Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "how to change the history size in R"
1999 Jun 14
readline/history size (PR#211)
Full_Name: Russell Senior
Version: 0.64.0
OS: linux-2.2.x
Submission from: (NULL) (
It appears that the GNU readline history size is limited to 50 entries. This
is apparently occurring because R is not bothering to override the readline
default value (from readline-4.0):
./history.c:59:#define DEFAULT_HISTORY_GROW_SIZE 50
It appears that it ought to be possible to override
1998 Dec 14
wishlist items ...
crosstabs, merge, by, and aggregate, as discussed in section 4.2 of
_Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS, 2ed_ would be nice.
Russell Senior
seniorr at teleport.com
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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1998 Nov 19
database-like natural join operations in R?
I am a relative neophyte to R and am faced with a problem of
constructing a reduced data set from a diversity of separate sources.
What operations are available in R for combining and matching
attributes from separate data.frames?
Thanks for any pointers/guidance!
Russell Senior
seniorr at teleport.com
1999 Jul 07
Bug list summary (automatic post)
This is an automated summary of the status of the R-bugs
Note that this may be neither complete nor perfectly
correct at any given instance: Not all bugs are reported,
and some reported bugs may have been fixed, but the
repository not yet updated.
Some bug fixes are difficult to verify because they pertain
to specific hardware or
2002 May 01
"normal probability plot" with a percentile scale?
I'd like to generate some plots like you'd see on the old "normal
probability graph paper", like the first plot in:
except the horizontal scale would have 1%, 5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%,
99%, or similar quantiles, with associated tick/grid lines. [still
hunting around for a good example...] something like
2002 Jul 06
cross-platform code: windows or gnu/linux?
I am writing some R code that generates some figures. I am primarily
developing on GNU/Linux, but will ultimately run the code on Windows
in order to get WMF files I can integrate in an existing document.
The win.metafile() function, of course, doesn't exist in the GNU/Linux
version of R. I am contemplating writing an abstraction layer that
runs the right thing, but I need to know how the
2002 May 02
coercing "numeric" components of data frame to "factor" or "ordered"?
I am getting ready to load a bunch of data into R. The data is all
numeric, but some of the numbers are integer codes representing
non-numeric semantics. What is the best way to "fix" the data frames
so that these compenents are recognized as "factors" or "ordered", as
Can I "assign" to some attribute of the data frame component, like the
2011 Aug 17
Teleport 1.0.1
I just released the Teleport gem - easy Ubuntu server setup via
teleportation. Teleport sets up servers by "teleporting" to the machine
and running itself there. It installs Ruby, then follows the
instructions laid out in your Telfile to customize the server.
The role/server setup is similar to Capistrano, though the syntax is
slightly different. You
2003 Oct 28
formula parsing, using parts ...
I am writing a little abstraction for a series of tests. For example,
I am running an anova and kruskal.test on a one-factor model. That
isn't a particular problem, I have an interface like:
my.function <- function(model,data) {
a <- anova(lm(formula,data))
if(a$"Pr(>F)"[1] < 0.05) {
2002 May 10
qqnorm() with weighted data?
I've got a set of data that are weighted by a largish integer (ranging
from about 50K to 1.5 million). I'd like to plot CDF's for this data
taking into account the weighting. What do you recommend?
Russell Senior ``The two chiefs turned to each other.
seniorr at aracnet.com Bellison uncorked a flood of horrible
2003 Dec 20
why not link devices with --link-dest option?
I notice that devices are not hardlinked when using the --link-dest
option, for instance:
rsync -aH --link-dest=../bar/ foo/ baz/
When foo/zero is a device, baz/zero is not a hardlink to bar/zero. How
$ rsync --version
rsync version 2.5.6 protocol version 26
on linux 2.4.x
Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''
2003 Sep 14
estimating quantiles from binned data
Suppose I have a set of binned data, counts exceeding a series of
arbitrary thresholds, a total N, a minimum and maximum, those sorts of
things. Is there a "standard" method for estimating arbitrary
quantiles from this?
My initial thought is that the counts and min/max give me solutions at
various points along the empirical cdf. As the data are roughly
log-normal, I thought maybe I
2007 Feb 21
random uniform sample of points on an ellipsoid (e.g. WGS84)
I am interested in making a random sample from a uniform distribution
of points over the surface of the earth, using the WGS84 ellipsoid as
a model for the earth. I know how to do this for a sphere, but would
like to do better. I can supply random numbers, want latitude
longitude pairs out.
Can anyone point me at a solution? Thanks very much.
Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers;
2003 Oct 27
variance component analysis for nested model
Given a set of data:
> names(data)
[1] "city" "house" "visit" "value"
I am looking for a way to compute the variance components of the
nested model (ie, visit 1 at house 2 at city 3 isn't related to visit
1 and house 2 at city 4), but different houses in the same city may be
related, and different visits to the same house are probably
2003 Jan 20
Command History
I have compiled R under Solaris 7 (SunOS 5.7) with the readline-4.0
library linked. Command line editing appears to work, but I cannot
access command history. If I execute several commands in R, then type
"history()", I get the error message "Error in savehistory(file) : no
history available to save". Also, previous command recall (C-p) does
not seem to work. I am invoking
2003 Oct 22
rsync --dry-run --link-dest problem
I am trying to use rsync for making snapshots, sharing hardlinks at
the destination using the --link-dest option. In conjunction with
this, I would like for --dry-run to report some reliable-ish number
for how much space it is going to consume at the destination so that I
can arrange to free such space prior the launching rsync "for effect".
Right now, that isn't working:
2004 Jul 03
solving for a 2D transformation matrix
We have recently digitized a set of points from some scanned
engineering drawings (in the form of PDFs). The digitization resulted
in x,y page coordinates for each point. The scans were not aligned
perfectly so there is a small rotation, and furthermore each
projection (e.g. the yz-plane) on the drawing has a different offset
from the page origin to the projection origin. From the dimensions
2002 May 07
good procedure for creating plots for PowerPoint
I am generating some graphs (on GNU/Linux using R 1.5.x) for a
PowerPoint presentation my boss is giving next week. He just tried
cut/pasted a plot off of a PDF file I had created, but he complained
that the fonts were too small and fuzzy, and that he couldn't change
the background. I have been playing with png(bg=transparent), but I
am not sure what appropriate height,width parameters and
2002 May 06
Spearman rank-order correlation matrix
I"ve got a data frame with a selection of columns I want to compute a
rank-order correlation matrix from without disturbing the original
data frame.
What I wanted to do, intuitively, was:
> cor(rank(foo[,c("a","b","d","f","g")]))
but rank in that context
2010 Mar 03
Change current plot window size. Or - saving/loading current device plotting history
Hello dear R-help members,
Very soon I am to give a lecture on R. And in that lecture I intend to move
between: par(mfrow = c(1,1)) to par(mfrow = c(1,2)) back and forth.
I anticipate this will damage the image proportions and will force me to
resize the window.
So far I have found it is possible to close the window and then reopen it
(bigger/smaller) by using: