similar to: AHHHhhhhh... has_and_belongs_to_many, that is going on?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "AHHHhhhhh... has_and_belongs_to_many, that is going on?"

2007 Jun 19
Nil object for nested resource
Hi all, I have 2 models with a standard 1 to many relationship. I''m also using REST on the two models and have added the appropriate code to the routes.rb file. scorecard.rb: class Scorecard < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :attributes end attribute.rb: class Attribute < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :scorecard end routes.rb: map.resources :scorecards do |scorecard|
2017 Jun 28
R package for scorecard development
Hello all, Is there any R package that can develop a scorecard model for a binary target variable? More details: I want to create a scorecard based on the raw data I have. I have a binary target variable and a few numeric and character input variables. I want to bin the variables and assign a score to each of the bins. Each subject will be scored based on the bin it falls in for each
2007 Jul 17
habtm confusion
Hello friends! I am trying to make a database that will have a group of people set to committees, and a person can be in multiple committees, and a committee obviously has multiple people. The people are senators at my university. These are my current models: senator.rb: -- class Senator < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name, :floor has_and_belongs_to_many
2008 Oct 07
How to validate model?
Hi! I am working on scorecard model and I have arrived at the regression equation. I have used logistic regression using R. My question is how do I validate this model? I do have hold out sample of 5000 customers. Please guide me. Problem is I had never used Logistic regression earlier neither I am used to credit scoring models. Thanks in advance Maithili
2006 Aug 18
Rails is doing what I want - but I don''t understand how.
Hi guys, I have the strangest thing happening. The funny part is its doing exactly what I want to do, I just don''t understand how. Basically here is my model. class Role < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users has_and_belongs_to_many :rights def self.names names = for role in Role.find :all names << end return
2010 Jun 16
Migrating from CommunigatePro to Dovecot - anyone done this?
Apologies if this is in the archive - did look but couldn't find it. Does anyone have any experience of migrating from CommunigatePro to Dovecot? We currently run CGP 5.3.4, supporting a small system (20 or so users, one domain). We've been using it for years, and have a mixed bag of MailDir and mbox folders accessed via IMAP clients. Some users have large mail accounts (15GB total).
2008 Jul 07
question on lm or glm matrix of coeficients X test data terms
Hi, is there an easy way to get the calculated weights in a regression equation? for e.g. if my model has 2 variables 1 and 2 with coefficient .05 and .6 how can I get the computed values for a test dataset for each coefficient? data var1,var2 10,100 so I want to get .5, 60 back in a vector. This is a one row example but I would want to get a matrix of multiplied out coefficients
2008 Sep 16
Hosmer- Lemeshow test
Dear R - help, I am working on the Credit scorecard model. I am using the Logistic regression to arrive at the regression coefficients model. I want to use the Hosmer - Lemeshow test . In order to understand the use of R - language, I had referred the following URL The related data 'diseaseoutbreak' is available
2010 Oct 11
Nooby Stuck - "has_and_belongs_to_many" relationship
trying to set up a "has_and_belongs_to_many" relationship would very much appreciate the help, not sure what im doing wrong at all. Scheme.rb class Scheme < ActiveRecord::Base validates :schemename, :presence => true belongs_to :user has_many :levels, :dependent => :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :works end Work.rb class Work < ActiveRecord::Base
2011 Feb 03
glmnet with binary predictors
Hi Everybody! I must start with a declaration that I am a sparse user of R. I am creating a credit scorecard using a dataset which has a variable depicting actual credit history (good/bad) and 41 other variables of yes/no type. The procedure I am asked to follow is to use a penalized logistic procedure for variable selection. I have located the package "glmnet" which gives the complete
2008 Oct 14
Re : (a) Credit Scoring models and (b) aceesing earlier emails
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2005 Mar 30
Help - dependencies.rb - `const_missing': uninitialized constant
I''m trying to get this has_and_belongs_to_many join to work (re: my post from yesterday). I''m getting an error I can''t seem to get by. Help? I now have the following tables: ORGANISATIONS: id (primary key) name REPRESENTATIVES id (primary key) name ORGANISATIONS_REPRESENTATIVES organisation_id representative_id My models are: class Organisation
2005 Sep 06
strange behavior of acts_as_taggable
I was testing my models with this new library and I got: >> s.tag "warp" ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ERROR: inserción o actualización en la tabla «tags_stories» viola la llave foránea «tags_stories_story_id_fkey» DETAIL: La llave (story_id)=(8) no está presente en la tabla «stories». : INSERT INTO tags_stories ("tag_id", "story_id") VALUES
2006 May 04
Help: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
Is it my environment? Is something wrong, cause I thought this should just work? I have a simple table and I created a model and a controller: ruby script/generate controller Restaurant ruby script/generate model Restaurant I edited the controller to this: class RestaurantController < ApplicationController scaffold :Restaurant end I run it and: works fine,
2006 Apr 11
habtm and :uniq
Hi I wonder what the state of this ticket is: Does anyone have information regarding whether there are plans to fix this behaviour? It seems strange to me to force uniqueness in Ruby (i.e. application code) but not in the database. For example, in activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/ has_and_belongs_to_many_association.rb there is a line
2006 May 06
RE: Rails Digest, Vol 20, Issue 156
I am looking for a ruby hosting service. Can any one recommend one for me. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 7:37 AM To: Subject: Rails Digest, Vol 20, Issue 156 Send Rails mailing list submissions to To subscribe or
2006 Nov 20
RMagick load problems?
I have a page (model: daily_progress_chart) that uses RMagick and ImageMagick to create a chart using RVG. A few days ago (after some updates to Rails), this chart stopped working on both my development machine (MacBook Pro) and the production server (Gentoo Linux). I get the following error messages. I am totally lost, but I assume that there is a problem with RMagick. Any ideas anyone? On
2008 Jun 05
[Bug 16241] New: assertion failed: (movie->cache_state <= SWFDEC_MOVIE_INVALID_CHILDREN) Summary: assertion failed: (movie->cache_state <= SWFDEC_MOVIE_INVALID_CHILDREN) Product: swfdec Version: git Platform: x86-64 (AMD64) URL: card/#R OS/Version: Linux (All)
2007 Dec 09
David Schwartz is out of the office.
I will be out of the office starting 12/07/2007 and will not return until 12/10/2007. I will reply to your message when I return Monday, December 10th. For MSRB / TRACE / OATS or Partnerships/Scorecard issues please call the Trade Reporting Control main number: 804-344-6216. For issues requiring escalation please contact Ralph Brugueras: 804-344-6515. Thank you. The information is not
2007 Aug 14
Limma - 2x2 factorial design matrix
Hi all, I'm working on microarray and currently analyzing the microrarray data using limmaGUI. Loop design has been applied in this experiment. This is a 2X2 factorial experiment where there are control and treatment at 2 different time points, week 6 and 9. The experimental design is almost the same as the limmaGUI work example: Weaver Data set. I would like to look at the effect of