similar to: rebuild_index fails on some models using aaf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "rebuild_index fails on some models using aaf"

2007 Apr 12
[AAF] concurrency in ferret-server
AFAICT, ferret_server should be able to handle multiple clients writing to it at once, since ferret itself is thread safe. However, it''s not clear whether running concurrent index rebuilds on different would be possible, since they run inside ferret_server. Anyone have experience with this? -ryan
2007 May 01
AAF and DRb server
I''ve installed the ferret gem. I installed AAF as a plugin into my vendor/plugins directory of my project. In development environment my searches work just fine, without any problems. For production I configured the ferret_server.yml file with correct information about the machine my DRb server is running on. I start the ferret server with the following command: ruby script/runner
2007 Jun 18
"No such file or directory - script" Error on Model.rebuild
Hi, Having recently converted to using ferret_server on my staging site my deployment is now failing due to the following error when attempting to rebuild the indexes on my models: from (irb):1>> Post.rebuild_index Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - script from (druby:// /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:243:in `mkdir'' from (druby://
2007 Sep 03
MySQL has gone away
Hi, in a production environment we are running into "MySQL server has gone away" errors (see below) when we call rebuild_index in aaf. This happens sporadically. Any suggestions for what might be wrong or workarounds? I guess we try a reconnect before we call rebuild_index? Matthew ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away: SELECT count(*) AS
2007 Feb 05
rebuild_index is returning {}
Previously when I used to build index i used to get false in return. >> Event.rebuild_index => false Now I get this. >> Event.rebuild_index => {} Following changes took place. 1) I moved my app from FCGI to mongrel. 2) I moved my app to capistrano. Before moving to capistrano the code was acts_as_ferret :fields => [ "name", "desc_uf" ] Now the code
2007 Oct 02
deadlocks in Drb Server
Hi, we still have the problem in that the Ferret Drb server dies on us sometimes. Looking through ferret_server.out and we come accross this: deadlock 0xb7261cb0: sleep:F(1012) - /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:566 deadlock 0xb71d8654: sleep:F(409) - /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:566 deadlock 0xb723f3e0: sleep:F(7) - /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:566 deadlock 0xb72607c0: sleep:F(11) -
2008 Jan 21
Rails app cannot connect to Ferret server
I have installet the Ferret gem v. 0.11.6 and the latest acts_as_ferret plugin from svn:// I''ve followed the instructions here to set up the server, and put acts_as_ferret :remote => true on one of my models (Ad) I can also start the ferret_server, but when
2006 Apr 13
Typo and acts_as_ferret rebuild_index errror
Hi, I''m running the edge Typo and the latest acts_as_ferret plugin and ferret gems (as of 11 April). In my Content model I put acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title, :body] In the console, I call Content.rebuild_index to index all of my existing content. All the directories get created etc, but I get the following error back: Loading development environment. >>
2007 Mar 31
DRb server & aaf gem
I''m having problems getting the DRb server running with the aaf gem. I tried it with the plugin installed in my application, and it worked. I suspect the problem has something to do with the startup scripts expecting certain files to be in certain relative file paths. Any insights are appreciated, and maybe if you have time you can update the wiki document :) Thanks for a great
2007 Nov 11
undefined method `add''
We''ve been running into problems with ferret indexing lately. The problem is intermittent and some times it persists. Just got this after wiping the index and redeploying: NoMethodError (undefined method `add'' for Solution:Class): (druby:// /data/releases/20071111152414/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1238:in `method_missing''
2007 Apr 07
Constant 0.11.4 Errors
Folks, Since upgrading to ferret 0.11.4 on Mac OS X Tiger, I''ve been running into constant crashes when running my Rails tests. Here''s an example of the output. -- snip -- 1) Error: test_published_blog_can_be_ferreted(BlogTest): Ferret::FileNotFoundError: File Not Found Error occured at <except.c>:117 in xpop_context Error occured in fs_store.c:329 - fs_open_input
2007 Mar 05
programatically stopping acts_as_ferret drb server
I need a way to kill the ferret_server drb process programatically, so I can start/stop it as part of the capistrano deployment process. This should be as simple as adding some sort of stop method to ActsAsFerret::Remote::Server. I was just messing around and was able to do it by modifying method_missing to look for the :stop method and then calling DRb.thread.exit -- this is not good enough for
2007 Jun 08
Errror on update after Model.rebuild_index
Hi I use Ferret 0.11.4 and the latest stabel version of the acts_as_ferret plugin. To the issue. if I do Model.rebuild_index and after that try to update one of my objects of that Model I get: File Not Found Error occured at <except.c>:117 in xpop_context Error occured in fs_store.c:329 - fs_open_input tried to open
2007 Dec 02
solaris SMF to start ferret drb server
Jesse Grosjean wrote: > I''m trying to write a solaris SMF file to launch the ferret drb server. Hmm, I think I''ve hit a similar problem. I''ve just upgraded to the latest ferret trunk from an old aaf stable where the script/ferret_start and script/ferret_stop scripts were still in use. now if I call the old script... RAILS_ENV=production script/ferret_start
2007 Sep 21
Using AAF with ActiveRecord outside of Rails?...
Hi, My project has been happily using ActiveRecord outside of Rails for some time to populate various databases that are also used in Rails based websites. I''d like to bring AAF into this setup to index new records that are added to the databases as they''re added. Has anyone had any success in installing and using AAF with ActiveRecord but outside the Rails plugin support? I
2007 Apr 26
AAF, drb and UTF-8
Hi all, After switching from "regular" AAF to drb based my app is no longer handling nonlatin chars. Any hints? -- Posted via
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2007 Aug 22
AAF - 0.4.1 - Ferret 0.11.4
Has anyone ever seen this error before? "./script/console production Loading production environment. /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.1/lib/ferret_server.rb:123: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionwebservice-1.2.3/lib/action_web_service/container/action_controller_container.rb:74:in
2007 Apr 22
rename error using rebuild_index in console after searching
Hi, I use ruby console to experiment acts_as_ferret, but I ran into file rename error when I try to rebuild index after doing a search. is this normal? I am using Ferret 0.10.9 in windows XP. Loading development environment. >> Address.rebuild_index => {} >> Address.find_by_contents(''US'') => #<ActsAsFerret::SearchResults:0x4f2ffcc @total_hits=2,
2007 Sep 05
aaf index rebuild problems on windows
hello list! i''m still having massive problems with index rebuilds. after i recently switched to the DRb mode i was hoping to get rid of the problems with locked files and such. but even with DRb and the latest stable version of acts_as_ferret my index rebuilds are failing C:\Informer>ruby script/console production Loading production environment. >> LegacyInfobase.rebuild_index