similar to: a few questions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "a few questions"

2009 Oct 28
Seamonkey 2.0 rpms
Hello I threw together some Seamonkey 2.0 rpms for i386 and you can grab them from here I dont have a 64 bit one yet but if someone would like to rebuild the src.rpm for 64 I will gladly host it, thanks. LostSon
2010 Sep 28
logwatch question
Hello A few weeks ago I started having problems with my system email or specifically my logwatch reports showing up in my inbox. I got most of those issues figued out except one now when i get an email from my system it has a title of this Cron <root at localhost> run-parts /etc/cron.daily with this message /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch: Recipient names must be specified I have my
2009 Aug 19
Hey I was wondering how i can become a proof reader for the newsletter ? I speak and read native english as it says in the wiki. -- LostSon CentOS - It's not just for servers ya know... -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed
2009 Oct 08
[offtopic] idea
Hey all I was sitting here thinking about things and I came up with an idea that sounded, at least in my head, like a good one. There has been a boom in things like twitter and brainbird and social networking setups in general. I was wondering if the project or anyone would be interested in setting up a server specifically for the CentOS project ? Why? you ask, well here are some of
2009 Aug 25
bug triage guide
Hello I was wondering if someone could put together a bug triage guide and put it on the wiki. I was looking for something to do tonight and z00dax said go hunt some bugs. So I went first to the wiki to look for a guide for a proper procedure on how the team would like bug triaging handled but didn't find one. I have triaged before but i know every place is different. So some guidelines
2010 Jan 12
offtopic repo's further discussion
Hello All I may have ruffled some feathers with a comment i made earlier about rpmforge. This was posted back on the ML. On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 14:47 -0600, lostson wrote: > For one stop using rpmforge this repo does nothing but trash a system. Discussion on that for us? So to oblige here is a further discussion on this subject. The reason I say this about rpmforge is because if you
2009 Aug 18
proposed nvidia wiki page
Hello Attached is my idea for a nvidia wiki page hopefully this is informative and good enough for the wiki, ideas and critique welcome of course, thanks. -- LostSon CentOS - It's not just for servers ya know... -------------- next part -------------- ## my proposed nvidia guide wiki page ## If you have a nvidia card and wish to use it with centos than follow
2009 Aug 09
can NOT update CENTOS use YUM
We have CENTOS 5.1 on DELL server. This server is OUTSIDE Firewall. I tried to update it to latest release and get error. any ideal? ========================================= # yum update Loading "fastestmirror" plugin Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was [Errno 4] IOError:
2009 Aug 04
ghc and xmonad
Hello Has anyone tried to build ghc and xmonad on a centos 5.3 set or is there a repo somewhere with the goodies ? -- LostSon centOS its not just for servers... -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part URL:
2001 Oct 01
failed to load .so lib for builtin opengl32.dll
Hello there ! I have a little problem I hope one of you can help me with. OpenGL won't work with wine, but it works fine under native linux. Here's some output from wine when I tried to run Quake3 Arena: [root@linux q3]# wine quake3.exe Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/ err:mmsys:MMDRV_InitHardcoded You didn't setup properly the config file for the Wine
2009 Nov 24
hard drive errors
Hello I seem to be getting some messages via email and in var/log/messages as well, i think its a hard drive gone bad but was wondering if anyone has seen something similar to this or would have some ideas if its fixable or not, here are the messages This email was generated by the smartd daemon running on: host name: localhost.localdomain DNS domain: localdomain NIS domain: (none)
2009 Sep 20
Testing and using a microphone
Hi, What's the most simple way to check if my microphone works on a plain CentOS 5.3 desktop? Is there a simple way, for example, to record voice into a simple .wav file? Niki
2008 Nov 11
visual studio 2005 - help getting speex workin'
Hey there, I'm having trouble getting speex working with a project that uses it. For some quick background, the game Quake 3 was GPL'ed a while ago. Some programmers decided to throw it into a public svn and improve on it, called it ioquake3. One of the blokes integrated speex into ioquake3 and it works, but I have troubles getting it to compile/link properly with Visual Studio 2005. I
2010 Jan 12
Rhythmbox won't play mp3 files
Hi all; I'm actually running RHEL 5.4 I installed the rpmforge centos repo (and disabled it). Then I installed the following: yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install libdvdcss libdvdread libdvdplay libdvdnav lsdvd mplayerplug-in mplayer mplayer-gui compat-libstdc++-33 flash-plugin gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg libquicktime yum --enablerepo=rpmforge
2011 Feb 25
wicd questions
Hello I am trying to get wicd to work on Cent 5.5 it installs fine but when i run wicd-curses i get this error wicd-curses File "/usr/share/wicd/curses/", line 505 class appGUI(): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax my versions of wicd and python-urwid are wicd-1.7.0-3.el5 python-urwid- Has anyone been able to get wicd working
2001 Mar 25
Wine + HL(CS) + V3 = opengl mode not supported !?
K I finally got HL to start correctly by not using my installed win98 as base. Now when I try to join a game in Counterstrike I get an "selected opengl mode not supported by your hardware" error from HL. This is only the case when I select the 3DfxMiniGL Driver (as I got a voodoo3). With Default opengl driver it works, but i get 4 fps. With Softwaremode I get 15fps but thats both
2001 Aug 27
Wine and Half-Life
I'm having this problem with wine. I compile it with opengl-support and my card (ATI Radeon) runs no problem with Quake3 or the Mesa Demos. And I can actually start HL/CS with both software and opengl. Problem is, the framerate is about 4... It seems just as if wine just doesn't do hardware rendering. Anyone had a similar experience or know a potential solution? PS: Wine works fine
2004 Aug 06
I have an isp that uses NAT/PAT. So all incoming traffic is blocked except UDP connection (for example the Quake3 Arena server works). Is there any streaming server that listen on an UDP port the incoming connection? I don't need UDP on streaming from server to client, but only on the stream initial request. thanks, marco --- >8 ---- List archives:
2001 Mar 03
halflife & wine
Well I've read all the docs/howtos for this and it's still not working for me. Everytime I try to do a 'wine hl.exe' it gives me the good ol' opengl is not supported on this device error. Nothing in the wine console. This is with build 20010112 (and also a very recent one...forget which). I did the enable-opengl configure flag. I'm trying to run it on a mandrake
1998 Dec 04
AW: Windows 3.1 and Samba
Rudolf Kollien email: *************************************************************************** Never trust a operating system you have no sources for *************************************************************************** Buying an operating system without source is like buying a self-assembly Space Shuttle with no instructions.