similar to: Google AdSense question to Rails community

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Google AdSense question to Rails community"

2005 Mar 10
Google AdSense
Hi all, I'm thinking of possibly trying out Google AdSense on the syslinux web pages. Before doing so, however, I'd like to hear: a) Would anyone object to such a move? (And if so, why?) b) Does anyone have good/bad experiences with AdSense that they would like to share? -hpa
2006 Apr 13
Offsite Job
Hello I am looking for a RoR developer to work from home/their location. I would require 20-30 hrs of assistance every week. Interested developers may kindly send your resume to with their hourly rate. Best -- Posted via
2006 Mar 21
Double and single quote usage in AWDWR
Hello everyone! I''ve noticed, that the book uses double quotes almost everywhere. It is like <%= javascript_include_tag "prototype" %> I''ve checked the "programming ruby, 2ed" book and found that double quotes are most suited when escape sequences and substitutions are required. Isn''t it more semantically correct to write this code like
2006 May 03
Subversion and tmp directory in Rails 1.1 project
Hello everyone! I''m thinking of the right way to store tmp/ directory of Rails 1.1 project in Subversion. It has cache, session and sockets subdirectories. To me, it looks good to have svn delete tmp/* svn propset svn:ignore "*" tmp So it will ignore all directories and files in tmp/. Even if you create sessions/ and put some files in it, tmp/ content is still ignored. But
2006 May 08
how to make field in model immutable after create
Hello everyone! I want to have login field in User model which is set only once (on create), and then it should fail validation if the value is changed. How can I do this? I dig around for validation and tried def after_validation_on_update unless User.find_by_login(:login) errors.add(:login, "is immutable. You can''t change it") end end in model, but somewhat it
2006 Apr 14
Puzzled with filters
Hello everyone! I''m trying to create an after filter for all my actions in all controllers. I put it in application controller (application.rb). class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base after_filter :tidyit def tidyit xxxx # syntax error - intentionally end end I have a Example (example_controller.rb) controller with index action. class
2009 Apr 28
google adsense breaks render :partial =>
Hey everybody, i''ve got a control that returns a partial, no biggie. Except when that partial contains the javascript for my adsense account. Then the partial renders correctly, and then quickly replaces my page with nothing by the ad. When i take away my adsense js, everything works great. Has anyone encountered this before, or know how to get around it? def submit_remote_form render
2008 Jul 02
Adsense reader
Hello all, I''ve been trying to make an adsense reader for my rails app, and I''m running into a lot of trouble. Here''s what I want: On my admin page I''d like to be able to display the $ in my adsense account. (Like the amount that each person has made, not how much we''ve spent). I looked into adwords4r, but it only works for adwords, I want it for
2007 Feb 27
Google Adsense in my RHTML templates not showing up
This is quite weird. I''m trying to put a few Google ads in my app to test placement, but they don''t show up. I''m in production mode and have tried restarting the server etc. If I view page source the code is right there and it all looks good. I''ve put the Adsense code in some partials along with in my layouts/ application.rhtml file. If I take the exact same
2005 Dec 25
Caching of models?
Hello, people! I have a problem. I googled, asked for help on IRC. I can''t find an answer. Suppose I have model Cart (from "Agile Web Development with Rails"). I added call to logger.warn("Some warning") to one of it''s methods. It fails with NameError, because ''logger'' is unknown to model. undefined local variable or method
2006 Apr 28
how do I test links in templates?
Hello everyone! Sorry, if it''s stupid question, but I can''t figure out how to do this. I have a set of statements, for example, ''login page should have a link to register new user'' and ''login page should have a link to password recovery''. How do I transform it into tests? Where it should go? It does not look like functional tests or
2006 Jun 20
Integrating multiple applications
I''ve got a couple apps that I use (billing app, support ticket app, some other custom apps) that I want to integrate into one site. They will all use the same layout for the most part, and will link between each other. When I initially thought of doing this, I figured if I put the apps at different roots - /billing /support etc - then the links wouldn''t work at all, because
2006 Mar 20
Rails and Offline processing
How are you guys handling threads or server processes that have to, for example, process the data in your application on a periodic basis? Cron jobs can do it and then run on the database. But, are there ways to launch threads within the rails application itself. I have heard of WebBrick ways, but I am working with lighttpd, fastcgi? (textdrive if you are really interested).
2006 Feb 02
uninitialized constant Test (NameError)
I have three Rails apps on my laptop. Two can runs tests just fine. The third generates this error when I try to run any tests: > /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.2.5/lib/ > active_support/dependencies.rb:200:in `const_missing'': > uninitialized constant Test (NameError) > from ./test/unit/../test_helper.rb:5 > from
2006 Feb 16
filter a list
I''d like to add some filter choices to display a list of items. These items has some boolean fields for example, and would like to have a checkbox at the top of the window to let me select how to filter the list. here''s what i put in my controller if @params[:filter].nil? @params[:filter] = { ''sent'' => "1"} end ... generate the corresponding
2006 Feb 09
RMagick on OS X - HOW
Hello all. I''m a seasoned system administrator and have no fear of building source packages on a variety of platforms, but RMagick has, until recently, evaded all of my attempts to building it on my PowerBook. Someone else just mentioned that they had trouble with RMagick on OS X (Intel, don''t really know if my advice will help) so I decided to post a HOWTO to the list. I
2006 Mar 19
How to create a proper name for the diff for the RoR patch?
Hello, suggests to: Create a patch with your changes: svn diff > my_properly_named_patch.diff but how this proper name looks like? olegf
2006 Feb 28
Examples for Money library ?
Can anybody share some examples of their Money implementation ? I''m trying to setup a Model to use this library, but can''t seem to wrap my head around how it is exactly supposed to work. My Model (Foo) looks like: =============== composed_of :commission, :class_name => "Money", :mapping => [ %w(commission_cents cents), %w(commission_currency currency) ] Yet, in
2006 Feb 19
SwitchTower to skip config/ directory
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to use switch tower.I have a local copy of source code and I want to put it on the host.Now I dont want to put directories like config/ because the settings on the host and the one on my machine are different. Any way to do this? Also is svn necessary to use SwitchTower? Vivek -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 May 10
Migrations don''t really support transactions
I read in various places that although migrations aren''t transactional, all you need to do is wrap you migration method in "ActiveRecord:: Base.connection.transaction do" to make the self.up or self.down transactional. In my experience (Rails + PostgreSQL), this doesn''t work very well. If my migration hits an exception, any tables that were touched remain modified.