Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Multiple instances of the same app"
2006 Jan 28
App running fine on Webrick, ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished in lighttpd
My app runs fine on webrick, but I get a
ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished when I try to run it on
lighttpd. Here''s the app''s lighttpd config:
$HTTP["host"] =~ "(www\.)?mysite\.com" {
server.document-root = "/home/pergesuteore/public/"
server.error-handler-404 = "/dispatch.fcgi"
fastcgi.server = ( ".fcgi" =>
2006 Jan 19
lighttpd config on os x
I finally got around to installing lighttpd on my mac for dev work,
followed the instructions at
When I go into my rails app and type "./script/server" I get the
following errors:
baggio:~/work/teore pergesu$ ./script/server
=> Booting lighttpd (use ''script/server webrick'' to force WEBrick)
2006 Jan 30
What is supposed to happen when you run dispatch.fcgi?
I''ve seen a number of posts where someone says, "What happens if you
just run dispatch.fcgi directly?" Every time I do it, I get a "500:
internal server error" message. I was just curious if that''s what''s
expected running it directly. I assume so, because my apps all work
fine, but that''s always bugged me.
2006 Jan 24
Updated lighttpd to 1.4.9 - error running dispatch.fcgi
Hi all,
I just updated lighttpd from 1.4.8 to 1.4.9 and it now refuses to
start with the following error:
2006-01-24 23:12:24: (mod_fastcgi.c.989) execve failed for: public/
dispatch.fcgi No such file or directory
2006-01-24 23:12:24: (mod_fastcgi.c.1015) the fastcgi-backend public/
dispatch.fcgi failed to start:
2006-01-24 23:12:24: (mod_fastcgi.c.1019) child exited with status 2
2006 Apr 15
I need to send an email when something happens in my model...
but the model isn''t the right place to send mail from. That just
seems like pretty bad coupling, generating emails from within the
model. Or is that not a problem? On top of that, these emails need
to contain links back to my site...which is a bit of a pain in
ActionMailer, but I found directions on
however I
2006 Dec 20
Edge RSpec on Rails...what did I forget?
Started a new Rails project, and installed RSpec and the Rails plugin
vendor/plugins/rspec (svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rspec/trunk/rspec) - 1332
- 1332
Generated the rspec file, created a model...the spec runs fine if I do
ruby spec/models/foo_spec.rb. Running rake though gives
2006 Jan 19
Switchtower isn''t restarting lighttpd
I''ve got switchtower set up, and it seems to work fine except for one
problem: It doesn''t successfully restart lighttpd. I have the
following task in my deploy.rb file:
desc "Restart the web server"
task :restart, :roles => :app do
sudo "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/lighttpd.sh restart"
This is on a FreeBSD system, so it''s using the rc script to
2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
By Pat Maddox
Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications.
Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator:
./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type]
When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and
model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful
2007 Nov 12
it "should [action] ..." vs it with an active voice
I''d like to start gathering information/debating on the
advantages/disadvantages of using it "should ..." vs other techniques.
Dan North explained why we should use should:
I used to use it "should ..." for the projects I was on, until I was
challenged by a fellow developer who started using it with an active
For example
2006 Jul 22
Community request - can someone show me REST?
I mentioned this in another thread, but I''ve got a formal request now.
After reading tons of stuff about REST, I don''t really get it. I
need to see an example.
I''d like someone to write up an example blog app with these requirements
- RESTful using the simply_restful plugin (or edge rails)
- allows posting of comments to articles
- has categories for posts
No need
2007 Mar 14
What''s the new syntax for predicates?
@settings.should allow_publish_ip("") fails with
undefined method `allow_publish_ip'' for #<#<Class:0x2f8fd48>:0x2f5a968>
@settings.should_allow_publish_ip("") works fine
This is rspec 0.8.2.
http://rspec.rubyforge.org/documentation/expectations.html says that
matching arbitrary predicates is deprecated and to see
2006 Jun 20
Integrating multiple applications
I''ve got a couple apps that I use (billing app, support ticket app,
some other custom apps) that I want to integrate into one site. They
will all use the same layout for the most part, and will link between
each other.
When I initially thought of doing this, I figured if I put the apps at
different roots - /billing /support etc - then the links wouldn''t work
at all, because
2007 Feb 07
Mocking ActiveResource
I want to use ActiveResource in my app. Instead of hitting server
though, I want it to load from a file when I call find. Any clue how
I do that?
2005 Dec 12
Webrick is being stupid...no info on a brand new project
I created a project, made a migration, generated scaffolding...start
up webrick and I get nothing. To simplify things, I just started
another project and generated a controller, still getting nothing.
The index page loads fine, but nothing beyond that. If I go to
anything that should give me a 404, the page is just blank. The
Webrick console just says a 500 (nothing explaining why), and
2006 Jun 07
I want to stick my models in a module
I''ve got enough models now that I''d like to separate them into
modules. For example, I have the class Player that I want to stick in
the Trainer module. I''ve changed the definition to
class Trainer::Player
I''ve created a models/trainer dir, test/unit/trainer, and
test/fixtures/trainer. Change the PlayerTest class to be
Trainer::PlayerTest. I get the
2007 May 21
Just upgraded to 1.0.0, should render_text isn''t working for me
I finally got around to upgrading from 0.8.2 (!!). I had a spec which
looked like
specify "should render abc123" do
controller.should_render :text => "abc123"
get :key
With 1.0.0, the new spec is
it "should render abc123" do
get :key
response.should render_text("abc123")
However it doesn''t work, giving me the error:
2007 Sep 04
Rake tasks getting in the way of edge (uses gem instead)
So I''d been running gem releases of rspec for the past several months,
and I installed edge rspec so that I can use Story Runner.
I''m running into a problem because I''ve got a couple rake tasks that
reference "spec/rake/raketask". If I try to run "rake spec" then it
pulls in the gem version instead of the plugin version. rake blows up
saying that
2007 May 04
Problems with mongrel_cluster on FreeBSD
I''m running FreeBSD 6.1 and installed the mongrel_cluster
prerelease. I had a problem with the mongrels not stopping, and it
turns out it''s because ps is reporting my processes as just
instead of someting more like "mongrel_rails start -d ......."
Not sure why it''s doing that, but it is. Any ideas?
For the time being I just changed line
2007 Apr 09
RCov results seem to include the spec files
I saw the RCov page at http://rspec.rubyforge.org/tools/rcov.html and
decided to add it to my project. My rakefile looks like this:
require "rake"
require "spec/rake/spectask"
desc "Run all specs with RCov"
Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new("spec:rcov") do |t|
t.spec_files = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"]
t.rcov = true
When I run rake spec:rcov,
2005 Dec 21
Rails without a db - how to run tests
I''m writing a simple app that doesn''t need to use a database. I added
:active_record to the config.frameworks -= line in environment.rb
file. This lets me run ./script/generate fine without complaining
about no connection. However if I try to run a functional test, it
complains about no connection being established. Well...I don''t want
a connection to be established.