similar to: Новое в проектировании и строительстве

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "Новое в проектировании и строительстве"

2010 Dec 13
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2004 Oct 21
./configure --with-mysql --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --with-ssldir=/etc/ssl --with-ssl=openssl
Hi, I installed dovecot from dovecot-1.0-test51 with this configure line: ./configure --with-mysql --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --with-ssldir=/etc/ssl --with-ssl=openssl When I add this to my dovecot.conf: passdb = mysql /etc/dovecot-mysql.conf I get this in /var/log/maillog when I run "dovecot -c /etc/dovecot.conf": Oct 21 13:59:16 one dovecot: Dovecot
2009 Nov 20
server unresponsive
hi folks. we've experienced some weird problems lately. we have about 600 SIP phone on a single system running * for about a month. recently there was massive UNREACHABLE messages like this one showed up: chan_sip.c: Peer '2699' is now UNREACHABLE! Last qualify: 1252 then they all became reachable again in a few seconds. sometimes it last for couple minutes. but sometimes
2012 Jan 21
Function for multiple t tests
Hi, I want to run t.test() for several variables among two groups, and I would like to skip the tedious process of collecting information to assemble a table, but I am not sure if the function I want already exists. Any suggestion would be appreciated. I have a working example, as required by the posting guide: my_swiss = swiss[-1,] my_swiss$facto = rep(1:2,nrow(my_swiss)/2)
2014 Mar 20
Сколько стоит готовая фирма с допуском СРО?
Добрый день коллеги. Подскажите, пожалуйста, на все ли выполняемые строительные работы у Вас есть Свидетельство о Допуске? Если нет, то мы поможем получить допуски в СРО строителей, проектировщиков, изыскателей. Допуски СРО с рассрочкой платежа - дешево от 45000 руб., за 3 дня! Работаем по всей РОССИИ! В наличии имеются готовые фирмы с допусками СРО, всегда большой выбор! Оставьте заявку, если Вас
2014 May 25
Относительно свидетельства о допуске
Здравствуйте. Подскажите, пожалуйста, на все ли выполняемые строительные работы у Вас есть Свидетельство о Допуске? Если нет, то мы поможем получить допуски в СРО строителей, проектировщиков, изыскателей. Допуски СРО с рассрочкой платежа - дешево от 45000 руб., за 3 дня! Работаем по всей РОССИИ! В наличии имеются готовые фирмы с допусками СРО, всегда большой выбор! Оставьте заявку, если Вас
2007 Nov 20
rfc1918 on external interface
Please, help me. Can i forbid and how any outgoing traffic (ping,trace) to rfc1918 networks on my external interfaces? Thank you very much. Aleksandr -------------------- Продукция AcmePower - это зарядные устройства, аккумуляторы формата АА и ААА, сетевые адаптеры, аккумуляторные батареи для фото и видеокамер, ноутбуков и PDA. Гарантия минского сервисного центра.
2011 Jan 26
applying a set of rules to each row
All, I would like to apply a set of rules to each row of the sample data set below. The rule sets are the guidelines for determining an individual's date for retirement eligibility. The rules are found in this document, I am only interested in the top two categories for retirement eligibility, the CSRS and FERS plans. The data set has
2023 Dec 21
9.6p1 test suite help
Hi OpenSSH, I'm working on updating Guix's openssh package definition to the latest release. So far, I have only changed the version (and checksum) and left the build/test/install recipe the same. However, the test suite now fails. I could use some pointers to find out what exactly is going wrong with the failing test or how to fix it. I'm happy to provide more information about
2008 Mar 06
Help with parsing a data file
Hi All, I need to parse data from a file, example shown below. The first two lines can be skipped, the third line contains the column names. The next 13 lines can be skipped. The next line "1991" is a year value, with the following 13 values data for that year. The file then repeats this format with (year, 13 lines of data for that year). I would ideally like to end up with an
2023 Feb 16
No matching MIB found for sysOID
Hello all, Thank you in advance for a great FOSS project. Also, thank you for reading my question. I have a CyberPower OR1500LCDRTXL2U with an RMCARD205. There are a handful of devices plugged into the UPS. I received a message today saying to send upsc output to NUT developers after this message: "No matching MIB found for sysOID '.'" root at
2008 Oct 03
Problem with strptime
Hello, I have a column with dates in the form %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S; I want to substract the line i+1 to the line i and get a numeric result (in seconds for instance). This is what I did (I take the data from a database): res<- dbSendQuery (con, "SELECT Date_Heure FROM data.meteo ")Time<-fetch(res, n=-1)TimeDifferencetime<-as.numeric(diff(strptime(Time, format='%Y-%m-%d
2018 May 08
Fitting problem for Cox model with Strata as interaction term
Dear All, I got a warning message "X matrix deemed to be singular" in Cox model with a time dependent coefficient. In my analysis, the variable "SEX" is a categorical variable which violate the PH assumption in Cox. I first used the survSplit() function to break the data set into different time intervals, and then fit the model. The procedures can be described as follows:
2008 May 29
plotting zoo using datetime as xlim
is there a way to use the actual index value for plotting zoo objects this is the way that the index is set up and a sample range of what I would like to plot 01/01/06 00:00:00 - 01/01/06 23:45:00 { library(zoo) # chron library(chron) fmt.chron <- function(x) { chron(sub(" .*", "", x), gsub(".* (.*)", "\\1:00", x)) }} x <- structure(c(15.57, 15.5,
2006 Jul 21
Help with buttons and labels
how would you change the text on a button? instead of "create" i want it to be "submit" and also how would you add labels to the list header like instead of "numofpeople" it would be "Number of People" any help would be greatly appreciated. -- Posted via
2006 Jul 28
How to ajax highlight a flash
Hi, I want to make a flash[] highlighted for let''s say 5 seconds when some action is invoked. In the controller, I have: flash[:notice] = "error" In the layout, I have: <p style="color: white"><%= flash[:notice] %></p> I don''t know how to use ajax with the flash. I tried something like: element.highlight(flash[:notice]) without any
2000 Dec 10
Old news.. but interesting
If you go to you can see that this consumated Dec. 1. This gives the MP3 consortium the most comprehensive access to web distributed MP3 streaming and content, (and other formats)... Full article: THOMSON MULTIMEDIA TO PURCHASE SINGINGFISH.COM TO BUILD STREAMING MEDIA CAPABILITIES Leading Technology Helps Web
2009 Jan 12
problem with dahdi and meetme
Hi to all. I'm trying to use meetme on asterisk On a debian i've compiled (as i need h323 support) openh323_v1_18_0 pwlib_v1_10_0 dahdi-linux- dahdi-tools- asterisk- All works fine, dahdi status is: asterik:/data/programmi# /etc/init.d/dahdi status ### Span 1: DAHDI_DUMMY/1 "DAHDI_DUMMY/1 (source: RTC) 1" (MASTER) asterik:/data/programmi#
2005 Aug 18
How to put factor variables in an nls formula ?
Hello, I want to fit a Gompertz model for tree diameter growth that depends on a 4 levels edaphic factor (?Drain?) and I don?t manage to introduce the factor variable in the formula. Dinc is the annual diameter increment and D is the Diameter. >treestab > Dinc D Drain [1,] 0.03 26.10 2 [2,] 0.04 13.05 1 [3,] 0.00 24.83 1 [4,] 0.00 15.92 4
2012 Dec 06
Summary command: Two independent variables against dependent.
Brilliant, thanks very much!! Works fine. Dan On 6 Dec 2012, at 18:25, arun kirshna [via R] wrote: > Hi, > Your question is not very clear. I hope you are not looking for the subset option in summary(lm()). > If you want just the summary(), then use '&' or '|' > For e.g. > dat1<-read.table(text=" > opcorn Oilamt Batch Yield >