similar to: Unabe to restart mongrel

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Unabe to restart mongrel"

2009 Mar 08
error : Redmine
Hello, Iam getting the following error whem adding new task in redmine -- Internal error An error occurred on the page you were trying to access. If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance. Please advise. Thanks in advance. Regards, Gokul -- Posted via
2010 Feb 28
strage mongrel cluster
Hi,will appreciate any advice from ruby guru : I found strange behavior on mongrel cluster. Below are my installation details : #ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i686-linux] #rails -v Rails 2.3.5 I use mongrel cluster 1.0.5 on Debian lenny (5.0). Also got the same problem in ubuntu 8 LTS, with similar config. when running just mongrel , it works properly. But when I tried to use
2009 Feb 04
How to hack a mongrel cluster to restart in an alternating manner?
Hello, I''ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to hack my mongrel_cluster to re-ststart in an alternating manner. Specifically, this soluiton: Which means I an call to mongrel_rails cluster::restart to do this: mongrel_rails start 8001 mongrel_rails stop 8001 mongrel_rails start 8002
2009 Nov 21
Using mongrel_rails: Can't install Redmine as win2003 service
Hello everyone. After stugging 3+ hours installing redmine I got success but still can''t install redmine as service (windows 2003). So here is my problem. I successfully installed redmine and mapped it to mysql, created database and initialized it with default values. Last thing I''m trying to do is to install it as service on windows 2003, and for this I''m running in
2009 Jul 29
Problem uploading file to database mysql blob field
Hi All, Please help me ,I need to look into this issue asap, I need to change the redmine functionality of uploading files to disk to upload them to database. I tried suggestion on but no luck , My form is multipart but still getting the error. Please bare with me I am new to ruby and rails. Here is the like for my
2007 Nov 03
Mongrel Cluster: Rolling restart?
Hi all, Forgive me if this has been asked before, but is there a reason mongrel_rails cluster::restart stops all ports and then restarts them again? Wouldn''t it be better to restart each port one-by-one in series so that upstream proxy servers can fail over while the restart is occurring, or am I missing something? Thanks, eden
2006 Nov 30
Restarting mongrel cluster from other directories
I want to restart my Mongrels from crontab periodically to free up memory. I tried this: [admin at mudcrapce ~]$ mongrel_rails cluster::restart -C /var/www/apps/mudcrapce/current/config/mongrel_cluster.yml Restarting 5 Mongrel servers... mongrel_rails restart -P log/ !!! PID file log/ does not exist. Not running? mongrel::restart reported an error. Use
2007 Aug 26
monit not executing start/stop/restart mongrels
Alright, I have googles and read through the docs on monit I get this error when adding -v starting monit monit: Cannot connect to the monit daemon. Did you start it with http support? monit: Cannot connect to the monit daemon. Did you start it with http support? Am I missing something here? set daemon 120 set logfile syslog facility log_daemon set mailserver localhost set httpd port 28212
2006 Jun 21
mongrel_rails restart not working
Hi, On os x.3.9, with ruby 1.8.4 installed through darwinports and mongrel through gems, everything works until I restart: mongrel_rails restart adds the logs: ** USR2 signal received. ** Restarting with arguments: ruby /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.13/bin/mongrel_rails start -p 3001 -d /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.13/bin/mongrel_rails:134: in
2006 Nov 08
restart - `exec'': Operation not supported
I played around with this some more and when I changed line 142 of /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- from "exec cmd" to "system cmd" Mongrel has successfully restarted every time I''ve tried ("mongrel_rails restart"). Hell if I know why exec doesn''t work -- googling on "exec Operation not supported ruby"
2008 Jan 31
Production problem for mongrel
Hi, I am working on deplying my Rail app to QA and then move to production. Since on our QA servers, there is no internet access and also for production servers, internet access is strictly prohibited. As a result, there is no way to install mongrel by use "gem install mongrel" command. The first option I tried is to put mongrel and all other gems under the vendor directly in my app,
2007 Jun 15
mongrel cluster issues, plain old mongrel OK
I just created a test rails app, and am having very wierd issues with mongrel cluster. Here''s what I''m doing: rails test sudo chown -R mongrel:mongrel test cd test sudo mongrel_rails \ cluster::configure -e production \ -p 8000 -N 3 -a --user mongrel \ --group mongrel It correctly writes the mongrel_cluster.yml file to the config directory. Now,
2011 Dec 15
problem with starting mongrel gem
Hi, I have installed mongrel gem and when i tried to start mongrel_rails start its causing me following problem mongrel_rails start ** Starting Mongrel listening at ** Starting Rails with development environment... Requiring REXML /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.0.10/lib/ active_support/dependencies.rb:239:in `require'': no such file to load --
2009 Jun 25
Mongrel service keeps re-starting ruby
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 2:07 AM, Michael Pliskin<mike at> wrote: > Hi all, > > > > Some disclaimer first: I am a complete newbie in mongrel and this list, so > please forgive me if I say something weird. I have a problem, I?ve googled > for a solution for quite a while and failed so far, so decided to ask here. > > > > I am trying to set up my
2006 Jul 16
Mongrel starting problem on new Debian box
Hello world, I''m having some problems setting up a new Debian deployment box...just installed the rails stack, mongrel, etc... When I go to start mongrel I''m getting a weird error I can''t figure out. Some help please? -> mongrel_rails start ** Starting Mongrel listening at
2006 Mar 06
Mongrel 0.3.9 -- GemPlugin Based
Hello everyone, Mongrel now has plugins that are based entirely on RubyGems. This feature was so slick that I decided to bust it out into a separate project called GemPlugin (more on that later). What the new plugin system does is makes it so that people can distribute Mongrel plugins as just plain gems, and mongrel will load them on the fly if people install them. There''s no
2009 Jun 18
Fwd: Re: problem with ovirt-mongrel-rails on rails 2.3
temporary fix write in ./config/environment.rb RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.1.1' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION and "gem install rails --version"=2.1.1"" > I've figured out fixes for the installer portion for ovirt on Fedora > 11 just running into this problem currently with the > ovirt-mongrel-rails service, It will start but there are errors in the >
2009 Jun 18
problem with ovirt-mongrel-rails on rails 2.3
I've figured out fixes for the installer portion for ovirt on Fedora 11 just running into this problem currently with the ovirt-mongrel-rails service, It will start but there are errors in the log and can't access /ovirt in the browser. Just wanted to get some input, I've tried a few fixes from google with no success and I'm no rails expert :) ** Daemonized, any open files are
2006 May 30
Error in mongrel_rails script with Cygwin/Mongrel/Rails
Hi, I am experiencing an error in the mongrel_rails script on a pc under cygwin/mongrel/rails. My installation details and error are as follows: With some guidance from various blogposts out there, I installed Cygwin on a Windows XP box followed by: Ruby 1.8.4(via cygwin setup), Gems (0.8.1 via ruby install.rb), Mongrel .3.12.4 (via gems), Rake 0.7.1(via gems, GemPlugin (via gems), Rails (via
2006 Jun 10
mongrel ( blows up
Hello, I don''t know if this is really relevant anymore because a new version is about to be released it seems, however I''ve been trying to run mongrel on a development server in development mode (simply with mongrel_rails start). I try to access the server and the first page (static file) loads, but then the server dies and I get this in the logs. I''m