similar to: KVM with bridge in one interface

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "KVM with bridge in one interface"

2009 Nov 09
CentOS-5.4, KVM, QEMU, Virt-Manager and kvm-qemu-img
What is the correct combination of packages to configure and manage VMs via virt-manager undet CentOS-5.4? If I use qemu then while virt-manager works I obtain SELinux alerts with respect to the real-time clock. If instead of qemu I use kvm-qemu-img then virt-manager simply does not work. It starts but it does not find any form of qemu and the selection boxes are all greyed out. Further, do I
2013 May 20
xenbr0 / domU static IPs
Hi, I have a new xen hosting platform. I have given the bridge a static IP which I can ping/ssh to etc, when I create a new vm all works well apart from the networking. If I give DomU a static IP I can''t ping out from the box, Dom0 can''t ping the vm. I''m suspecting it just isn''t seeing the bridge but am unsure where to start looking. This is a very standard
2012 Jan 03
Passwords apparently stopped working.
I encountered a couple of strange events with respect to password authentication this morning. Two of our staff were unable to login onto several systems using their usual passwords. Both users had last logged in on these hosts using their accounts and passwords on Friday past. The two accounts could not log on to any of the servers for which they had access and the message log on each showed
2010 Sep 13
Problem with SSHD update.
This morning I applied the 13 or so new updates to my servers. On one of them the ssh service and clients stopped working immediately after the update. I restarted the server in anticipation that there might be some instability introduced by updating on a system with active ssh connections. However, this has not cleared the problem. The packages in question are: openssh.i386
2010 May 05
[Xen-API] XCP Monthly Call Request
I am planning to schedule a monthly XCP meeting for the community and am struggling with when to host the call. As we are a global community, there is no single optimal time to host the meeting. In an effort to support the most likely attendees, please send me your time zone if you plan to participate in these calls. I will track the most common time zones in an effort to maximize attendance. All
2010 May 05
[Xen-API] XCP Monthly Call Request
I am planning to schedule a monthly XCP meeting for the community and am struggling with when to host the call. As we are a global community, there is no single optimal time to host the meeting. In an effort to support the most likely attendees, please send me your time zone if you plan to participate in these calls. I will track the most common time zones in an effort to maximize attendance. All
2012 Feb 21
How many virtual guest 'cpus' can a core duo 'quad' core support
CentOS-6.2 What is the maximum number of cpus can I configure for a single vm guest running on a host with this hardware? # lscpu Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 4 On-line CPU(s) list: 0-3 Thread(s) per core: 1 Core(s) per socket: 4 CPU socket(s): 1 NUMA node(s): 1 Vendor ID:
2010 Apr 30
[SPAM] Xen bridge network issue
Hi, I have taken the long and winding road and indeed it lead me to your door. I need your help, please. My Xen includes 2 guests. Xen itself ( gets free access to the outside world and to its guests. Both guests however ( see each other but stay under house arrest! Not a single ping manages to go past the bridge (xenbr0) and get an answer from the default gateway
2011 Mar 30
Should AR set default values obtained from the schema?
First, if my understanding of what is happening is in error then please forgive me. I am given to understand that when a new AR model object is initialized then AR obtains from the database, and I suppose caches for further use, those columns that have defaults assigned and the default value for each. Consequently, when the save method is called on said model instance then all of these columns
2020 Jul 07
Can someone explain why host reports no SOA record for domain on DC?
[root at smb4-1 ~ (master)]# samba-tool dns query localhost ALL -U administrator Password for [BROCKLEY\administrator]: Name=, Records=4, Children=0 SOA: serial=3, refresh=900, retry=600, expire=86400, minttl=3600,, (flags=600000f0, serial=110, ttl=3600) NS:
2020 Jul 03
samab-4.10 nsupdate
I am also seeing this in smbd.log: [2020/07/03 09:20:18.211558, 1] ../../auth/kerberos/gssapi_helper.c:391(gssapi_check_packet) GSS VerifyMic failed: A token had an invalid MIC: unknown mech-code 2529638943 for mech 1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 [2020/07/03 09:20:18.211625, 0] ../../source4/auth/gensec/gensec_gssapi.c:1347(gensec_gssapi_check_packet)
2007 Nov 24
Where can I find a list of the options and their usage and meanings for the contents of this file? Regards, -- *** E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel *** James B. Byrne mailto:ByrneJB at Harte & Lyne Limited 9 Brockley Drive vox: +1 905 561 1241 Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757 Canada
2015 Mar 03
TLS, SRTP, Asterisk11 and Snom870s
CentOS-6.5 (FreePBX-2.6) Asterisk-11.14.2 (FreePBX) snom870-SIP I am having a very difficult time attempting to get TLS and SRTP working with Asterisk and anything else. At the moment I am trying to get TLS functioning with our Snom870 desk-sets. And I am not having much luck. Since this is an extraordinarily (to me) Byzantine environemnt I am going to ask if any of you have gotten
2020 Jul 08
How to delete an unwanted NS record
Wed Jul 8 16:09:19 UTC 2020, Rowland penny wrote: > No, it is '@' for the name, not '' Previously I had tried that as well with similar results as shown below: [root at smb4-1 ~ (master)]# samba-tool dns help delete Usage: samba-tool dns delete <server> <zone> <name> <A|AAAA|PTR|CNAME|NS|MX|SRV|TXT> <data> [root at smb4-1
2010 May 19
How to check which all network card are part of xenbr0 and what way i can add additional nic on the fly in the xenbr0 _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2020 Jun 30
samab-4.10 nsupdate
I have a dc configured to use the samba internal dns service. The version of samba I am using is 4.10.15 packaged for FreeBSD. Its build options state this: BIND911 : off BIND916 : off , , , GSSAPI_BUILTIN : on GSSAPI_MIT : off LDAP : on . . . NSUPDATE : off My smb4.conf file contains this: [global] bind interfaces only = Yes dns forwarder =
2020 Jul 08
How to delete an unwanted NS record
On Wed Jul 8 14:05:32 UTC 2020, L.P.H. van Belle wrote: > The original DNS, was that a Windows 2003 or lower server? > > Because this looks familiar. > (&(flatname=BROCKLEY)(objectclass=primaryDomain))' base: 'cn=Primary Domains': > No such object: dsdb_search... All the Samba service I am working with are test platforms and have never been part of or received data
2013 Sep 16
easy BASH question
I am obviously missing something basic here but can someone explain to me what is wrong with the first statement, which returns nothing? $ history | grep ^su $ history | grep su 2997 su -l 3024 su -l 3050 su -l 3054 su -l Thanks, -- *** E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel *** James B. Byrne mailto:ByrneJB at Harte & Lyne Limited
2011 Jul 13
use of MAILTO variable in crontab
I want to do something like this: 30 2 * * * MAILTO=testaddr at; echo "this should be mailed" I have searched extensively and from what I have read I believe that this should work. But evidently I misapprehend how cron and MAILTO is supposed to work as my example does not cause any mail to be sent as far as I can determine from maillog. How does one specify unique
2011 Dec 14
Shutdown KVM guest not working
I am in the middle of a rather confusing situation. At the moment I am unable to shutdown a KVM guest machine. Nor am I presently able to open a virt-manager session on the host. I am not exactly sure what has happened but the problem with the vm guest is that issuing a "virsh shutdown 1" from the root console has no effect. # virsh list Id Name State