similar to: Posting multiple files - how to set up params correctly

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Posting multiple files - how to set up params correctly"

2006 Mar 29
Uploading files and writing them to server?
Where should I look for information on how to use Rails and Ruby to accept the upload of a file and then to save that file to the file system of my server? I''m reading the "Uploading a file" section of Agile Web Dev with Rails, but it''s geared toward saving the file in the database. Any advice? Thanks, Jeff -- Posted via
2006 Apr 01
Many file fields w/same name don''t show up as params array
All, I have a page where I am allowing the user to specify multiple image files that are related to one HTML document. I''m trying to set up my file_field correctly but am having trouble. I''m trying to post into an array of images that belongs to a document. I''ve tried: <%= file_field(''document'', ''image[]'') %> <%=
2006 Mar 29
Hello, all I have one string in my controller but i need to knwon how i verify if it is numerical Thanks... -- Posted via
2006 Mar 29
Multiple calls from drop_receiving_element :complete
Hi, Firstly I am very new to Ruby on Rails but think its fantastic! :o) I am trying to figure out how I can call multiple functions from the drop_receiving_element :complete. I have the following code in my index.rhtml and it works fine. It calls the javascript function "additem" that is on the page. <%= drop_receiving_element "dcwindow", :update =>
2006 Jul 26
code for uploading files to the filesystem instead of db
Does anyone have any standard code for uploading files to the filesystem? I''ve got code already for uploading images to the database but I''d prefer to store the files on the filesystem. In particular I need to know how to (a) ensure a file has been selected in the file_field (b) how to extract the filename from the file_field (c) how to actually move the file from client to
2006 May 31
acts_as_attachment , someone using it?
Hi, i just found the acts_as_attachment plugin for image upload, seems sogood but i cant find any docs about it, if someone here using it can give some references or working examples about the plugin that will be excellent. So what you wanna rails today? -- Posted via
2010 Feb 14
paperclip is making me crazy
seems pretty simple, my model... has_attached_file :pic_1, :styles => { :thumb => "120x90" }, :url => "/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension" my view... <% form_tag(:action => ''create'', :html => { :multipart => true }) do -%> <label
2006 Nov 20
Acts as attachement
Hi guys Question about acts as attachment still getting the following error undefined method `content_type'' I have set everything up according to the following page however i am still have trouble One thing, I have wanted to add this to an existing model in my system. I have not used the... script/generate
2006 Mar 13
Newbie: Can''t get file to upload
Since I can''t get the fancy upload progress thing to work, I thought that I would revert back to a regular file upload scenario. I have a very simple file upload form set up. It appears that my file parameter is coming into the controller as a string, not a file object. Here''s my view: <%= form_tag :action => ''save_HTML'', :multipart
2006 Mar 30
Global Method Declaration?
Is there a place where I can put a method that can be accessed in both views and controllers? Here''s the situation, maybe someone can suggest a better way to go about this: I created my own custom login system with email verification and user roles (basically, I tinkered around with SaltedHashLoginGenerator until I finally gave up and wrote my own). One role, of course, is an admin
2006 Jun 28
Ajax - Upload File Upload
hello, i have a problem. I want to upload a file with ajax and the following tag: submit_to_remote ''button_save'',''Speichern'',{ :url => {:action => ''ajax_update'', :id => @product}, :update => ''formular'' } it doesn''t work, my form_tag looks like: form_remote_tag(:url => {:action =>
2009 Oct 20
Annoying problem with file_field and paperclip
Hi all, I have a really really annoying problem that''s driving me nuts with file_field and paperclip and having to upload images everytime a form is edited even though the user is quite happy with the currently uploaded image or loose the previously uploaded image. This seems to be caused by the rails file_field helper not storing the data that has been read in from the db in the same
2006 Apr 03
Multiple file uploads - only one file object gets posted
All, Trying to upload multiple files. Form: <% index = 0 for @image in images do %> <TR> <TD> <%= @image.path.split(''/'').last[0..39] %>: <% if ((! @image.path.nil?) && (@image.path.length > 40)) %> <%= h("...") %> <% end %> </TD> <TD> <%=
2006 Apr 05
How to Upload Image through RoR??
Hi, I have one form , in which I am using file_field teg for input image file as follows. ===== <%= file_field("store", "picture") %> ======= Tha Actual fileld name of my Image field in Database is "store_photo" with datatype LargeBLOB. & Inside my Store Model I have specified "def picture" as follows:- ========================= def
2006 Jan 22
file_field questions
A couple questions about file_field elements. First, with code such as this: <%= file_field ''attachments'', ''filename'' %> Would the filename of the file I select be the value that''s stored within the database under the "filename" column, and then I would just add in code in my "create" controller to upload the actual file?
2006 Jan 15
file_field vs. file_field_tag
Hi, The documentation doesn''t make it clear why both file_field and file_field_tag are both useful. What is the reason for having two instead of just one of these? Thanks, Peter
2006 Apr 10
Upload an image
Hello there. :-) I have this view: <%= form_tag({:action => ''create''}, :multipart => true) %> <table> <tr> <td>User</td><td><%= text_field("user","name") %></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Image</td><td><%=
2007 Sep 30
Outputing to the browser, how?
Hello, I''m writting some helper methods to write forms, so I have this working code: class TableFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder ["file_field", "password_field", "text_field"].each do |name| define_method(name) do |label, *args| @template.content_tag(:tr, @template.content_tag(:td, @template.content_tag(:label,
2008 Jul 14
about string error for upload file in rails 2.1
hello: I have code for upload image file to server file system.This works in rails 1.2.3.But in rails 2.1,it gets an error. The following is the important code: In a view: <%form_for :user,:url=>{:action=>"register"},:html=>{:multipart=>true} do |f|-%> <p> <label>照片</label> <%=f.file_field "file"-%> </p>
2011 Oct 05
formtastic / activeadmin
Newbie question: want to following code to migrate to formtastic: <% f.fields_for :assets do |asset_fields| %> <% if asset_fields.object.new_record? %> <p> <%= asset_fields.file_field :asset %> </p> <% end %> <% end %> tried this: f.inputs "Appartment Details" do f.input :assets do |asset_fields|