similar to: handle multiple lists: move an item from one list to another

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "handle multiple lists: move an item from one list to another"

2006 Apr 01
acts_as_list with scope : position update problem?
Hello, I''ve tried to set up a class with acts_as_list with a scope argument that restricts a list to records with the same foreign key. For example : database : CREATE TABLE `families` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=3 ; INSERT INTO
2007 May 22
can I use acts_as_list with a has_many :through association
I''d like to be able to use a has_many :through association and treat the associations as a list but I''m getting this error when I try an use an acts_as_list method: NoMethodError: undefined method `move_to_bottom'' I''m using edge rails r6786. Here are my domain rules: Activities are things students can do. Units consists of a sequenced list of
2007 Nov 14
has_many_polymorphs and acts_as_list ?
First, BRAVO for this wonderful plugin: has_many_polymorphs ! Now my problem: 4 models : Collection, Page, Fragment, Belonging (which is the join table): 1 class Collection < ActiveRecord::Base 2 has_many_polymorphs :elements, 3 :through => :belongings, 4 :from => [:pages, :fragments, :collections], 5 :as => :collector, 6 :parent_order =>
2005 Jul 07
0.13 ajax sortable lists and acts_as_list
I''m trying to figure out a good way to get acts_as_list and the new sortable lists to play nicely together, but they don''t seem like they''re designed to mesh well. The ajax sortable lists post a complete ordered list of ids back to the server after every change, but acts_as_list is designed to deal with diff-like changes, rather than reordering the whole list from
2006 Sep 03
using polymorphic associations with acts_as_list
This is what I have class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :image, :polymorphic => true acts_as_list :scope => image end class Place < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :photos, :as => :image end class Child < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :photos, :as => :image end I want to be able to reorder the images. What I need is for the position of the photos to be set
2007 Jul 12
acts as list -- adding or moving new item to new location
right now i''m adding an item to my ''list'' but i''m unsure how to move it to a certain spot in the list. specifically i want to put it at the bottom of the list. i assumed that if i did something like parent.children << new_child then the ''position'' field in the child table would be given some sensible default by rails but instead
2006 Apr 30
I need an ordered (sortable tree) and I just was thinking if somehting like this is possible: class Item< ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree :order => "position" acts_as_list :scope => ''parent_id = #{}'' end For my understanding mixing of two acts_as should be p?ssible, at least in this case, right? Unfortunatly the :scope is not working, I am not
2010 Dec 23
Difference between rake test:units and individually running ruby -I test test/unit/something_test.rb ?
Here''s my issue: running ruby -I test test/unit/something_test.rb for each of my unit tests works perfectly. However, running rake test:units brings errors in all of them - some object becomes nil for some reason. Why might this be happening? Specifics: the object that is successfully not nil when I run the unit tests one-by-one but becomes nil when I do rake test:units is defined like
2009 Jan 04
undefined local variable or method `acts_as_list'
So I seem to be having an issue with trying to install acts_as_list in rails 2.2.2? I have downloaded the files from: I have put the files in the vendor/plugins folder the files are as follows: vendor/plugins/acts_as_list/init.rb vendor/plugins/acts_as_list/lib/active_record/acts/list.rb vendor/plugins/acts_as_list/test/list_test.rb
2006 May 26
Help needed with acts_as_list
Hi ! There must be something I don''t understand clearly in acts_as_list I have a list of gallery entries (images + text), model is GalleryEntry. I have a field in_exhibition (boolean) I want the list to be sorted with a scope on in_exhibition : from 1 to N for every record having in_exhibition = false and 1 to N for every record having in_exhibition = true When I use acts_as_list
2009 Jan 05
Plugin not found: ["acts_as_list"]
I am trying to install acts_as_list in a rails 2.2.2 project but when I try the following: ruby script/plugin install acts_as_list I get: Plugin not found: ["acts_as_list"] I had to download the acts_as_list plugin from the github because it isn''t included in Rails 2.2.2. The files are in my vendor/plugins/acts_as_list folder so I have: lib/active_record/acts/list.rb
2007 Aug 15
ActsAsList specs
Hi, How are people specifying models which act_as_list? I''m thinking that it would be possible to check that acts_as_list instance methods have been added to a class using something like this: describe Page, "acts_as_list" do it "should act as a list" do Page.ancestors.should be_include(ActiveRecord::Acts::List::InstanceMethods) end it "should use
2005 Apr 20
acts_as_list and single table inheritance
in a single table inheritance model, rails will automatically set the scope for acts_as_list to the ''type'' field as well as any other scope conditions we provide. Is there a way to disable this? i want to use STI but I want acts_as_list to disregard the class type when getting/setting positions. thanks alan
2006 Mar 22
Need for multiple acts_as_list
I have a model "Childmodel" that belongs_to two other models "Parent1" and "Parent2". "Parent1" "has_many :childmodels, :order => :positionp1" and "Parent2" "has_many :childmodels, :order => :positionp2". i.e. The child is independently positioned within each of its parents. This works fine and gets me the useful
2007 Jan 25
acts_as_tree with acts_as_list
Hello all, I''m having trouble using acts_as_list with acts_as_tree to order the "children". I''ve found a few old posts on the web that seem to indicate that this once worked. class Whatever < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree :order => :position acts_as_list :scope => :parent_id Although the ''position'' field is being populated, it appears
2010 Sep 30
Plugins Not Loading
Hi. I''m running Rails 3.0 on Mac OS X, and I''m trying to get the acts_as_list, other plugins, as well as libraries running. From what I understand, rails should be loading those automatically once placed in the proper directories. However, that is not happening in my case, and I''m getting errors such as "undefined method `acts_as_list'' for
2008 Feb 22
undefined local variable or method "acts_as_list"?
Hi, I''m getting the error below, and I''m not sure where to find "acts_as_list" ... NameError in SpecialsController#printer undefined local variable or method `acts_as_list'' for #<Class: 0xb7a46994> RAILS_ROOT: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/dps Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace vendor/plugins/trunk/lib/scope_out.rb:70:in
2010 Oct 13
acts_as_list issue in single table inheritence
Hello Rails experts, Need your help in following issue with the acts_as_list and single table inheritence Code details : Hello Rails experts, Need your help in following issue with the acts_as_list and single table inheritence Code details : But here I need create those entries with the scope on Relater only and not on RelaterFeed or
2007 Mar 28
acts_as_list nested scope
Here''s what I''m trying to do: class Model < AR::Base acts_as_list :scope => [:key_one_id, :key_two_id, :key_three_id] end with the idea being that there are these three references from this table (one of them being optional) that define the list. I don''t think acts as nested set works in this situation because I''m still just dealing with a single list
2008 Oct 02
alternative to "script/plugin install -x" that works with git
I miss the svn:externals feature when installing plugins that are managed under git. the -x switch used to do this. I''ve released a gem called externals that manages subprojects in an scm agnostic way so that I can use an svn:externals-like workflow with git. It''s used like this: ext install git:// This accomplishes the same thing as: