similar to: Should counter_cache fields be saved in the database?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Should counter_cache fields be saved in the database?"

2006 Jun 08
counter_cache is not looking for children_count with acts_as_tree
Hi there, the acts_as_tree API says that I can set a counter cache and that it will automatically increment the "children_count" column. I did that but when I create a new page it asks for a "pages_count" column instead. Here is the relevant part of page.rb model: class Page < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree :order => :position, :counter_cache => true
2006 Feb 03
acts_as_tree counter_cache behavior is different than API docs
Before I file a ticket, I''ll query ya''ll about this: The API docs for acts_as_tree''s counter_cache is to create a database column called "children_count" to hold the counter_cache. I have enabled this option in my model. While writing tests I wrote a test for creating children from the a parent: message = @forum_message["parent"].find child =
2006 Mar 25
acts_as_tree wierdness with children.count and children.size
i am making a category tree and i iterate over the category using my counter_cache however it would show a different number than what was actually being represetned in the tree. Here is an example cat.children = [cat2, cat3] puts cat.children.size 2 puts cat.children_count 2 cat4.parent_id = puts cat.children.size
2005 Mar 01
acts_as_tree counter_cache
Hi List, I''m new to and hot on RoR. And I have a question regarding acts_as_tree and counter_cache. What methods actually update the counter_cache column? I''ve only really started the app so i''ve just got it set up so that I can select the parent node (from a list of nodes that exclude all descendants of the current node) with a radio buttoned list named and valued
2006 Jan 10
Noob: Child records not saved
Hi all, happily coding along, but it seems a belongs_to record is not saved. # Create some stuff def create_project @contact = @project =[''project'']) @project_contact =[''collect'']) @project.project_contact = @project_contact contact =
2007 Nov 14
has_many_polymorphs and acts_as_list ?
First, BRAVO for this wonderful plugin: has_many_polymorphs ! Now my problem: 4 models : Collection, Page, Fragment, Belonging (which is the join table): 1 class Collection < ActiveRecord::Base 2 has_many_polymorphs :elements, 3 :through => :belongings, 4 :from => [:pages, :fragments, :collections], 5 :as => :collector, 6 :parent_order =>
2006 Jul 11
counter_cache, has_many and belongs_to
I am a bit confused about counter_cache here. The API docs say that only the belongs_to association can take the :counter_cache option. When I try to use it on a has_many I get an "unknown key(s): counter_cache" error. Why would this be the case? belongs_to means that this model has a field with an id
2006 Feb 16
validations with associated object
Does anyone know if Rails is supposed to validate associated objects on creation? Say you have a User model, with has_many posts, and a Post model which belongs_to user. Further, the Post model has a validates_uniqueness_of :title. u = User.find(1) # this should pass u.posts.create :title => ''my new post title'' # this should fail u.posts.create :title => ''my
2007 Jun 01
Ferret FileNotFound error after adding counter_cache to mode
I have a model that I''ve been indexing and searching with ferret with no problems. I just added a counter_cache for some voting functionality to the same model and now when I perform the voting fxn on an object from that model, I get the FileNotFound error as it looks for a file named "_1c_1.del" ...which breaks my voting function. I tried killing the server and my index
2007 May 11
spec a replace_html with a partial
I wanted to use ARTS to add RJS in a behaviour driven way to my application, but I''m having some trouble asserting a replace_html with a partial. I''ve created a pastie ( which contains the RJS I want to spec, the spec which I already wrote and its failure message. I''m currently using RSpec-0.9.2
2009 Jun 01
counter_cache is making a redundant SELECT before UPDATE
Hi, I have the following code: Message, belongs_to :topic, :counter_cache => true topic = Topic.find_from_permalink(params[:id]) topic.messages.create(params[:message]) When the message gets created, then AR issues a supplemental SELECT to retrieve the message''s topic and then updates its messages_count. Why is that happening? If I do it manually: if
2006 Mar 12
counter_cache reference/tutorial
I''m trying to use counter_cache, but I''m not doing something right. It is unreliable and I keep having to correct it manually. Is there a good tutorial or reference on how to use it on-line? I have the AWDR book, but I need something more complete. TIA, Jeffrey
2006 May 22
STI, HABTM & counter_cache
Hello world... I have an interesting issue that the online docs aren''t helping me with. In my app I have 4 models Item < ActiveRecord Deal < Item Product < Item Category < ActiveRecord Item has_and_belongs_to_many :categories... On each category record I''d like to maintain a product_count and deal_count to increase performance. This doesn''t appear
2006 Jun 03
Can I tell if the associated record is new in a belongs_to save?
In a belongs_to association, is there a way to tell if the associated object was newly created? Hopefully this will explain my question: A Firm class declares has_many<>:clients and a client class declares
2006 Oct 13
Validation errors in has_one/belongs_to relationships.
I have two objects, QuoteInput and Insured. QuoteInput has one Insured and Insured belongs to QuoteInput. I don''t understand what I''m seeing. I assign an Insured to a QuoteInput. The Insured object has invalid data. I call save! on the quote input. QuoteInput has no validations. I expect two things to happen - 1) an exception should be thrown, indicating that there was a
2006 Jun 07
Setter that converts a float attribute to integer
Hi, I have some problems with an application where I''m using custom accessors to do currency conversions. In my model, I have a price attribute in the database that stores the value in cents, to avoid future problems with float arithmetic and round. But at the views, I would like to show the price in euros, with decimal for the cents. So I defined a new attribute called price_in_euros,
2006 Aug 12
Very weird counter_cache behavior
Hi All, I''m using a counter_cache, which I believe I''m doing correctly because I can see this SQL query being executed in the development.log file: UPDATE gifts SET bookmarks_count = bookmarks_count + 1 WHERE (id = 276) However, in the gifts table, the bookmarks_count field isn''t incremented (it''s zero). If I literally copy and paste that query into the
2005 Dec 23
Save using Update
Hi, I want to update an existing row in table "items" where == 10 I tried this: item = item.f1 = ... item.f2 = ... ... = 10 I got an error Duplicate entry ... for key 10 : INSERT INTO items ... How do I make to use UPDATE instead of INSERT? -- Posted via
2006 Jun 07
Problem with a setter that converts euros to cents
Hi, I have some problems with an application where I''m using custom accessors to do currency conversions. In my model, I have a price attribute in the database that stores the value in cents, to avoid future problems with float arithmetic and round. But at the views, I would like to show the price in euros, with decimal for the cents. So I defined a new attribute called price_in_euros,
2008 Feb 13
Migration Issues: Can't update newly added column values
Hello everyone, just wondering if anyone can help me with a migrations question here. Using: rails 2.0.2 ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin] mysql 5.0.45 Platform: windows xp The problem: ---------- I created a migration that is designed to add a column named "deleted_at" (timestamp) and then remove a column named "is_deleted" (boolean). The idea is to