similar to: Parent-Child Tables Help

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "Parent-Child Tables Help"

2003 Dec 30
Assignments in loops
Greetings all. Any help with the following would be appreciated. I want to create a data frame for each file in a directory. The following code does not work but it may show what I am trying to do: carmakes <- c('BMW','Chrysler','Citroen','Fiat','Ford','Holden','Honda',
2011 May 21
'apply' with additional class variable
Dear R gurus, I'm trying to solve what I assume is a fairly simple problem, but I'm having trouble finding the proper approach. I have a matrix where each column is some object (e.g. a car) and each row is a numeric measurement of a feature of said object (e.g. horse power, top speed, etc.). Let's also suppose that I know what make the car is (e.g. toyota, ford, etc.), stored in a
2006 Jul 10
Deleting join association of has_many :through
I''m trying to use has_many :through, since my join model deserves being more than just an intersection table. But when I try to break the association, the break only seems "temporary": Let''s say my two tables are Users and Colors, and the join model is Favorites. user = Users.find(1) user.colors.length >> 2 c = user.colors.first >> #<Color:....>
2008 Feb 28
change drop down list to radio buttons
In my RoR app I would like to change a drop down list, which dispays a list of colors selected from the database. Instead I would like to create a radio button for each color. The user is allowed to check one color and this will be saved back into the database as the color for this user. I don''t know how to do this. Currently it looks like this: <%= select(:user, :color_id,
2006 May 14
searching on foreing keys
Hey all, I''m using a simple search function. It''s working great except for foreign keys. I have one table pets (id,name,owner_id) and another table people(id,name) owner_id being a foreign key of pet pointing to people name. here it is on the pet controller: @paginator, @pets= paginate(:pets, :conditions =>["name OR owner_id like
2006 May 22
existing magic to prevent db redundancy?
suppose users have a favorite colour, linked to with a color_id field. suppose also they have a pet rock, which is one of many possible colors... is there a ''best practice'' in order to avoid having ''blue'' appear in the Color table 100 times. can validates_uniqueness_of be twisted into handling this case? should i be adding something to the initialize()
2006 Mar 01
link_to problem when used in folder
I have split my appliction into 2 folders - public and restricted areas: "site" and "admin" Now, in "site" i have a "search" controller with the "results" action. I want to make a link that will keep all the parameters of the link <%= link_to ''link'', params %> However, instead of something like:
2005 Oct 05
Shopping Cart: SKU and Product Confusion
Hi there, I''m at a loss... I was on the #ROR channel last night and spoke to a really helpful person (Defiler) who gave me some direction on building a shopping cart. Unfortunately, I wasn''t able to successfully get to where I need to go. This is the predicament I am currently finding myself in: I''m building a shopping cart for a client''s new website. They
2009 Apr 24
RoR - getting started with database relations
Hey everyone... I''m just getting my feet wet with relational databases using RoR models. The software I''m putting together relies on car parts. Originally I had the database set up as follows create_table :parts do |t| t.column :year, :string t.column :make, :string t.column :model, :string . . . end However, I now realize it''s much better to do it using
2006 Apr 27
Role Based Authorization recipe implementation?
i got the rails recipes book, i have now an auth system for users without problems, now i want to made a role based acces for my app, im following the "Role Based Authorization" recipe of the book but i cant make it to work even when the tables created and correctly added data manually definig the roles and rights. als i dont know how to define a right for use all the actions in a
2006 Apr 24
Joined search returns NIL ids
I have two models: assets and makes. Make has many assets and an asset belongs to one make. I am calling this part of my asset controller from a search form with the parameters "search" (search term) and "field" (database field heading) which then renders a partial with the search results on it. ######################################################## if
2019 May 20
WISH: Built-in R session-specific universally unique identifier (UUID)
# Proposal Provide a built-in mechanism for obtaining an identifier for the current R session, e.g. >[["session_uuid"]] [1] "4258db4d-d4fb-46b3-a214-8c762b99a443" The identifier should be "unique" in the sense that the probability for two R sessions(*) having the same identifier should be extremely small. There's no need for reproducibility, i.e.
2006 Mar 29
HELP: Rails / Ajax with 3 Drop down lists (see code)
Hi All, I have successfully implemented a two tier drop down lost with rails. However I''m stumped on how to make a third tier. For example: The form has three select lists; Catagory, Subcatagory and Make User Experience Desired: 1. On page load a Catagory Select List shows a list of Catagories from the database. example: Portable Electronincs Laptops etc. 2. Upon select of Catagory
2006 Jan 09
Problem with publishing subclasses by AWS API specification
Hi, I''m quite new to Rails and have a problem with the use of AWS. The Problem is, that I have a class which provides some basic attributes and some subclasses of this with more specific attributes. I want to send objects of those classes through SOAP by a remote client, but if I specify just the base class in the method signature of my API definition the generated WSDL file will
2006 Jan 11
HELP!! - Problem with AWS and subclasses
Hi, I''m quite new to Rails and have a problem with the use of AWS. The Problem is, that I have a class which provides some basic attributes and some subclasses of this with more specific attributes. I want to send objects of those classes through SOAP by a remote client, but if I specify just the base class in the method signature of my API definition the generated WSDL file will just
2007 Nov 02
How to edit many-to-many -- rhtml setup?
I''ve got two tables: "colors" has a color and id column and rows "red", "green", blue". "cars" has maker and id columns and rows for "ford", "chevy", "dodge". I''ve got a 3rd table, inventory. It''s got columns for car_id, color_id and qty. So I''d like to display a table on screen that
2008 Nov 05
[PATCH] blktap: ensure vma->vm_mm''s mmap_sem is being held whenever it is being modified
As usual, written and (build-)tested on and made apply to the 2.6.18 tree without further testing. Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <> Index: head-2008-11-04/drivers/xen/blktap/blktap.c =================================================================== --- head-2008-11-04.orig/drivers/xen/blktap/blktap.c 2008-10-01 16:35:04.000000000 +0200 +++
2006 Sep 05
rake craziness with Migrate as a dependency
Hi everyone, For one of our projects we have a need to deploy and maintain a demo. As a result I''ve attempted to setup a set of rake tasks for the job. My goal is have one rake task called "deploy_demo" which purges the database, migrates to the current schema, and loads the db from a set of fixture files in a specified location. I''ve written two new tasks the perform
2009 Apr 27
VIF's in R using BIGLM
Dear R-help This is a follow-up to my previous post here: I am working on developing an open-source automated system for running batch-regressions on very large datasets. In my previous post, I posed the question of obtaining VIF's from the output of
2008 Jan 21
Rails app cannot connect to Ferret server
I have installet the Ferret gem v. 0.11.6 and the latest acts_as_ferret plugin from svn:// I''ve followed the instructions here to set up the server, and put acts_as_ferret :remote => true on one of my models (Ad) I can also start the ferret_server, but when