similar to: and the wildcard dns

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: " and the wildcard dns"

2002 May 09
Samba wins eWeek and PC Magazine "Innovation in Infrastructure" (i3) award for best Enterprise Software !
Hi all, I was in Las Vegas yesterday accepting an award from eWeek and PC Magazine on behalf of Samba for the Innovation in Infrastructure Award in the "Enterprise Software" catagory ! The award was sepcifically for Samba 2.2.2, and we beat out Sun Microsystems Java 2 Platform Standard Edition Version 1.4 and Bea Systems WebLogic Server 7.0 for the award, so I'm stunned that we
2002 May 09
Samba wins eWeek and PC Magazine "Innovation in Infrastructure" (i3) award for best Enterprise Software !
Hi all, I was in Las Vegas yesterday accepting an award from eWeek and PC Magazine on behalf of Samba for the Innovation in Infrastructure Award in the "Enterprise Software" catagory ! The award was sepcifically for Samba 2.2.2, and we beat out Sun Microsystems Java 2 Platform Standard Edition Version 1.4 and Bea Systems WebLogic Server 7.0 for the award, so I'm stunned that we
2006 Jun 08
panel.abline and xyplot
Dear All, I am wondering on how to use the abline.xyplot with xyplot such that I will have different vertical lines for each panel. More sepcifically, suppose that the xyplot generates 4 panels defined by the combination of two binary variables: X_1 and X_2. i.e. xyplot(Y ~ Z | X_1*X_2, data = df) I want something like: abline(v = 5) if X_1=0 and X_2 = 0 abline(v =
2005 Sep 29
Binary Logit Regression with R
Hi to all, I am a PH.D Student doing statistical analysis. I am totally new to R. I previously use Stata and am changing into R. I ususally do with logit regression with binary dependent variable (war occurence:1 or 0). I just want to know command to do that. More sepcifically, Let say, my Y is war occurence (occur=1, otherwise 0). And my independent variables (Xs) are trade, democracy,
2009 Aug 21
What to do before launching v1.0?
I’m launching a rails website, the app is written and works, undoubtedly it’ll be an unmitigated disaster when I launch but none the less I thought I’d least attempt to give myself the best chance of success by asking all the gurus here for some advice – pre launch advice if you like. In an ideal world I’d spend days and hours on all of these things and get it absolutely spot on, but as we all
2009 Sep 18
Wiki SEO
Dear Ralph, have you already generated/submitted a sitemap for moin? Also Thomas Waldmann suggested to place a prominent link to 'TitleIndex'. Best Regards Marcus
2009 Aug 23
CentOS Mirrors and Adjacent country groups
CentOS has developed our own mirrorlist and isolist applications and inside this application, we have some countries that we shift to other countries and we also have some country groups defined. The purpose of these groupings is to have adjacent countries grouped together for applications like fastest mirror and others. I will put here what we currently have and ask the community to vet the
2009 Jan 18
URL rewrite to force 'www' and '.html'
For SEO, I need to force the URL to contain ‘www’ so my app always appears in the browser as and not ‘’. I also need the filename (ex. index.html) to appear completely, and not be hidden. Can someone give us some pointers on how to set this up? I understand the first case involves .htaccess but I’m nervous about modifying that without good guidance. Thanks.
2003 Dec 30
A Head Check
Hello, I have been retained by a Building Management Company to install a combined Voice/Data solution for a Tennated Office Space. This space will rent offices, with telephone and internet service to inviduals or small groups of individuals. As fate would have it, the service will be provided in a building where we have a major Pop, with a DS-3 worth of ISDN PRI circuits, 345 megs of
2010 Dec 06
FSX install... Failure
Hey guys I desperately want to install FSX, please don't post anything referring me to another sim, I already have it on another comp and I want to link them, I decided to use linux(Ubuntu 10.1) on this machine(programming reasons) so using wine that I installed three days ago, should have Wine triks, I attempted to install FSX but I got err. 1603. Help please?
2006 Jan 15
SEO friendly and validation?
Hello everyone! I am new to Ruby on Rails. These are my questions: - is Ruby on Rails SEO friendly? - can validation result be in another language then english? thanks! -- Posted via
2006 May 17
Render No Layout?
Hi guys, Am having a problem. I have this def in my index controller that works like this: def do_something $a = variable1 $b = variable2 $c = variable3 $d = ""<script language=\"Javascript\"> \n new Insertion.Bottom(''#{$c}'', ''#{$a} - #{$b}''); \n </script>" $trigger = "1" render(:partial =>
2006 Jul 03
Remote Postgres is driving me crazy!
Hi guys, I need your help. Here is my database.yml: development: adapter: postgresql database: db username: username password: mypassword # Connect on a TCP socket. Omitted by default since the client uses a # domain socket that doesn''t need configuration. Windows does not have # domain sockets, so uncomment these lines. host: (this is a remote ip in
2006 May 30
Another String Manipulation Exercise
Hi guys, And I thought it wasn''t a problem. Here''s my string "/var/www/vhosts/" How do i take out all the text that comes before "mypic.jpg"? Trickier than I first thought. TIA, Bing -- Posted via
2003 Sep 17
using matrix data for function
Hi All, I have a function, f(x,y) I have a matrix of data, m, with the 1st column is x and the 2nd column is y What's the best way to get f(x,y) for each row of the matrix? I tried result<-f(m[,1],m[,2]) but it doesn't work. Thanks! Bing --------------------------------- 1060 Commerce Park Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O. Box 2008, MS 6480 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6480 Phone:
2008 Oct 02
[LLVMdev] VMKit broken on trunk
With trunk(r56943), I get: make[3]: Entering directory `/home/tinuviel/llvm/vmkit/lib/JnJVM/VMCore' llvm[3]: Compiling JnjvmModule.cpp for Debug build JnjvmModule.cpp:11:38: error: llvm/ParameterAttributes.h: No such file or directory -- Seo Sanghyeon
2006 Jun 21
Sans Periodically call remote-- possible?
I was wondering, imagine this situation. You have browser 1 on machine 1 and browser 2 on machine 2. I created a div so that I can update certain elements on the database. Is it possible to have the data rendered on browser 2 using ajax but without using the periodically call remote? Is it possible to use the submit event from browser 1 to trigger browser 2 to update? thanks, Bing --
2006 Aug 14
How search engine friendly are RoR sites?
I am a total RoR virgin, and took my first steps this weekend into the Ruby world. A lot of sites I create need to be as SEO friendly as possible, particularly for google. Before I delve any further, can anyone tell me how friendly the dynamic URLs or if there is the usual rewrite mod for rugby? Thanks Mike -- Posted via
2003 Aug 12
print points from a huge matrix
Hi All, I have a 8000*8000 matrix and I want to print out a file with the row name, column name and the value for those point with values satisfying a condition. I tried using a for loop, however, it took me forever to get the result. Is there a fast way to do this? Thanks! Bing --------------------------------- 1060 Commerce Park Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O. Box 2008, MS 6480 Oak
2003 Sep 25
allShortestPath function in e1071 package
Hi All, I am using the allShortestPath function based on Floyd's algorithm in e1071 package. It runs great when I have less than 5000 nodes. But when I tried to work on more than 5000 nodes, I ran into memory problem. The problem I really want to solve has 10000-15000 nodes. Does anybody know how to deal with this problem? Are there any other packages in R that can handle this problem?