similar to: HELP: Rails / Ajax with 3 Drop down lists (see code)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "HELP: Rails / Ajax with 3 Drop down lists (see code)"

2006 Apr 24
Joined search returns NIL ids
I have two models: assets and makes. Make has many assets and an asset belongs to one make. I am calling this part of my asset controller from a search form with the parameters "search" (search term) and "field" (database field heading) which then renders a partial with the search results on it. ######################################################## if
2009 Apr 24
RoR - getting started with database relations
Hey everyone... I''m just getting my feet wet with relational databases using RoR models. The software I''m putting together relies on car parts. Originally I had the database set up as follows create_table :parts do |t| t.column :year, :string t.column :make, :string t.column :model, :string . . . end However, I now realize it''s much better to do it using
2019 May 20
WISH: Built-in R session-specific universally unique identifier (UUID)
# Proposal Provide a built-in mechanism for obtaining an identifier for the current R session, e.g. >[["session_uuid"]] [1] "4258db4d-d4fb-46b3-a214-8c762b99a443" The identifier should be "unique" in the sense that the probability for two R sessions(*) having the same identifier should be extremely small. There's no need for reproducibility, i.e.
2006 Mar 22
Parent-Child Tables Help
can someone help me with this i have a table cars ( id int model_id int make_id int color_id int description text constraint fk_cars_carmake foreign key(make_id) references carmakes(id), constraint fk_cars_carmodel foreign key(model_id) references carmodels(id), constraint fk_cars_color foreign key(color_id) references colors(id) ) carmakes ( id int carmake varchar ) carmodels ( id
2012 Jan 13
function to replace values doesn't work on vectors
I've got a numeric vector with values ranging from 1 to 5, I would like to catagorize these values like this: 1 becomes catagory 1 3 becomes catagory 3 And everything else in catagory 2. The simple function I wrote beneath works for single numeric data, but for some reason I am unable to feed it vectors. Any help would be appreciated, as I'm fairly new to R. -- View this message in
2012 Jan 13
Nabble? Was Re: function to replace values doesn't work on vectors
Interesting: The email I received through the R-help list didn't have all the information that was apparently there: On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Berend Hasselman <bhh at> wrote: > > WoutH wrote >> >> I've got a numeric vector with values ranging from 1 to 5, I would like to >> catagorize these values like this: >> >> 1 becomes
2007 Apr 24
problem in tapply command
hello when I entered following command, I got NA values for some catagories. > tapply(slp_jeo2$slp,slp_jeo2$jeo,mean ) 999 Ca Cka DCy Jh JKi Kk 14.06665 NA 14.60445 NA NA NA NA NA KTa KTac Ku Kua Kus Ky Kyk ODe NA NA NA NA NA NA
2006 May 11
Find By ID
Hi folks, Newbie with ruby on rails but very excited by the features provided by the framework ;) Suppose I''ve got a table ''Company'' and a table ''Category'' Company belongs to a category but I will retrieve the Catagory in the Company list? It seems that I don''t have the basic ruby wau of thinking to get this easily. Can someone help?
2005 Feb 18
Barplot - Can't figure it out
Hi, I have two catagorical vectors like this; x = c(1, 2, 4, 2, 1) y = c(2, 4, 2 ,4, 1) I want to set up a barplot with the catagories 1-4 horizontally and number of occurances vertically for each vector x,y. I've tried boxplot(table(x,y), beside=T) and boxplot(c(x,y), beside=T) among others, but can't get it to work...Any ideas? I'd apppreciate any help
2002 May 09
Samba wins eWeek and PC Magazine "Innovation in Infrastructure" (i3) award for best Enterprise Software !
Hi all, I was in Las Vegas yesterday accepting an award from eWeek and PC Magazine on behalf of Samba for the Innovation in Infrastructure Award in the "Enterprise Software" catagory ! The award was sepcifically for Samba 2.2.2, and we beat out Sun Microsystems Java 2 Platform Standard Edition Version 1.4 and Bea Systems WebLogic Server 7.0 for the award, so I'm stunned that we
2002 May 09
Samba wins eWeek and PC Magazine "Innovation in Infrastructure" (i3) award for best Enterprise Software !
Hi all, I was in Las Vegas yesterday accepting an award from eWeek and PC Magazine on behalf of Samba for the Innovation in Infrastructure Award in the "Enterprise Software" catagory ! The award was sepcifically for Samba 2.2.2, and we beat out Sun Microsystems Java 2 Platform Standard Edition Version 1.4 and Bea Systems WebLogic Server 7.0 for the award, so I'm stunned that we
2006 Mar 01
link_to problem when used in folder
I have split my appliction into 2 folders - public and restricted areas: "site" and "admin" Now, in "site" i have a "search" controller with the "results" action. I want to make a link that will keep all the parameters of the link <%= link_to ''link'', params %> However, instead of something like:
2007 Dec 06
Please help me rate vnc, rdesktop, and freenx
I have been dragging my feet on remote display, and have just gotten VNC going to have SOMETHING to move off the start line. But I need the 'best' for different situations, so I want to rate them. 1 to 3 where 1 is the 'best' for the catagory and 3 the loser. VNC RDESKTOP FREENX Server memory Server cpu client memory client cpu bandwidth
2018 Mar 19
[gsoc2018] Where's the source for clang-doc
Hi I'm interested in working on clang as a gsoc project. It's under the catagory "Clang Tools Extra" [here](, but I can't seem to find it's source anywhere. Not even at the llvm site [documentation]( It isn't on github and google is no help either in this case. Does
2007 Aug 13
Matlab 2007a and C5 out-of-box broken
I had to reinstall C5 64-bit out-of-box on two machines. Before the reinstall, Matlab 2007a 64-bit worked fine. Now, I get "failed to start the desktop; failure loading desktop class". matlab -nojvm works fine. The reinstall was not an upgrade. I tested on two identical systems - one before I installed the NVIDIA drivers, and one after. No difference. I installed jre and jdk
2006 Jul 01
Uh oh, Error solving...
undefined method `stringify_keys'' for [["Craved"], ["Whole Sale"]]:Array I did this earler in the script how come now it''s yealling? <% catas = Category.find(:all, :order=> "name").map {|u| []} -%> <p><label for="item_cata">Catagory:</label><br/> <%= select ''item'',
2004 Aug 06
Oddcast not working with WinAmp 5.01
I recently reformatted & reinstalled Windows98. Oddly, only now after a fresh re-install has Oddcast been behaving badly with WinAmp 5.01. It shows up in the DSP catagory as a mirror of the previous plugin, plus "[dsp_oddcast_v2.dll]". I know Oddcast isn't configurable by the WinAmp Configure Plugin button, but it shouldn't give this message when I try:
2005 Aug 30
Wiki - where to add user documentation?
Hi I would like to add some documentation to the xensource wiki. In particular I would like to add some notes on setting up firewalling on a Xen machine using a SuSE 9.3 dom0. (this is the Distribution I am familiar with) I can''t see an appropriate place linked off the front page to add this stuff. Also I can''t edit the front page itself to add a new catagory because it is
2006 Apr 20
Many to Many Category structure with itself
Basically, I''m trying to have a table called "categories" have a many to many relationship with itself. But I also want each catagory to be able to be "copied" into another category so it is essentially a child category to more than one parent. To me the obvious way of doing this is by creating another table called category_maps (and a model called CategoryMap).
2018 Mar 19
[gsoc2018] Where's the source for clang-doc
On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 2:16 PM, Saga _-_ via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > Hi Hi. > I'm interested in working on clang as a gsoc project. It's under the > catagory "Clang Tools Extra" > [here](, but I > can't seem to find it's source anywhere. Not even at the llvm site >