similar to: [AAF] concurrency in ferret-server

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2007 Apr 07
Constant 0.11.4 Errors
Folks, Since upgrading to ferret 0.11.4 on Mac OS X Tiger, I''ve been running into constant crashes when running my Rails tests. Here''s an example of the output. -- snip -- 1) Error: test_published_blog_can_be_ferreted(BlogTest): Ferret::FileNotFoundError: File Not Found Error occured at <except.c>:117 in xpop_context Error occured in fs_store.c:329 - fs_open_input
2007 Mar 13
Acts_as_ferret and auto-flush
Hi, I''m using acts_as_ferret in with a mongrel and I'' m getting locking errors that after a while result in a corrupt database. I know about the problem with different processes writing to the index but I haven''t been able to get the DRB server working properly yet. I read on this list that another solution is to set :auto_flush to true but I''m not
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2007 May 01
AAF and DRb server
I''ve installed the ferret gem. I installed AAF as a plugin into my vendor/plugins directory of my project. In development environment my searches work just fine, without any problems. For production I configured the ferret_server.yml file with correct information about the machine my DRb server is running on. I start the ferret server with the following command: ruby script/runner
2007 Apr 01
rebuild_index fails on some models using aaf
I''ve been running the super latest AAF plugin with a mongrel cluster/ferret_server combo smoothly for a few days in production mode, indexing 4 models with no surprises. Only now when I try including some new Models to be indexed, the ferret_server fails to index with ferret server error undefined method `_'' for Summary:Class (it creates the dir on index/production, tho) and
2007 Sep 20
Ferret DRB, UTF-8, Mongrel
I have spent days trying to figure out how to get UTF-8 working with my site. Here''s my environment: Linux version Ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24 [i386-linux] Rails 1.2.3 mongrel (1.0.1) mongrel_cluster (1.0.2, 0.2.1) ferret (0.11.4) acts_as_ferret stable plugin Ferret DRB server When I don''t use an analyzer with my acts_as_ferret declaration, everything works
2007 Jun 18
"No such file or directory - script" Error on Model.rebuild
Hi, Having recently converted to using ferret_server on my staging site my deployment is now failing due to the following error when attempting to rebuild the indexes on my models: from (irb):1>> Post.rebuild_index Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - script from (druby:// /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:243:in `mkdir'' from (druby://
2007 Sep 05
aaf index rebuild problems on windows
hello list! i''m still having massive problems with index rebuilds. after i recently switched to the DRb mode i was hoping to get rid of the problems with locked files and such. but even with DRb and the latest stable version of acts_as_ferret my index rebuilds are failing C:\Informer>ruby script/console production Loading production environment. >> LegacyInfobase.rebuild_index
2007 Jul 03
How index works!
Hi, i''ve a project in wich i have 2 different rails apps accessing the same DB. The backoffice, as usual, changes data. The frontoffice has a search capabilities with acts_as_ferret (paginated) for search. Maybe this is a newbie question but, when i delete index and restart front app all the articles are indexed, but the new one''s (via backoffice) are not searchable. Does
2007 Oct 03
The ferret logs
Hi. We''ve had some problems with ferret not being able to load our classes (stack trace below for the curious). I nailed it down to a deployment issue, where an old instance of ferret drb was running. I don''t understand the details quite yet, but the result was the the old ferret was never shutdown during redeployment, and attempts were made to start up a new one. Anywho,
2007 Nov 20
Question on Deploying a Ferret DRb server
(Sorry if some people see this twice. I originally posted this question from, but didn''t realize that the Ferret forum was a mirror and that I actually wasn''t a member.) Anyway, I''ve read all the documentation I could find, and read most of this forum, but I''m a still a little confused on running a ferret DRb server. All the examples seem to be
2006 Dec 01
Functional Testing AAF Plugin
Is there a way to reliably test the acts_as_ferret plugin using RoR functional tests? I load my fixtures and no matter what I do, the test won''t return a result for what *should* be a query that returns results. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. FIXTURE ******** article_001: id: 1 title: some valid article title
2007 Mar 31
DRb server & aaf gem
I''m having problems getting the DRb server running with the aaf gem. I tried it with the plugin installed in my application, and it worked. I suspect the problem has something to do with the startup scripts expecting certain files to be in certain relative file paths. Any insights are appreciated, and maybe if you have time you can update the wiki document :) Thanks for a great
2007 Jul 23
Ferret indexing problem through rake tasks
I''m having a weird problem. Recently, on all my environments, one of my two indexed models is not returning any results to acts_as_ferret. However, the folder is being created for it and Im not receiving any errors. On my two models, I call the following: Book.rebuild_index User.rebuild_index When I call those commands through either my live app "ruby script/server" or
2007 Mar 05
programatically stopping acts_as_ferret drb server
I need a way to kill the ferret_server drb process programatically, so I can start/stop it as part of the capistrano deployment process. This should be as simple as adding some sort of stop method to ActsAsFerret::Remote::Server. I was just messing around and was able to do it by modifying method_missing to look for the :stop method and then calling DRb.thread.exit -- this is not good enough for
2007 Sep 10
ferret index file(s)
I am running version 3.2 of ferret and would like to upgrade to a more current version. will my existing 3.2 index files be compatible? thanks, AK -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Apr 21
Thinking of using aaf- looking for advice
Hi- I''m technical lead at Lingr (, a chatroom-based social networking site. We''ve currently got several million user utterances stored in MySQL, and we''re looking to build a local search functionality. I''ve played around with aaf and I really like it, but I have some questions. 1. Is anyone out there using aaf to index a corpus of this
2007 Sep 03
MySQL has gone away
Hi, in a production environment we are running into "MySQL server has gone away" errors (see below) when we call rebuild_index in aaf. This happens sporadically. Any suggestions for what might be wrong or workarounds? I guess we try a reconnect before we call rebuild_index? Matthew ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away: SELECT count(*) AS
2007 Jun 07
Advise on slowness in bootstrapping?
I am looking at trying to use ferret/aaf to supplement my querying against a medium and large table with lots of columns. Some facts first: Ferret 0.11.4 AAF 0.4.0 Ruby 1.8.6 Rails 1.2.3 Medium table: 105,464 rows 168 columns (mostly varchar(20)) 11 actual columns indexed in aaf plus 40 virtual columns indexed in aaf (virtual is concat of two physical columns. e.g. cast_first_name_1 +
2007 Jul 29
RDig and AAF playing together
I have a site with two indexes. Index A is created offline by RDig and queried from the web via RDig (specifically, Index B is managed by AAF with :remote => true. Simple enough. However, I need to query both indexes from RDig. Usually this is ok, as I modified RDig to accept an array of search_paths with an element for index A and index B. However, when Index