similar to: fonts in eps files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "fonts in eps files"

2006 Oct 10
eps embedded fonts again
Dear friends, I am sorry, I again rise that boring question about font embedding in EPS figure. I found some discussions on this topic but there were no strait solution. The publisher (AIP) demands submission of separate EPS file for each figure with all fonts embedded in it (even the standard 14 Adobe fonts). As I understand the R does not do this embedding. It inserts only comments what font
2010 Aug 29
Saving plot to tiff, with high resolution for publication ?
Hello all. A Journal we are sending an article to is asking for the following: To ensure the best reproduction quality of your figures we would appreciate high resolution files. All figures should preferably be in TIFF or EPS format... and should have the following resolution: Graph: 800 - 1200 DPI Photo: 400 - 800 DPI Color (only CMYK): 300 - 400 DPI (DPI = dots per inch) Since I am sending
2008 May 23
Preparing high quality figures with tiff as end result
Hi all, I'm currently preparing some figures that will be submitted to PloS One. In their guidelines they state that they will only accept figures in tiff or eps format, with the warning that eps figures will be converted to tiff format ( see ). Because of this conversion, I figured I'd generate tiff-format figures from the beginning.
2015 Jul 14
Use cairo fallback resolution greater than 72dpi in cairo_pdf and cairo_ps in grDevices
Dear all, In grDevices R functions cairo_pdf and cairo_ps it is mentioned that when transparency (alpha channels) are used in vector output, it will rasterize the PDF or postscript exported graph at a resolution of 72 dpi : You can see the problem if you try library(ggplot2) cairo_ps(file = "test.eps",onefile =
2008 Apr 26
resolution (dpi) problem
I am using R 2.4.1 with Windows XP. I use the plot command in a fairly simple script and I use the right mouse click on the plot and save as a postscript file. I used the resultant file in a paper which was submitted electronically. However, I get the following response from the journal: Your manuscript has been unsubmitted because you failed to meet the submission guidelines as indicated
2009 May 08
graph resolution windows (dpi) using x11 device
Dear list members, After looking in the www, I found this subject has been in discussion previously on the mailing list, although I could not solve it. I also found two wikis, but similarly, could not reach a conclusion. I need to re-produce my figures with 1200 dpi, in tiff format, for a journal (off course :-s). I am working on windows xp professional, R version 2.7.1, using x11 to open
2005 Jul 22
problems with submitting an eps-file created in R
Dear all I've got some problems submitting a manuscript, because I can't manage creating the favourable eps-file of a graph created in R. The journal's graphic requirements are as followed: format: eps width: max. 6 inches resolution: min. 1000 dpi supported fonts: Arial, Courier, Helvetica, Symbol, Times, Charcoal, Chicago, Geneva, Georgia, Monaco, Zapf, New York Itried to ways
2009 Nov 19
PLoS, Arial, R & linux
Greetings All. According to the PLoS (Public Library of Science) Guidelines for Figure preparation, if a figure is submitted as EPS rather than TIFF then "Figure text must be in Arial font" -- see: [1] and also other sections in that web-page [2] Now, Arial font is not
2009 Oct 05
Loop function/comparison operator problem
Hi There, I have created the following function format<- function(){ repeat { form<-readline(paste("\nIn what format do you want to save these plots?\nChoose from: wmf, emf, png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, tif, tiff, ps, eps, or pdf.\nNote: eps is the suggested format for publication quality plots.\nPlot format --> ")); cat("\nI'm sorry, I don't know what that format
2009 Dec 22
Embed Fonts in All EPS files inside a Directory
Hi List, I would like to embed some fonts (AFM format) on 324 eps files produced by a R loop, I’m able to do so one-by-one with the following command: embedFonts('C:/Users/Rodrigo/Documents/UFPR/Micropaleontologia/Potiguar/Cata logo/Mapas/EPS/Example.eps', outfile='C:/Users/Rodrigo/Documents/UFPR/Micropaleontologia/Potiguar/Catalog o/Mapas/EPS/Example2.eps',
2010 Aug 20
which one give clear picture-pdf, jpg or tiff?
Hi, I need some opinion.  I would like to use graph that I generate from R code and save it into word document.  Which format is better? pdf, jpeg or tiff? Thank you. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jan 18
embedding fonts in eps files
Hi, I have to make eps files with fonts embedded. I use the following postscript command: postscript("fig3a.eps", width = 5.2756, height = 7.27, pointsize = 7,horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "special",family = "Times") plot(...) Are fonts automatically embedded in this way? How can I see that? If not, how to do it? regards, Rudi.
2001 Jun 13
Maybe OT: large fonts in eps-figures
Hi there, if I copy an x11() graphics device to an eps-file (with dev.copy2eps()) the font in the legend is very large and doesn't fit to the legend box in the eps-file (same with a postscript file). I'm not sure if this is a R problem rather than a ghostscript one. But is there a way to solve this problem in R or depends this on my ghostscript installation? System: R Version 1.2.3 on
2009 Mar 01
probleme with savePlot (to eps)
Hi the list, I used savePlot to export some eps graph but it seems that the graph file hold a bug. I include the graph.eps in a LaTeX file. Running latex is ok. But the dvi file contain some mistake, the graph overprint on some text and hide it. Then, when I try to convert it to another format, I get : Ignoring remaining special text following unkown PS operator: "SDict" Remainder
2007 Apr 13
Embedding Fonts in eps Files - Required by Publisher
The publisher requires embedded fonts and the eps files that R produces don't pass its tests. How can I force the fonts (just default fonts) to be embedded. embedFonts seems to only embed unusual fonts, not the default ones that are used in a simple eps generated by using "postscript". I've tried: ps2pdf14 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress bland-altman_v2.eps bland-altman_v2.pdf pdftops
2005 Dec 04
tiff graphics
Colleagues I frequently insert PDF graphics created with R into Word (Office 2004 for Mac) documents. The documents are created on either a Linux machine (RedHat 9) or a Mac (Tiger). I am using R 2.2.0. These pdf graphics often lose a great deal of resolution after insertion into Word compared to their high quality when printed as PDF documents. I recently learned that converting the
2010 Dec 14
300 dpi and eps:
Hi, I have a run of 5 graphs that I want to place them under the same page. Everything works fine to place them in a pdf file , or eps file, but when it comes to have a high quality of 300 dpi these graphs are not good. For example I open the eps file with Adobe Illustrator (AI) and it shows that it is a 72dpi graph. If I start with a 72dpi graph AI cannot improve this to 300 dpi. Q: HOW CAN A
2009 May 08
Dear users, another question concerning graphics for publications. My favourite journal wants .eps-graphics, and from older postings i adapted the following code: postscript(file="Figure1.eps", title="Figure 1", width=11.5, height=8, paper="a4",onefile=FALSE) However,  when checking the properties of this file, it is a .ps and not a .eps file. So, i konverted to
2010 Dec 12
legend not appearing in Word document
I need help with using graphics in Word 2007 that will later be converted into a pdf document.? I have tried several formats and found that?I get the best quality of graphics using .wmf, .eps format, but when I convert it to .pdf I get a bunch of lines across the figures.? I also tried .tiff and .png but they give me much lower quality.? The best quality that converts to pdf appears to be
2012 Oct 03
Creating tiff with 1200 dpi
Hi all, I am trying to create images in R suitable for journal publication. I'd like to make an image that is 3.6" wide and 5.08" length, and 1200 dpi. When I create a tiff file that is 800 dpi and 4x4", it works (although doesn't look good). But when I create a tiff that is the size and dpi I want, it doesn't work. I get the following error: Error in tiff(filename =