similar to: AAF: merge search results

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "AAF: merge search results"

2007 Jun 01
Is aaf multi_search broken?
Hi all, I want to use acts_as_ferret''s multi_search to search two model classes (Reviewable and Blog) at a time like @results = Reviewable.multi_search("jemen", [Blog]) and I''m always getting the error You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating
2006 Oct 10
sorting results with aaf multi_search
Is it possible to sort the result of acts_as_ferret multi_search the way you can with find_contents? I''m using the latest ferret and aaf. I have an interface that offers multiple search options which search different fields of a single model. In addition to these, I also have an "all" search type which is meant to pull in one additional model and consider all indexed
2006 Oct 09
AaF not indexing models when no index present in multi_searc
The first time I tried to run a multi_search, I got an error and discovered there were no indexes for any of the models. index > model folders were there but no actual indexes. I couldn''t figure out how to get it to create indexes so I edited a record for each model which created all the indexes. Then when I ran the search, everything worked well. Is there a bug related to this
2006 Sep 20
acts_as_ferret limit on multi_search not working?
I''m using acts_as_ferret to do a query like this: Model1.multi_search("my query",[Model2,Model3], :limit => 2) No matter what number i set limit to I get 10 items in the resultset. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks/David -- Posted via
2007 Feb 28
How to use find_options in multi_search
Hello everyone, I''m using multi-search to search in some attributes of two classes. One of the attributes is the id of the customer. For each multi_search I want to do a give the id of the current customer as a parameter. This should only return results for the given customer. My current code looks like this: Folder.multi_search(@search_query, [Myfile]) I noticed in the API you can
2006 May 18
multi_search problem
I am running into the following error when I try to search across multiple models with multi_search() I have rebuilt the indices and can search on each model individually using the Rails console. Here is the output from the console. >> Post.multi_search(''new'', [Message, WikiPage]) ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) from
2007 Jun 24
I only want one type of model returned from a multi_search
I am trying to use acts_as_ferret''s multi_search to search across multiple models, but i only want it to return one type of model. for example i have a page that lists out people. on this page it shows email addresses and phone numbers. I want to be able to search by any fields directly from the person model and search the fields from the email_address and phone_number models, but I only
2007 Apr 12
Multiple Model Search
[from out-of-band communication with steven, just for the record] Hi! On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 01:47:49PM +0200, Steven Garcia wrote: > Hey Jens, > [..] > > 1. Is the Search model just an Active Record object or do I need to > set up a database for it as well (if so then with what columns)? No, that search model is just a plain class that backs your search form. If you want to
2007 Dec 02
total_hits and conditions
Hi. I''m running 0.11.4. The problem I''m having, appears to have been solved before according to various posts I googled up, but possibly the fix got removed from 0.11.3 to 0.11.4? re = Entry.multi_search(''service'', [Ticket], options, {}) re.size 620 re.total_hits 620 Now add conditions: re = Entry.multi_search(''service'', [Ticket],
2006 Oct 02
Adding dependant objects to an Index?
I have design question and I''m wondering what''s the best way to solve it. I''m trying to index HTML content where I have a single model object call it Article that is an acts_as_ferret model, and an article consists of many HTML files. I would like to index all of the content of the article with ferret and search across it. However, since the article''s
2006 Dec 16
Getting "ArgumentError ( isn''t a valid directory argument.
I''m hoping someone has encountered this before. I''m using AAF trunk and trying to multi_search across 2 models. It works fine on my windows (Webricks) dev env but now that i''ve deployed to linux, (Apache, FastCGI) I''m getting the following error: ArgumentError ( isn''t a valid directory argument. You should use either a String or a Directory):
2006 Nov 30
usage and benefits of single-index with AAF
The documentation states: "single_index: set this to true to let this class use a Ferret index that is shared by all classes having :single_index set to true. :store_class_name is set to true implicitly, as well as index_dir, so don?t bother setting these when using this option. the shared index will be located in index/<RAILS_ENV>/shared ." [1] If I''m reading
2006 Oct 13
multi_search error undefined method
Hi, Im having problems using the multi_search command. I keep getting the following error. "undefined method `<<'' for Book:Class" here is the code associated with this. class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true end class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true end and the call is the
2006 May 26
multi_search will not work
I am trying to get multi_search to search across multiple models. I have the following: class Drug < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true end class Target < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true end and I am trying to query via: @drugs = Drug.multi_search(params[:query], [Target]) But I get no results. If I go: @drugs =
2006 Oct 09
multi_search problems, Never go away!
Hello, I am trying to use the multi_search method, but I keep getting type error on nil objects, I send it [Model1,Model2] and it seems as though the class names keep getting clobbered and turn to nil, somewhere along the multi_index area. I tried to trace what was going on, but I got nothing, also, this only happens when there are actually hits(thank god, most of the time). Perhaps some insight?
2007 Sep 28
undefined method error
Hi, I''m running the trunk version with drb server. In my ferret_server.log I get a lot of messages like this: #method_missing(:add, ["User", {:first_name=>"blah", :comments=>nil, :company=>"blah", :phone_day=>""}]) Over and over again. But more importantly, since yesterday doing a search has caused an exception: A NoMethodError
2007 May 22
Bug in Ferret::Search::SortField::SCORE ??
i have been trying to get this to work for a while now. my controller is sort = [ Ferret::Search::SortField::SCORE_REV ] @results = Record.multi_search(params[:search_terms], [ Link, Post, Event ], {:limit => :all, :sort => sort }) and in my view i just render a conglomeration of the appropriate partials for each model. it seems that no matter what i do, i can''t get the
2007 May 10
Is there a way to do incremental search?
Say the user first enters "ruby" for search and gets 1000 results. Then he can search "rails" just in the 1000 results just returned. The common scenario is some kind of advanced search. User can incrementally add criteria and the program will narrow the results step by step. I know that at least I can use all the criteria as a whole to do the searching, but this is a waste
2006 Oct 16
Sorting by score
Hi I think this is a very easy question but here goes: I want to sort my results by a boolean field and then by score, I thought this would be a default configuration but apparently not. sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<, :reverse => :true) that is my current code, how do iu alter it so that the results are then sorted by highest score first?
2007 May 02
Rewarding exact matches
Is there a way I can get ferret to give the highest ranking to an exact term match? The problem I have right now is that I am searching both title and body fields, so even if I boost the title field, if the body has more instances of the query, then it gets pushed up in rank. I would like for ferret to put exact matches (of the title field) at the very top of the pile, so if I do a