headers, however the data table
2012 Aug 10
Direct Method Age-Adjustment to Complex Survey Data
Hi everyone, my apologies in advance if I'm overlooking something simple in
this question. I am trying to use R's survey package to make a direct
method age-adjustment to some complex survey data. I have played with
postStratify, calibrate, rake, and simply multiplying the base weights by
the correct proportions - nothing seems to hit the published numbers on the
I am trying to
2009 Sep 07
Omnibus test for main effects in the face of an interaction containing the main effects.
R 2.9.1
Windows XP
I am fitting a random effects ANOVA with two factors Group which has two levels and Time which has three levels:
fita<-lme(Post~Time+factor(Group)+factor(Group)*Time, random=~1|SS,data=blah$alldata)
I want to get the omnibus significance tests for each factor and the interaction. I believe I can get the omnibus test for the interaction by running the model:
2004 Sep 09
Handling the windows clipboard/32KB limit
(R 1.9.1; Windows 2000;)
I'm just comparing ease of use, speed, etc for methods of transferring data frames in the Excel, MySQL, R triangle. It turns out that going from Excel to R (when doing this carefully). Using the clipboard is actually quite fast and efficient (2 seconds for transferring 120 000 cells on a common desktop computer as compared to much longer for going the RODBC route,
2012 Jun 19
Possible bug when using encomptest
Hello R-Help,
Issues (there are 2):
1) Possible bug when using lmtest::encomptest() with a linear model
created using nlme::lmList()
2) Possible modification to lmtest::encomptest() to fix confusing fail
when models provided are, in fact, nested.
I have
2005 Jan 13
subsetting like in SAS
Being in the process of translating some of my SAS programs to R, I
encountered one difficulty. I have a solution, but it is not elegant
(and not pleasant to implement).
I have a large dataset with many variables needed to identify the
origin of a sample, many to describe sample characteristics, others to
describe site characteristics.
I want only a (shorter) list of sites and their
2010 Oct 21
All other variables in upper scope arg for stepAIC
Hi - I am trying to substitute for "the_other_y" in the code below. I want
y2 and y3 to be there when i is 1, y1 and y3 to be there when i is 2 and y1
and y2 to be there when i is 3. I'm sure it's to do with what format the
data should be in and I've tried alldata[,-i], but it fits all the columns
of alldata except i rather than each column one at a time. I've tried
2010 Dec 10
WriteXLS error:Error in get(x, envir = envir) : variable names are limited to 256 bytes
Hello all,
I don't understand why this won't work. I have entered:
and I get this error message:
Error in get(x, envir = envir) : variable names are limited to 256 bytes.
My variable names are not very long, and are accepted by write.csv.
alldata is a list containing 4 dataframes, with each dataframe having the
the same variable names, which are:
2002 May 21
Unwanted Levels in R
I searched the mailing list archives and found one post relevant to my problem,
but it was not specific enough to solve my problem.
I am reading in a large file of data (I believe it is in ASCII format). I have tried
reading the file in as a data frame and as a list, and both methods result in
unwanted levels being created which leads to problems when I try to copy
or reference certain cells.
2009 Sep 08
Omnibus test for main effects in the face ofaninteraction containing the main effects.
When Group is entered as a factor, and the factor has two levels, the
ANOVA table gives a p value for each level of the factor. What I am
looking for is the omnibus p value for the factor, i.e. the test that
the factor (with all its levels) improves the prediction of the outcome.
You are correct that normally one could rely on the fact that the model
2007 Jul 14
How to read many files at one time?
I want to load many files in the R. The names of the files are "Sim1.txt", "
Sim2.txt", "Sim3.txt", "Sim4.txt", "Sim5.txt" and so on.
Can I read them at one time? What should I do? I can give the same names in
For example:
> tst=paste("Sim",1:20,".txt",sep="") # the file names
> tst
2008 Aug 05
xyplot key issue - line colors
I have a problem regarding the colors assigned to the lines in the key
to an xy plot. I specify the plot like this:
xyplot(numbers~sqrt(breaks)|moltype+disttype, groups = type, data = alldata,
layout = c(3,2), type = "l" , lwd = 2, col = c("gray", "skyblue"),
key = simpleKey(levels(alldata$type), points = FALSE, lines = TRUE,
columns = 2, lwd = 2,
2009 Apr 19
importing spreadsheet data - linera regression - panel data
Hi everyone and thank you for the help you could give me.
My data is in a spreadsheet. The 1st column identifies the
firm (with the fiscal number), the columns 2 to 11 have
the variable value for 11 years. I have many variables
(files like this). Each file has about 40.000 firms
(rows). I transformed all the files in txt files. The data
is a panel data, like this:
firm revenu2007 revenue2006