similar to: Form Array Elements Handling

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2006 Jun 20
Soliciting suggestions - Form within a Form
Greetings! I could use some suggestions on how to proceed from where I am to where I want to go. I''m working on an app that collects info from the visitor and saves it to a file. The file can later be read in for update. To collect the info, the app presents a form with a set of checkboxes. The state of the checkboxes at initial presentation is controlled by a summary record that is
2009 Oct 06
Problems Processing multiple form elements generated by javascript actions
Hi all, After many days of struggling, I have a multi-model form with ajax elements more or less working, but I''m hitting a wall with a few bugs that I can''t figure out. Guidance would be very much appreciated. I''m using the Ryan Bates technique from Advanced Rails recipes to dynamically add and remove elements on a multi-model form.
2005 Aug 19
Form.Element.getValue for checkboxes and radios?
I notice that Form.Element.getValue() takes a single element or id and returns the element name and value. How does one handle getting the values of checkboxes and/or radios which share the same control name, save getting them one at a time? <fieldset> <legend>Medical History</legend> <input name="history_illness" type="checkbox"
2006 Jul 12
Give form elements "fieldWithErrors" class in non-std. way?
All, I want to know how to force an element of my model to be invalid, but not generate any message for it, so that the corresponding form field on a form will show up with the ''fieldWithErrors'' class. I have some checkboxes on my RHTML form, and they are generated with this code <%= check_box_tag("current_job[target_list_ids][]"...etc. %> target_list_ids
2005 May 11
remote tags for form elements (AJAX)
I noticed on that form input elements (the checkboxes) were making remote calls using onClick. I couldn''t find this behavior in the API - did I miss something or is this just a 37signals addition? - Derek
2006 Sep 06
Setting Product Env
When I am using my rails models in my worker class, it appears the background worker class is always using development no matter what I do. I set background.yml to production. I even have ENV[''RAILS_ENV''] ||= ''production uncommented in environment.rb. I don''t have the development db even created on my production box, so not sure where it is getting development
2006 Aug 07
Getting an array of ids from form checkboxes?
Is it possible to set up a list of checkboxes so that the form parameters are given in an array (eg {"delete_list" => [3,6,7]}) ? At the moment I''m using <%= check_box_tag "delete_list[#{}]" %> ...which gives parameters looking like {"delete_list" => {"3" => "1", "6" => "1",
2006 Apr 19
RJS replace_html auto-closing tags
I''m using the following RJS template to spit out a div containing a list of projects: page.replace_html ''results'', ''<div>'' @projects.each do |p| page.insert_html :bottom, ''results'', + "<br/>" end page.insert_html :bottom, ''searchresults'', ''</div>''
2006 Aug 11
how is form data sent to the conntroller?
I''m trying to implement a bunch of checkboxes whose value I need to use to process more code without updating the db. This is my code to for the checkbox in my view input type=checkbox id=<>_selected name=<>[selected]> I guess my question is, when I''m back in the controller, how do I get at the actual value (checked or unchecked)? It
2006 May 03
Business Logic and where to place with rails
I am having an issue of deciding where I should put the business code for example the more complex code coming off the controller. Right now, I am just thinking to put it in the ''lib'' directory and the do something along these lines: require_dependency "system_process" class SystemMessageController < ApplicationController include SystemProcess ... ... Where
2009 Apr 12
rails 2.3 nested forms with has_many through checkboxes
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to combine the new nested forms in rails 2.3 with a has_many through relationship via checkboxes. Basically I have a page model, a page_category model and a category_items join table. Pages have many page categories through category items. The category_items table is polymorphic so i can use it for other models who need categories (maybe this is
2011 May 30
rails habtm checkboxes with jquerymobile
Hi guys, I have a habtm association working properly. My application consists of both a desktop and a mobile version. My mobile version is made with jquerymobile and I would like my checkboxes in the edit form to look like the checkboxes shown in My desktop code is the following: <%= check_box_tag
2007 May 25
check box value in array
Hi guys, I have a group of check box in rails page. check box Code as below: <% for count in @total_cellno %> <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="<%= count %>" /> <% end %> I want to receive the selected value in my controller model. @selected_box << params["checkbox"] I guess that it provides values
2010 Mar 30
How to deal with array of checkbox values in Ruby 1.9.1?
In Ruby 1.9.1 strings are no longer enumerable and string.each is undefined. This causes a problem when parsing values for an array of generated checkboxes since the field value, when submitted, becomes an array of strings. For example: <% for map in Map.find(:all) %> <%= check_box_tag "listing[map_ids][]",, @listing.maps.include? (map) %> <%= map.title %> <%
2006 Apr 22
Checkboxes get reset in sortable element in IE
Hi, I am creating a list of checkboxes and text using this code: <% count = 0 %> <ul id="fields_list"> <% fields_ary.length.times do %> <%= "<li id=''item" %> <%= count %> <%= "''><span class=''chkBox''> <input type=''checkbox''></span><span
2013 May 27
Ransack, acts-as-taggable-on and checkboxes in search form
need some help on ransack filtering. I have model Project, which has many tags through acts_as_taggable gem. Project.rb: class Project < ActiveRecord::Base include PublicActivity::Common belongs_to :customer belongs_to :category has_many :attachments, :as => :attachable has_many :reports, :dependent => :destroy has_many :messages, :dependent
2006 Apr 23
checkboxes for filtered search
I have a page that renders a series of about 20 checkboxes on the left hand side with content on the right. These checkboxes are created from a DB and that part is all working well. What I want to do is have a user click on a checkbox [genres] and have the content on the right be filtered based on the checkbox ticked. If a user clicks on more than one checkbox than only those stories
2006 May 04
Should controllers be "smart"?
I''m working on a small project with a friend, and one of the things we needed to do was send off an email whenever someone signs up an account. His implementation was pretty simple - throw a deliver_welcome call inside the controller after the signup. I''m sure that this is a pretty common thing to do. The problem, in my mind, was that the app now became tied to two places -
2006 Jun 08
MVC and Pagination
Just wondering how to best integrate with pagination and still stick to MVC... Say I have a Post model that has a published attribute. I want to show all the recent published posts on a page. My first instinct is to create a method in the Post model called recent that does the find with proper conditions and order, but the problem I have is how do I use that with pagination (which definitely
2008 Jan 08
HOWTO: Add a new line, Remove new line?
Hello everyone, I have a couple of checkboxes, where each checkbox belongs to a specific input field (which has a value). So whenever the user clicks on the checkbox, each value of the associated input field is added up and placed in the ''result'' ID. I''m using unobtrusive Javascript to make this happen... However I want to able to add and remove a new line (checkbox