Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "A.R. Associations problem"
2010 Jun 29
belongs_to. Association methods don't pass data to DB
I have a problem with the association methods which passed to a model
through a belongs_to declaration. Here''s an illustration of the issue:
# migration
class CreateArticlesAndAuthorsTables < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :articles do |t|
t.text :title
t.integer :author_id
create_table :authors do |t|
2006 Jan 21
Help...why ''rake migrate'' can''t be executed on RadRails
''rake migrate'' command can''t be executed on RadRails?
I found Terminal Window at RadRails and executed ''rake migrate'' on that
many times.but nothing happend,even error messages.
I made InitialSchema file like these and configured database.yml.
of course I made database before executing ''rake migrate''
anyone,get me
2006 Jan 12
Best Forum? Was: Migration doesn''t seem to preserve create_table options in schema
is this the best forum to answer this question? Is there any better source
for information or another mailinglist to address this question to?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mariano Kamp <mariano.kamp@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 8, 2006 6:24 PM
Subject: Migration doesn''t seem to preserve create_table options in schema
To: rails@lists.rubyonrails.org
2005 Dec 19
created_on, created_at defaulting to 2000/01/01 00:00:00
Hello all,
Rails 1.0.0
created_on is being set to 2000/01/01 00:00:00
Any ideas on this ?
Schema is
create table user_login_history (
id int identity(1,1) not null,
user_id int not null,
created_on datetime default(getdate()) not null,
created_at datetime default(getdate()) not null,
updated_on datetime default(getdate()) not null,
constraint pk_user_login_history primary key clustered
2006 Mar 23
YAML inconsistencies...
I figured I''d post here before submitting a ticket, but I''m seeing some
confusing stuff when dealing with YAML now. I was using it to freeze
objects in my database, and so i had some data already around to mess with.
I upgraded both Ruby (1.8.3 -> 1.8.4) and Rails ( -> 1.1RC1) and this junk
started. I''ve outlined the problem in two pastes, which I''ll
2009 May 24
belongs_to not saving foreign key
Under Rails 2.3.2 using a completely brand new project, I have 2
class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
# name:string
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
# title:string
belongs_to :author # author_id
And a simple test where i create a Book with an Author using the
belongs_to and then update the foreign key directly:
require ''test_helper''
class BookTest
2007 Aug 14
find_by_sql vs connection.select_all
I was trying to do SUM based mySQL query simliar to the following:
SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from signups
If I were to run this command in the mySQL console I would get a
result. However, if I were to run it using the following command in
Signup.find_by_sql("SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from
The query that is written to the log is:
2006 May 25
rake migrate VERSION=0 doesn''t appear to execute
I''ve decided to jump into Migrations before I get too far along on the
DB side of things.
I already have some tables built, and I went ahead and built the
migration that would have created them from scratch, and I made sure
that there was a self.down section to drop them. I wanted to verify
that I could roll back so I figured I would use rake to drop these
pre-existing tables
2006 Jun 13
Question: Migration - multiple creates
I want to create a migration file that creates multiple tables, so i''m
guessing the correct format would be:
Can anyone confirm ? I''m guessing that each new create script requires a
seperate class so formatted this way. Perhaps I''m wrong.
class CreateTable1 < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :table1s do |t|
t.column :length,
2006 May 24
AR many-many join tables - can they have created_on, updated_on ?
Hello all,
I''m creating a many-many join table between ''homes'' and ''users''. Can it
contain created_on? will AR update created_on, updated_on on this table?
CREATE homes_users (
home_id int not null,
user_id int not null,
created_on datetime null,
updated_on datetime null
Thanks for your advice!
Apple MacBook.
2007 Jul 05
how to search date with ferret and acts_as_ferret?
Hey all,
How can I search date with ferret? Do I need to submit them in a special format?
Right now I have in my Item model:
acts_as_ferret :fields => [:created_on]
with eg created_on = Thu May 11 17:00:00 -0500 2006
now when I do Item.find_by_content("created_on:<#{Time.now}")
I get nil, I''m probably doing something wrong.
Any idea how to fix it?
thanx in advance
2006 Apr 20
Noobie problems with helper
I have the following helper method in application_helper.rb:
def format_date(date)
day = to_s(date.day)
month = to_s(date.month)
time = to_s(date.time)
date = day + "/" + month + " - " + time
return date
I am trying to call this method in a view like this:
<%= format_date(bounty.created_on) %>
create_on is a timestamp in mysql. I am
2006 Jan 30
Howto change @article.article.headline to @article.headline ?
I have to actions:
def index
@articles = Article.find(:all,
:conditions => "un_published != ''1''",
:order => "created_on desc")
def group
id = params[:id]
@articles = ArticleGroup.find(:all,
:include => [:group, :article],
:conditions => ["articles.un_published !=
2006 Jan 06
"Selecting" a calculated row / Using :select in the paginate method
I was trying to use the :select parameter to select a calculated row,
but it appears that the parameter is not picked up by the paginate method.
I want to add the following to the select statement:
timediff(now(), created_on) as age
So I tried:
@story_pages, @stories = paginate :stories, {:per_page => 10, :include
=> ''user'', :select =>
2006 Jun 13
Dead horse: validates_associated
Regarding validates_associated...
Let''s say I have:
article belongs_to author
But for whatever reason, I want an article to also be written
anonymously and therefore not require an author. Then I have:
belongs_to :author
validates_associated :author
But I DON''T have validates_presence_of. What I want to do is validate
that an author is valid --if it is
2005 Dec 23
OO model style: inheritance
Hi everybody
I am totally new to rails and I am trying to start a
tiny project to get familiar with rails. But I already
got my first problem and I would be happy if somebody
could point me in the best and cleanest direction.
I am trying to develop a small gallery app. Since I
would like to add more features in future I am trying
to design a clean OO architecture of my models:
The base object
2006 May 18
How to debug the rendering in Rails?
I have some controller code like this:
def mailing_lists
@ml = MailingList.find_by_identifier(@params[:id])
@messages = @ml.messages
@headers["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml"
@response.headers[''Last-Modified''] =
@messages.last.created_on.httpdateunless @
minTime =
2005 Dec 29
Verification problems
Hope this isn''t a newbie question - but I don''t seem to be able to find
relevent information elsewhere.
I am having trouble getting the following to work:
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 1) do
create_table "authors", :force => true do |t|
t.column "name", :string
create_table "books", :force =>
2006 Mar 29
Rake Migrations for Rails 1.1
Hi all. I keep having the following error when I invoke the rake
db:migrate command for Rails 1.1 (Ruby 1.8.2 -- Windows 2000)
** Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute db:migrate
== Realtorex: migrating
-- create()
rake aborted!
undefined method `create'' for
2005 Apr 20
Error in tutorial or sintax changed?
In this tutorial
it sad:
sql =<<SQL
SELECT articles.*, authors.name AS author_name
FROM articles
LEFT JOIN authors ON author_id = authors.id
and this return
*app/controllers/media_controller.rb:366: can''t find string "SQL"
anywhere before EOF*
what is wrong? the tutorial or ruby changed?