Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Need help with my view populating rows"
2006 Mar 15
Populating text_tag with serialized data
I am using a serialized attribute in one of my models The serialized data is
in the form of an array. I want to have a text_tag for each element
contained in my serialized attribute. How would I construct the text_tag?
My model name is ''questions''. The serialized attribute is "answers"
So I might have:
<% form tag %>
<% text_tag ''question'',
2006 Feb 23
text_field not populating, but object exists!
Hi I''m having a problem with a little code here, hopefully it''s easy to
see what''s happening:
<% @lectures.each do |lecture| %>
<%= lecture.location%><br />
<%= text_field ''lecture'', ''location'' %>
<% end %>
The output I get is the text of the ''location'' rendering
2006 May 18
populating array of text_fields from an array of model objects
I have in my view the following:
<% 0.upto(@num_performances) do |idx| -%>
<%= text_field ''performance'', ''city'', :index => idx, %>
<%= text_field ''performance'', ''venue'', :index => idx, %>
<% end -%>
and in my controller I have:
@performance = [Performance.new("city" =>
2012 Feb 17
undefined method `key?' for nil:NilClass PaperClip
Hello, I have a problem with the paperclip, I put on my GemFile
gem "paperclip", "~> 2.6.0"
I create a migrate
class FileUpload < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
change_table :projects do |t|
t.has_attached_file :image
def down
drop_attached_file :projects, :image
on my model I put
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Mar 04
Restricting size of an uploaded file, is how is that possible? If I
do not want a user to upload a file larger than X bytes, can it
easily be done?
If I also would like restrict the types of files that can be
uploaded, how may I do so?
Thank you,
2006 Mar 18
Using <%= text_field %> within partials is problematic
Thanks for any help in advance.
I have what I think is a very straightforward partial template and I
can''t figure out why a text_field call within it doesn''t work.
Here is my calling template: lists.rhtml
<div id="target_lists">
<%= render(:partial => "target_lists", :collection => @target_lists)
In the partial
2006 Mar 29
2 ajax related questions
I''ve got list of project on the main page and some content. If user
clicks on one of the project i use ajax to update div with content with
project data. I''m displaying only one project at a time.
In index action i just collect all projects:
@projects = Project.find(:all, :order => "date DESC")
In show action i render project partial:
render :partial =>
2006 Aug 02
form_for not working with Markaby
I''m playing around with Markaby and I decided to write a little blog app.
I''m running into issues with forms however. If I use form_for the output of
the form gets swallowed. For example:
form_for :article, @article do |f|
f.text_field :title
f.check_box :published
f.text_area :description
f.text_field :pub_date
f.text_area :content
gets rendered as an empty form
2006 Jul 26
text_field and date_select in collection
i would like to display a collection of records on one page (e.g. an
author record with all his/her books).
a record contains a text_area (e.g. a description of the book) and a
date_select (e.g. when the book was published).
<% for @book in @author.books %>
<%= text_area ''book[]'', ''note'' %>
<%= datetime_select
2006 Mar 31
Question about pagination
I''ve got a list of project on the main page and if one of them is
selected i render a partial using ajax with data of selected project.
How to create links to next/previous project using pagination?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2005 Dec 16
How to pass a collection to paginate?
There must be a better way to write this code:
@project_pages, @projects= paginate :project,
:per_page => 10,
:conditions => ["account_id = ?", account]
If only I could pass the sub-collection
account = ...
@projects = account.project
to paginate, instead of letting it extract it with a find :all + sql
Posted via
2007 Apr 25
form_remote_for, reloaded
being relativly new to RoR, I''m having a problem which I found described
in this forum and somewhere else - but with no solution. I know, that it
may be bad to mix table and form tags, but the first solution of an in
place editing within a table looked nice:
Version using form_for:
<%form_for :time_record, :url => { :action => "add_time_record" } do
2013 Nov 10
accepts_nested_attributes_for how, example
I have following tables with following models:
users(id, role_id) *has_many :entries*
categories(id, category_name) *has_many :entries*
entries(id, category_id, user_id) *belongs_to :user, belongs_to
:category, has_one :storage*
storages(id, title, content, entry_id)* belongs_to :entry*, *has_one
votes(id, count, storage_id) *belongs_to :storage*
2007 Dec 31
episode 73 resulting in error: undefined method `stringify_keys!' for "33":String
I''m working with a similar model in Episode 73, (my scenario is
editing multiple pictures for a product using attachment_fu).
And I''m getting an error when I try the technique suggested:
<% for picture in product.pictures %>
<% fields_for "product[picture_attributes][]", picture do |
picture_form| %>
Title: <%=
2006 Mar 30
How to make that the typed code on ruby in text_area it was carried out
in @params ["name"]??
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Feb 23
Check if a saved user''s name is admin
Hi all,
I have a question about this method in my User model:
# Returns true for the (saved) user called "admin"
def is_the_administrator
true if save and name == "admin"
The method returns true if the user''s name is admin. However, I only want to
return true if the state of the object is "saved", so I call the save method
2006 Feb 01
Custom view helpers
Hi all,
I would like to write some custom helpers like the ones available as
form helpers text_field, text_area and the like. My first try was this:
custom_helper(obj, meth)
''some_string'' + obj.send(meth) + ''some_other_string''
Object and method are being passed as symbols like this:
custom_helper(:person, :name)
and Ruby rightfully complains that
2010 Jul 31
date_select Year as a text_field
Hey all,
Using date_select in a form, how can I make the Year field a
text_field instead of a select? It looks like it will take more than a
simple modification of the date_select method.
Thanks in advance.
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2006 Jul 17
DB Admin Console
Over the past few months, I''ve developed an administrative console for
databases in the process of solving other problems.
At the moment, the state of development is:
* Going to /admin_panel/model will bring you to a list of items in the
* Supports acts_as_list via drag/drop sorting
* Supports "activated" via an activated/deactivated button
* Supports basic
2006 Jul 17
european date format
hi, overhere users go nuts if they have to enter the date in iso format,
so i have to make my applications in such a way that not only dates are
displayed in the "dd-mm-yyy" format but also can be entered in that way.
somewhere i found this code to put in the environment script:
:default => ''%d/%m/%Y